
Who Is Napoleon's Power In Animal Farm

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Napoleon’s Corrupt Power There was a couple of themes in the novel, “ Animal Farm” and one of them was that power corrupts those who possess it. Orwell brings out the idea through the character of Napoleon when he takes over the farm as leader and starts making changes. Napoleon gained more power and wanted to keep it for himself. He had took advantage of the animals, making new rules, and breaking the Seven Commandments. After the death of Old Major, Snowball, Squealer, and Napoleon take over his place. Snowball was the intelligent pig and had more loyalty of the other animals. Snowball created a committee which wanted to accomplish goals like help animals with reading and writing. Napoleon did not want anything to do with Snowball’s committee and instead takes Jessie’s and Bluebell’s puppies and trains them secretly on his own. The new leaders did not have the same mindset as …show more content…

Squealer convinces the animals that Snowball was a traitor and that Napoleon will now be leading the farm. Boxer, a cart-wheel horse, accepts Napoleon’s decision and states, “i will work harder”. Throughout the novel, Napoleon’s power had corrupted all The Seven Commandments and Animalism. “Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy”. This commandment was broken when Napoleon started trading with humans. “Whatever goes upon four legs, or has a wing, is a friend”. Napoleon had chased Snowball off the farm and makes him seem as the enemy to all the animals. “No animal shall drink alcohol”. In chapter eight in the novel, Napoleon drinks whiskey for the first time and has a bad hangover the next day thinking that he was going to die. “No animal shall kill any other animal”. The hens try to rebel against Napoleon, but he brutally slaughtered them. The biggest commandment that fell was the 7th commandment,” all animals are equal”. This was changed to “all animals are equal, but some are more equal than

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