
Who Is Oedipus A Victim Of Fate

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It is often believed that the gods decide what your fate shall be; once your fate is chosen, you cannot change it, you can only hope to cease it or decide to embrace it. In the play, Oedipus Rex, fate brought tragedy upon Oedipus’s life, as well as his family, who included his mother- who chose to be ridden with oblivion as well as Oedipus's as they wed and created a family, which in this modern day and age would prove to be very unsanctified and flagrant. No matter how hard Oedipus tried to run from his fate, it casted a shadow over his life and became a victim to its grasp the more he chose to turn a blind eye to the truth that some may say “set him free”; that he would marry his mother and kill his father. Oedipus’s pride proved to be his biggest downfall in the play; he let his pride get in the way of how he reigned and how he lived his life as a father, a king, and a husband. …show more content…

Oedipus has flaws and virtues as do any other human; obsession with his own dignity as shown in him verbally attacking the prophet Tieresias and he also yearned to uncover the truth. As Aristotle once said, “We are to determine the arete of man qua man in much the same way as we determine it in any other case; by their works shall we know them.” However, Oedipus’s fate is in correlation with his destiny; his life preordained by the greek gods, immutable as even the gods themselves could not alter his fate, nor his destiny. Oedipus’s “sin” was endeavoring to defy his fate by running away from Corinth, and ironically, it came to fulfill his destiny in

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