
Who Is Charlie Gordon Get Smarter In Flowers For Algernon

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Flowers for Algernon is a short fictional story that is written in the form of a journal by Charlie Gordon, a man with a clearly illustrated learning disability. In this story Charlie Gordon was picked as the first human and second test subject for an experiment that was meant to triple any ones IQ level. Dr. Strauss tells Charlie Gordon to write Progress Reports about his days and this is how the story is presented to the reader. When Charlie Gordon has his surgery that was meant to make him starter, did he actually get smarter, or does he only perceive that he gets smarter? Since it is said early on that Charlie Gordon has always wanted to be smart, maybe this is his minds way of escaping his everyday life and becoming a genius, just to …show more content…

Strauss and Nemur have Charlie watch while he sleeps. These videos leek into Charlie's subconscious and aid him in perceiving his alternative reality. But then how could Miss Kinnian possibly communicate to Charlie, if he is actually speaking gibberish. Charlie's mind is so heavily attached to Miss Kinnian, as she is truly the closest thing to him. This attachment can be compared to a baby duck and the duck's mother or something that the duck imprinted on. Maybe Charlie has actually imprinted on Miss Kinnian. This leads to my explanation of this question, Charlie's mind can not completely separate Charlie from Miss Kinnian without complete sadness and depression, so his mind instead tries to slowly take away parts of Miss Kinnian, which does not take away a lot of sadness, and does not give him a lot of happiness. If his mind perceived Miss Kinnian to be as much of a genius as Charlie, he would be very happy because there is finally someone to understand him. This might even break his dream state and he would be sad because he has no hope that anyone understands him. So when Charlie perceives that he is talking about complex math theories, he perceives that Miss Kinnian actually replies to him, instead of having her stare at him blankly like almost everyone

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