
Who Is Citizen Kane?

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“The innovation and diffusion phases of transformation took place between 1926 and 1930. Seemingly overnight the silent film era ended; by 1930 Hollywood switched completely to talkies. In 1925 silent filmmaking was the standard; a mere five years later Hollywood produced only films with sound….Within nine months, formerly perplexing technical problems were resolved, marketing and distribution strategies were reworked, soundproof studios were constructed, and 15,000 theaters were wired for sound.” (Gomery and Pafort-Overduin) “Citizen Kane” (1941), is an American mystery drama film produced, directed, stared, and co-screenwriten by Orson Wells’ in his first feature length film. Co-stars of the film included: Joseph Cotton, Dorothy Comingore, Everett Sloane, Ray Collins, George Coulouris, Agnes Moorehead, Paul Stewart, Ruth Warrick, Erskine Sanford, and William Alland. Welles examines the life of the fictional character, Charles Foster Kane whom Welles was inspired by his disdain for William Randolph Hearst. Narrated principally through flashbacks, the research of a newsreel reporter is charged with solving the mystery of Kane’s last dying word: “Rosebud.” (Welles) …show more content…

October 30, 1938, Welles secured his fame as a dramatist with his radio broadcast “The War of the Worlds” written by HG Wells in 1898. ( A&E Television Networks Staff) As a result of his unorthodox style, Hollywood, specifically RKO Pictures, courted Welles when he pitched to them his idea for Citizen Kane. Welles was given carte blanche on the movie, another first in Hollywood for an untried director. Welles was given the freedom to develop his own story, use cast and crew of his choosing, and to have final cut privilege. The result was nothing less than magic on the screen with many first in innovations for the movie

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