
Who Is Paul Mccartney's Song 'I Saw Her Standing There'?

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“I Saw Her Standing There” from 1963 was one of the songs that established the Beatles fever in the United States. “Drive My Car” from the inspirational album Rubber Soul helped set a new direction for the band. “Penny Lane” released as a response song to “Strawberry Fields Forever” in 1967. It was from another period of their career. Their psychedelic period. These three songs were all written by Paul McCartney under the supervision of the famous producer George Martin. Although the creators behind these songs were same, they have contributed to the band’s career in various ways. “I Saw Her Standing There” has an energetic feel that made it just appropriate for it to become the very first song in the very first album. The energetic feel …show more content…

Their music matured from the rough music they played in the cavern of Hamburg. They explored through lyrics, instrumentation and recording techniques to pursue their sound. “Drive My Car” was one of the tracks from this album. The significant part of its instrumentation is the cowbell Ringo played with drums that adds an accent on to the song. Also, the tambourine played by John and bass played by Paul supports the basis of this bluesy and R&B like song. What influences it to sound bluesy is the unstableness between D and G major. The chord progression from D→G→A makes it look like the key is obviously D major. But on the other hand, the vocal line insistently goes on the note G, which tricks the listeners from thinking it to be a G major song. Another aspect that forms “Drive My Car” is the strong, low riff lines of bass and guitar. The riff lines were worked by Paul and George. When they were coming up with ideas, George suggested bass and guitar’s pair playing inspired from Otis Redding’s “Respect” that he had been listening to. As a result, “Drive My Car” has a strong bottom end, similar to R&B songs from Stax artists. “Drive My Car” and “I Saw Her Standing There” are both filled with energetic mood, but structurally “Drive My Car” is sophisticated, reflecting the band’s …show more content…

Beatles tried to break away from the traditional aesthetics of rock music in the psychedelic period. They experimented with surrealistic lyrics and mixture of different genres of music. “Penny Lane” was released in double A-side single along with “Strawberry Field Forever”, which sang about John’s childhood memories. Similarly, “Penny Lane” sings about Paul’s memories surrounding the actual place in Liverpool, but in fact unrealistically. The line “beneath the suburban sky” seems to imply a sunny summer day, but followed by “the fireman rushes in from the pouring rain” implying rain and “selling poppies from a tray” implying winter. Many people suggest that the confused settings of this narrative derives from Paul’s LSD experience. Other songs from this era such as “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”, “With a Little Help From My Friends”, and even “Strawberry Fields Forever” are said to be composed from their drug experiences. The structure also enhances the ambiguity and fuzziness of this song. The form of three refrains intervened with verses is completely cyclical giving the feel of folk. At the same time, the instrumentation of flutes, trumpets, horns, piccolos, double bass, and oboe gives a classical feel as well. Rhythmically, it progresses through march-like pulse making it harder rocking than “Eleanor Rigby” although they both share classical elements. Thus, variation of music genres mashed together

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