
Who Is Martin Luther King Motivate His Audience

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What elements Martin Luther King, Jr. uses to captivate the audience? Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr used various elements to captivate his audience. First and foremost, his opening statement captured the people’s attention, building a momentum, and enticing the audience to want to hear more about what he had to say. He did this by starting his speech in saying that, basically, America failed to fulfill the forefather’s promise to the blacks. This was a surprising statement that described a huge conflict in the US allowing him that very moment to build a momentum when he announced that his call to freedom would be one that would forever be remembered in history. His opening statement resonated with his audience because the issue was one that everyone …show more content…

In addition, he used the repetition of words to emphasize the significance of his entire speech. Two examples of repetition in his speech are when he used the phrases, “ I have a dream” and “Let freedom ring,” at the beginning of several points and sentences, so that the audience could visualize exactly what he envisioned in his dream and in his country full of freedoms. What characteristics does Martin Luther King, Jr. show that qualify him as a good speaker. Martin Luther King, Jr. portrayed many characteristics of a good speaker. As he addressed the audience, he stood firm and straight in front of the podium and he appeared to be confident, sincere, passionate, and energetic about his topic and about the occasion. He spoke in a conversational manner, using a moderate speed, but in addition, he spoke with conviction while he engaged his audience via eye contact. He used his body language and gestures to emit and emphasize his message in conjunction with his words. Before he Carlo J Hiraldo 8043 03/29/2016 expressed an important idea, he briefly paused before and after each thought, allowing the audience to analyze the situation and be able to fully understand his mission and

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