Vincent Van Gogh is a widely known painter throughout the world for multiple reasons. His paintings weren’t just paintings, they were life experiences. Van Gogh’s life was an emotional and mental rollercoaster. Every single one of his paintings contained a story behind them. The visual aspect seemed as if they were full of motion. His painting techniques seemed to be impeccable. During the time period in which he was working on art, there was a big movement called the Impressionism Movement. This movement inspired artist to draw more landscapes and incorporate motion into their art. Van Gogh took full advantage of this movement. Van Gogh’s hard life and painting strategies are what made him so amazing as an all around artist. One of Van Gogh’s …show more content…
When looking at the painting, dark blues consume most of the image. The portrait of Dr.Gachet is painted with a sad, gloomy expression on his face. The painting, by Van Gogh, has a strong connection to Vincent’s personal life and relationships. This allows Vincent to apply his feelings and experiences through the art. Dr.Gachet was a close friend of Vincent’s brother Theo. Dr.Gachet was an actual doctor that focused on homeopathic cures. He brought Vincent into his own home to try and assist with his severe condition of depression as much as he possibly could. With living in a house together Vincent and Dr.Gachet became close friends. Dr.Gachet even began painting as a side hobby. Vincent would often show Dr.Gachet some small techniques when it came to painting. Dr.Gachet became a man the Van Gogh became slightly attached to. The look on Dr.Gachet’s face in the portrait is supposed to resemble the sadness that Van Gogh had felt. Vincent felt as if his depression may have worn off on the doctor. In the article Portrait of Dr.Gachet(July 2006) by Sandra Bertman, it states, ”Van Gogh felt particular affinity for him on account of their similar bouts with depression and their dependency on their vocation for emotional and intellectual fulfillment”(para.3). With knowing the background of Dr.Gachet’s
In my research / readings of my chosen Artist, I found a lot of information about them that I will descibe individually. Based on the biography, It has been stated that Vincent “was a most well known post-impressionism Artist, for whom color was the chief symbol of expression, he was highly emotional, lacked self-confidence and struggled with his identity and with direction.” (Templeton Reid) In the late 1800’s is when Vincent basically made the decision to become an Artist, in which he wanted to provide some type of Happiness because he was able to create beauty (Templeton Reid). As you review the art chosen above by Vincent Van Gogh, you will notice the colors used were dark i.e. Greens, Oranges, Blues, with splashes of yellow to create the sun, which led me to believe that maybe this was when he was in the dark place of his life. In the Van Gogh painting, I see big trees with the nice bright sun shining over the blue water, while looking at the trees it makes me feel safe because of the openness of the surrounding space, also the brightness of the sun and the coolness of the water makes me calm and relaxed, it’s just something about being in nature that gives me a sense of peace and direction, nothing to distract or disturb me.
In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, there are several examples of courage between each of the characters. Harper Lee has shown throughout the novel, that many people have demons they’re fighting, in or out of the bodies or mind. By showing the characters conflicts between themselves and other people, Lee has proven that being courageous is not only physical but mentally too. Some examples of both ways is when Scout decides that she will not fight any more, Scout realising that Atticus is a lot more courageous than she thinks, and Atticus throughout the Tom Robinson case.
Vincent Van Gogh is one of the most famous painters of all time. His style was post-impressionism. He was a Dutch man, born in an averaged sized town called Groot-Zundert, Netherlands. The reason he became an artist, and the thing that influenced him the most to become an artist was actually his mother. His mother was interested in nature, she did a lot of drawing and watercolors and that really influenced her son heavily and got him into art. When he was fifteen years old, his family was really struggling with their finances. Because of this, he was forced to get a job and help them provide. It ended up that his uncle owned an art dealership, so he got a job there.
Van Gogh felt believed that paintings were conceived in the imagination. He felt like a failure trying to findhis style. Van Gogh painted from nature and working in series. He thought of “A Starry Night” as a religious journey, as like a map, we follow the stars to our death. He was immensely immersed in religion with disillusion not far behind at this time in his life. He believed in life after death andwanted his paintings to show some religious depth. He talked extensively of existing in anotherdimension and used the sky as that
Cynthia Saltzman, a former Forbes and Wall Street Journal reporter, investigates the history of the famous Vincent van Gogh’s work Portrait of Dr. Gachet by telling a century-long story of this single masterpiece's journey. Instead of focusing on the van Gogh’s background and the painting itself, Saltzman meticulously provides a case study of how the modern art market developed and how the forces of money, politics and taste can ensure that genius will out. From 1890 to 1990, the painting was taken from van Gogh's easel and valued as “an obscure object worth at most a few hundred francs” at beginning. It then was hung in private homes and world-famous museums, and traveled to Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Amsterdam and New York with 13 different owners.
A great artist once wrote, “If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced”. This artist was Vincent van Gogh, soon to be an appraised artist known all around the world for his works, such as Starry Night. He is one of the very first artists of the post-impressionist style than is now adored in every continent. However, there is much more to the man than one painting. Creating a full timeline that stretches beyond Gogh’s life, this paper will discuss the life of Vincent van Gogh and the impression he made on the world.
While the painters after the Impressionism period were collectively called the “Post-Impressionists,” the label is quite reductive. Each artist had their own unique style, from Seurat’s pointillism to Signac’s mosaic-like divisionism, Cezanne, Émile Bernard, and others. These artists were all connected in that they were reacting to the aesthetics of Impressionism. Two of the more influential painters from this movement were Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin, who aimed to connect with viewers on a deeper level by access Nature’s mystery and meaning beyond its superficial, observable level. However, each artist’s approach to achieving this goal was different. In close examination of Vincent van Gogh’s Self-Portrait (Dedicated to Paul Gauguin) and Paul Gauguin’s Self-Portrait with Portrait of Émile Bernard (Les misérables), one may clearly see the two artists’ contrasting styles on display.
Edgar Allen Poe was an American author/poet best known for his mysterious and gothic tales. He has written numerous short tales, one of which is named The Tell Tale heart written in the year of 1843, during the Victorian era where gothic revival architecture became increasingly significant. The story consist of an anonymous narrator who is perceived to be in a state of insanity neglecting his sense of humanity driven by the old man’s eye. The story length in duration traverses a period of 8 nights with the essence approximating around midnight. The narrator is a care taker in presence of the elderly man’s house hold in which he is aggravated.
Vincent van Gogh was one of many artists who self taught himself, who transformed the appearance of Post-Impressionism incessantly. His main focuses were his paintings, which he mostly painted in oil mediums. In his time, he has produced lot of paintings, most of which were of cityscapes, figure and landscape scenery. Unlike Pablo
This masterpiece was painted by Van Gogh in 1889 while he was receiving treatment in Saint-Paul-de-Mausole, a mental asylum. The beautiful painting that many people have come to love today was never appreciated during its own time. Various art critics thought that the large brush strokes Van Gogh had made in Starry Night seemed “messy” and “childlike”. The strokes also convinced people that Van Gogh was truly crazy and that he was not as talented as other artists. Yet the pencil thick lines are what made the painting look hyper-realistic and eye-catching. They have a calming, consistent effect on people whose eyes want to follow the swirls and lines. The brush strokes that Van Gogh added more texture, detail, and blended the colors easily to one another in Starry Night. The realistic details make it feel as if the painting is trying to get a message across to the public. With every line that Vincent van Gogh had made he put as much feelings into them as he did with effort.
The portrait of Dr. Gachet is one of Vincent van Gogh’s most revered portraits. There are two authenticated versions of the wonderful painting. They are both oil on canvas, and were made in June, 1890. They are easily distinguished by their different colours and the way uses to make them. The first one was auctioned at a record price of $82.5 million when sold in New York. It depicts Dr. Paul Gachet, who took care of Van Gogh during the months of his life.
Observers of Van Gogh’s life believed that his eccentricities, compounded to create many distressing experiences that directly impacted the development of Expressionism. This was visible from his early childhood. Painting was no longer seen through pictures, it became a crucible that could hold all of the artist’s passions, conflicts, and unrealized dreams. (
Kings theory focuses on human transactions in different types of environments. Da Silva and Ferreira (2016) state that “when users effectively communicate their values with nursing professionals, their participation can conduct to better goal achievement”. As patients and nurses work together, a bond forms, and this can help to achieve better outcomes. Smith and Parker (2016, p.136) stated that “nursing care’s goal is to help individuals maintain health or regain health”. Through King’s Theory of Goal Attainment, we can see how different concepts can affect the nurse-patient relationship.
Vincent Van Gogh was formed by his social, cultural and historical context. This is expressed clearly in the underlying stories of both paintings, Starry Night, 1889 and Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear, 1889. Both of these paintings portray a narrative relating to Van Gogh significantly as he emotionally connects to the subject in each painting. Van Gogh’s aim of these subjective works was to express meaning through colour and express the painting to a more personal emotion for the viewer. Van Gogh belonged to a small style of Post Impressionism which was a reaction against Impressionism and their formality.
Vincent Van Gogh had a rather depressing life. After being born into an upper-middle class family he quickly became depressed in life. He tried different things like working as an art dealer, becoming a Protestant missionary, and so on. None of these stuck for him as his mental health continued to decline. He was already a quiet, keep to himself kind of person, but over time he became more isolated. He got help from his younger brother Theo in the form of money and moved back home with his parents. This is when he began painting and eventually moved to Paris. Once moving there his paintings became more colorful and his painting style began to develop. He also began suffering from delusions and psychotic episodes and began neglecting his health by eating less and drinking alcohol more frequently and in