While Bilbo was dreaming of breakfast and his hobbit hole and the dwarves were in the process of getting captured by the spiders, Thorin strayed off the path because he could not see anything in the darkness. Later, when Bilbo was fighting a spider, Thorin realized he dispersed from the group and he was all alone, and so he tried finding his way back but unknowingly ended up going the other direction. At the same time Bilbo is messing with the spiders using his ring, Thorin, after walking a long way north spots a camp a few kilometres ahead. On his way to the camp he encounters a Wood elf named Tauriel, who then cuffs his hands and brings him to the king. “What is your name my dear boy? What is your purpose here? Why have you stepped foot in my forest? Are there more of you?” asked the king very serenely. Because Thorin was very uptight he got himself stuck in a sticky situation. He refused to answer any of the kings questions, and therefore …show more content…
After Bilbo and the dwarves had escaped, and noticed that Thorin was missing, they set out to continue their path and search for Thorin. On the other hand, Thorin waited for days and days to pass by. He wondered what had happened to the group, and if they had also been captured by the elves. He wondered if Bilbo was the one who was holding the group behind. “Why did I ever agree to bring the hobbit along my adventure? It is I who should be the one to decide, not Gandalf as it was my father’s kingdom. Why does Gandalf always act like the leader of this group? He isn't even with us!”, ranted Thorin. As the dwarves get captured by the elves, Bilbo figures that Thorin is also trapped in one of the cages. When he finds Thorin, Thorin hears Bilbo’s voice through the keyhole. This was when Bilbo explains everything to Thorin and comes up with a plan to
At the beginning of the adventure, Bilbo was a timid, little hobbit with no idea how to steal or survive outside of his little hobbit hole. When Thorin and the rest of the dwarves first meet Bilbo, they question
Thorin is a great leader and he makes me want to learn the qualities that it takes to be a leader as great as he is. Right now I am in Peer Leadership learning about the characteristics that it takes to be a leader. The loyalty that he shows to his friends is truly astounding. Through any trial they face he will make sure to get through with everyone or he will die trying. One thing that I always try to do is work with all my friends that are with me so nobody is left out. The most important trait that Thorin shows is forgiveness. In the end of the book, Bilbo steals Thorin’s grandfather’s precious stone and Thorin uses his last breath to forgive Bilbo and die happy. I like to forgive others for the mistakes they make and try not to let the problem get out of
Many of us 7th graders think of a hero as something that has super powers. That is not always what a hero is, they could be the protagonist in a book. A hero that means a lot to me is Bilbo. Bilbo is the protagonist in the book "The Hobbit". This book is one of my favorite and I really enjoy reading it. The book is a very challenging but enjoyable at the same time. The hero's journey is the path or route that a main character takes in a book to become a savior or hero at the end of the book.
It states here, in the chapter of Inside Information, “Already they had come to respect little Bilbo. Now he had become the real leader in their adventure. He had begun to have ideas and plans of his own” (Tolkien 221). Here, the author clearly identifies how Bilbo is suppose to be the new team leader and how he is evolving into an intimately smarter hobbit, than when he first began his journey with the dwarves. It shows how he is developing leadership skills and also getting more intelligent throughout his trip. In contrast, the movie shows how Thorin takes charge in planning and decision making (Jackson). He did this to connect the sequel, Lord Of The Ring. This was not very effective because it twists the purpose of J.R.R Tolkien’s reason for having Bilbo in the scene. The story is suppose to be mainly about how Bilbo develops a more high standard personality. In the movie, it has Thorin speaking almost all the time and Thorin making the great impacts in their times of need (Jackson). They zoom in on his face in most parts of the movie. The way Peter Jackson manipulated this scene, took away the main idea,
This leads the reader to believe that he is the most important of the previously mentioned dwarves. The book later goes on and says that Thorin is the grandson of the previous King Under the Mountain, these two notations lead the reader to believe that he is the rightful heir to the throne making him the ruler of the dwarves and therefore their patriarch, ¨ ´...Anyway they grew immensely rich and famous and my grandfather (Thrain) was King under the Mountain again, ¨ (Tolkien 22). This is important as it gives the backstory of Thorin, and why he is considered the patriarch of the group. During the entire journey, Thorin also acts as the head of their group, an example of this is when he talks to the men and elves instead of any other dwarf, ¨ Again Thorin hailed them in a loud voice...¨ (Tolkien 240), and when he told Oin
Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit living in the Shire having a peaceful quiet life in his hobbit hole. One day after living a life of leisure and pleasure he is awakened by a rude knock on his door. In a matter of a few hours he will meet the people that changed his life for good. The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien is a story about a hobbit and his adventure. His adventure starts with a knock on his door by his old Friend Gandalf. Gandalf then promptly asks Bilbo”I am looking for someone to share in an adventure”(tolkien). Bilbo then denies Gandalf and continuous with his usual day until that night. When Bilbo is about to eat his dinner he gets a knock. He opens it to find two dwarves Dwalin and Balin. Bilbo 's shocked but invites them in. Bilbo does this eval times until he 's left with thirteen dwarves Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Dori, Ori, Nori, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, and Thorin Oakenshield. They then invite him on a quest that would change his life. During his quest he faces many evils and overcomes them all to become a hero.
“I wish I could be a hero!” Many adults in today’s society hear small children wishing they could become heroes. Children wish to be more like heroes for the reason that heroes are the type of people who risk their lives to help others. Throughout history, children have had a positive connotation with the word “hero.” The heroes many small children talk about are the fictional ones who protect cities from villains: Superman, Batman, Spiderman, and others. However, these are not the only types of heroes in today’s world. Firefighters and policemen are also considered heroes because they save the lives of those in danger. Many adults consider their inspirations to be heroes, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin
J.R.R. Tolkien throws us a curveball when he included the character change of Thorin, one of the mentors for Bilbo. He drew the reader's main focus to Bilbo because he is our main hero or the main character of the story. As the story develops,
Eventually he becomes their leader, despite Thorin's position as heir to the king of Thror. Bilbo, as the chief characters, is included in each theme and instalment in the novel. The quest, which primarily belonged to the dwarves developed into being his as well. In verity, the pursuit for Bilbo is not only for the treasure, but for his own self-discovery. At the start, however, he does not know this.
Later, Thorin got trapped by wood-elves and was sent to prison. The rest of the dwarves were also sent to prison later after being trapped by the wood-elves. Since Bilbo had his invisible ring on, the King did not see Bilbo. Bilbo helped the dwarves, including Thorin who was in a cell on the opposite side of the prison, escape from the jail. By doing this, Bilbo was being the head of the group and spying on the King just to figure out how to get the dwarves out of the prison. Thankfully, Bilbo was successful and proved to be a wonderful
Also their people had to sacrifice greatly for there to be peace again in the Lonely Mountain. Thorin, however, was merciless and refused to allow the men and elves to come closer to the Mountain as he built a wall to block them from the entrance of the mountain. His greedy nature truly showed when Bilbo announced that he hand handed over the Arkenstone to Bard and the
Thorin II Oakinshield is the heir to the dwarven throne in the east, under the Lonely Mountain near the ruins of Dale. His family and people are driven out by a great and terrible dragon named Smaug. After this catastrophe he and the remainder of his people wander middle earth looking for work and settling where they can. Thorin leads them for some time before meeting with a Wizard by the name of Gandalf, who convinces Thorin and his company of dwarves that they should invest in a burglar and go retake their homes. Thorin and Company meet Gandalf at the home of a hobbit by the name of Bilbo Baggins and recruit him for their escapade thus beginning the quest.
Thorin does have a right to take his group on the journey because the entire task is more like a group effort. If Thorin did not bring the group of dwarves and Bilbo, the journey would have soon ended and Thorin would not have been able to complete the journey and his task would have been a waste. Each dwarf and Bilbo had a part to play. Thorin didn’t just rely on himself but the bravery and skill of his fellow dwarves and Bilbo. Without them, the Hobbit would not
The mutual expression of valuing the other through the hardly subtle `you have a place among us´ and `I trust you to lead us true´ has great importance for them as well, though they don't quite show it. In that I believe Thorin and Bilbo to be quite equal: the ability to just not talk about stuff directly. That's also why they see each other's idiocies, but not their own, and I'm be damned if I don't want to throttle all of
Following his discovery of the ring, Bilbo begins to face danger (Mathews 36). During the trip in the forest of Mirkwood, Bilbo uses Gandalf's absence to confirm his position as leader of the group through the memorable battle against the spiders (Mathews 38). Tolkien illustrates the importance of this combat through his words: "Somehow, the killing this giant spider, all alone by himself in the dark made a great difference to Mr. Baggins. He felt like a different person, and much fiercer and bolder in spite of an empty stomach, as he wiped his sword on the grass and put it back into its sheath. I will give you a name', he said to it, and I shall call you Sting.'" The author thus stresses the importance of this incident (Tolkien 154). The naming of swords at that time was a sign of that heroism displayed by great warriors, and shows that Bilbo is gaining self-confidence and bravery (The 1924). The escape from the spiders brought about another challenge, the escape from the elves. Although the elves would most likely have released their prisoners after some time because of their natural righteousness, a delay would have prevented the dwarves from entering the mountain through the secret passage. Bilbo proves that he has the mental toughness of a hero by using brilliant strategy to enable his friends to escape unnoticed by the elves (Tolkien