Martin Luther King Jr. was a social justice leader, ambassador, and an icon to the African American communities in the United States during the !950’s and 1960’s. He was an icon for what he did in his lifetime that made him so well known. He all around helped the community and gave awareness to what he was trying to say. He wanted peace, freedom, and equality no matter what religion and race you were. He tried to express this to many people. Results of this ended with him going to jail for protesting on what he believed in. He had a major impact on influencing others on the awareness on race relations in the United States. His marches, speeches, and leadership started in the mid 1950’s to ban segregation the United States. This was the era of segregation and discrimination against other men, woman, boys, and girls. The era of what race you were and what you believed in. Martin Luther King Jr was born on January 15, 1929 in Georgia, United States.
He had an older sister and a younger brother.
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He even went to colleges for doctoral study to become a doctor. Martin then enrolled into Boston University to receive a Ph.D. He was awarded the degree in 1955 and was only 25 years old when this happened.
He was widely known for the marches he led and the speeches he gave to the African American community. It wasn't just the African Americans, he also wanted to spread out this message to every race that was affected by this. On August 28, 1963 the historic march on Washington was known for drawing over 200,000 marchers and participators to hear the speeches. Martin Luther King jr.’s speech was his most famous speech named “I Have A Dream”.
He had a career of being a very influential social justice leader and icon. He had many successes and times he would be thrown in jail. On April 4, 1968 he was shot by a man named James Earl Ray. He was shot by a sniper’s bullet and was announced dead. Many people
Martin Luther King was a honourable leader during his time he was famous for his speech “ I had a dream’ In this speech he calls for an end to racism in the United States and preaches his vision of a society in which race was not an issue in how people were treated or in how they were allowed to live their lives. Because of this speech the Negros respected him. He said this speech in front of millions who came to listen and for that he is a very brave man.
In the years before us had tough things to go through such as racism, having to sit at the back of the bus, having to split off the water fountains for black people and caucasian people, but mostly black people had to go through all of this just to live a decent life upon their own or with their family.
Dr. Martin Luther King was a husband, father, preacher and civil rights activist. He rallied in peaceful marches to end segregation along with black and white supporters. He sought total freedom for his people. By all accounts he was a great man; who did
Martin Luther King Jr. was a hero to some and a villain, to others but no matter what way the people viewed him, he influenced US history forever. He was an African-American Baptist minister, a social activist from Georgia, a father of four children, and a loving husband. He stood for peace, equality, and justice, especially for African Americans and the socially disadvantaged. The pastor became a Civil Rights leader due to the tension in the south. Little did he know, he became the man that was considered to be the driving force behind the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights activist whom was born in January in Georgia. He won a Noble Peace Prize for stopping segregation without any violence and for his "I Have a Dream Speech"! He gave that most famous speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial. He did many boycotts and met the one and only Rosa Parks who was most idolized for stepping up to a white man on the bus. Later a tragedy happened. It was all over the news, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. Everyone was devastated even to this day.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was one of the main African Americans in the Civil Rights Movement. He always had his ways to help his people and never gave up on being equal. He fought for what he wanted and did everything he could to help everyone get equal rights. Martin Luther King, Jr. risked his life to get equal rights. Although Martin Luther King, Jr. did a lot of things that weren’t
The events that he led were towards getting equal right, and he has led many events. Two of his most well known events that he has led are the Montgomery bus boycott, and when he led people across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. He led the Montgomery bus boycott by making and organizing the protests, he was also protesting with his peers. In addition to that, he led people across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama; he was the leader of the people by directing the way to go. Martin Luther King Jr continued to show his leadership skills until he died. Another example of him doing that was when he delivered his I have a dream speech. That speech led black people to fight for equal rights, eventually they won equal rights. Still, to this day people look at that speech and try to become great leaders, just like Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King Jr. is a well known and an inspiring man to all cultures of the world. King was and still is one of the most influential heroes. King 's views and believes helped African Americans through the 50 's and 60 's to the rights and liberties that was their right. King faced many obstacles on his journey, things like jail and even assassination attempts. Despite these obstacles, he became a successful leader during the Civil Rights Movement and after his death, by guiding African Americans in a non-violent and positive direction for the fight to secure rights and equality for blacks.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a vital figure of the modern era. His lectures and dialogues stirred the concern and sparked the conscience of a generation. The movements and marches he led brought significant changes in the fabric of American life through his courage and selfless devotion. This devotion gave direction to thirteen years of civil rights activities. His
Martin Luther King Jr. was very important during the times where African Americans were not being treated equally and being discriminated. He fought for what was right without using violence. He spread his massages throughout the world. When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man, activist decided to set up a boycott. This became known as the Montgomery bus boycott. King was chosen to be the protest’s leader and spokesperson. About a
The tremendous man known as Martin Luther King Junior was born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1929 on January 15. In 1951, King would graduate as the valedictorian of his class from the Crozer Theological Seminary. After high school, King would be heavily influenced by the President of Morehouse College, Benjamin E. Mays. Mays would lead King to become a Christian. After receiving several offers from colleges such as, Yale and Edinburgh in Scotland, King would choose to attend Boston University. At Boston University, King would study for his doctorate degree. During his time in Boston, King would meet his soon to be wife, Coretta Scott whom was an aspiring musician at
Martin Luther King, born on January 15, 1929 was a young African American man who believed firmly in social change at the time. He was a leader in the discrimination of the "Negro" population in America. He believed strongly that all Negros should have the same equal rights and freedoms as whites do in America.
He was arrested around twenty times and assaulted at least four times. He was also becoming discouraged at the slow progress of civil rights. In the spring of 1968, a labor strike in Memphis caught his attention and became his last crusade. On April 3rd Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech where he told supporters, “I’ve seen the promised land. I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we, as a people, will get to the promised land.” The very next day on April 4th, while standing on a balcony outside his Motel room, Martin Luther King Jr. was hit by a sniper’s bullet. The shooter was a former convict named James Earl Ray. The killing caused riots and demonstrations in more than 100 cities across the country.
Martin Luther King Jr is involved in the civil rights movement.Not only was he the leader of the movement but also encouraged the importance of not using violence no matter the cause, and made sure that every race not just African Americanafrican americans were treated equally. Because of what he did, it changed the way we are today.
Martin Luther King jr was a preacher who wanted to make it so all races had the same rights. He helped make it so all races could be peaceful and live together. He gave the speeches to try to help America understand that African Americans were not free and that they wanted rights to vote, ride in front of the bus and other things they couldn't do but whites could.