
Who Is Montresor Evil

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In the beginning of the story”The cask of Amontillado”, Allan Poe, pictures Montresor as an evil or a villain monster who does not value someone else life by taking away Fortunato’s life. In paragraph one, he was bragging about the killing with any guilt or remorse; it seems that Montresor was very proud about his accomplishment for killing Fortunato. The only motif that Montresor had to kill Fornunado just for the fact he had insulted him over the years. As an illustration in paragraph one when he said “The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge....At length I would be avenged; this was a point definitely settled....I must not only punish, but punish with impunity." (Page 157) Montresor was on a quest for vengeance, that he would not let anything step on his way to commit the …show more content…

Montresor was very cleaver and carefully planned the perfect time for the murder. He had chosen a holyday and decided to release all his servants for the perfect plot. With that being said, Montresor tricked Fortunato into the cask by using his weakness for wine connoisseur for the killing. In the middle of the story, Poe uses a sarcastic tone when Montresor was talking to Fortunato before killing him. From a critical analysis point of view of the cask of amontillado, Poe used each name as a metaphor figure to explain each character in the story. All the names have a special meaning to the author. For example, Fortunato means that he was really fortunate and wealthy, as far for Montresor; he was pictured as villain monster who want to kill for pleasure in the name of justice. As the story continued Montresor wanted to kill Fortunato to make him suffer for all the harms that he believes that he had done to him over the years. Montresor was on the quest for vengeance and was looking for Fortunato to kill him. The following illustration on

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