
Who Is Oedipus Blinds Himself

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In the exodus of the tragedy of Oedipus, Oedipus blinds himself by “‘[Ripping] off [his wife’s] brooches, the long gold pins”’(OT 1402), and stabbing the object in his eyes. There are multiple reasons behind this madness. As stated above, Oedipus removes the brooches from his wife’s robe. This action results in allowing Oedipus to view Jocasta’s breast. The breast, especially in the time of Oedipus, were a symbol of life and nourishment. This not only reminds Oedipus of the times he has spent with his mother as an infant, but of the pleasurable times he has spent with his wife as a husband. Oedipus cannot bear the sight of his wife’s breast due to all the symbolism behind it. As a result, he digs the long pins into his eyes. In addition to this reason, Oedipus blinds himself because he cannot look his loved ones in the eyes. …show more content…

Or mother”’(OT 1501-1502). Additionally, Oedipus depicts, “‘Worse yet,/ the sight of my children”’(OT 1504-1505). Oedipus, man of agony, is so disappointed in his actions that he cannot bear to look at his own children in the eyes. Oedipus has experienced unimaginable misfortune. If only he understood that none of this was his doing. His fate was set the day of his birth. Oedipus’s life has been filled with only pain. Later, as Oedipus is speaking to Creon, he mentions, “‘ Nothing I could see could bring me joy”’(OT

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