
Who Is Janet Mock's Gender Identity?

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Mercedes Ruehl, an Oscar and Tony Award-winning actress, once claims, ”Nature chooses who will be transgender; individuals don't choose this.” Janet Mock is a natural-born girl, but God puts her in the wrong frame. Society and her family should not blame her to be a transgender youth. People should give respect and support for those who suffer from the trouble to identity themselves. However, her childhood experiences with finding and expressing her gender identity is not going smoothly. Janet Mock not only feels the pressure from society, but also from her beloved family members. The important lesson her mother, grandmother and sister taught her in her early childhood is that hiding true identity can help her to keep away from laughter and scold, especially those with malicious intent. Her family members believed that they were rising a boy child, and a boy should not act or wear anything that is feminine. “This [Western culture’s gender binary] system proclaims that sex is determined at birth,” Janet Mock claims. “You should act …show more content…

He came up with punishment and threats to stop his boy to behave like a girl. Janet proclaims that she wants to be a secretary when her teacher asked in the class. She states, “That’s so me, I thought, attracted to the elementary hyper-feminine, submissive depiction of womanhood — a sharp contrast to the masculine world where I lived with my father” (37). Parents always want to give “the best” for their children, but the idea of the best is base upon their experience and learning of the world. Janet’s father believed bicycle, all kinds of balls, and video games are what Janet should be interested in. Therefore, he cannot believe why his boy would choose a “woman” job as his dream job. Her father believed that he was doing his job to guide and protect her baby son to get target or hut from others. However, his way of “love” isolated Janet from the rest of the

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