
Who Is Peter Chiarelli´s The Proposal '?

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In the screenplay “The Proposal” by Peter Chiarelli, the story begins by revealing one of our protagonists right away, Margaret Mills, a 37 year old book editor. The entire beginning of the story aids our understanding of who this woman is from the get-go, which is done with scenes of Margaret by herself, but even more so with scenes that include other characters, such as Richard- the second protagonist- and every one else who works in that office. In page one we meet Margaret and realize her financial status right away. It’s not cheap to live in New York City, with a view of Central Park at that. A view she’s certainly not impressed by, seeing as her attention is focused on what would be easy to assume is her morning routine: exercising vigorously with Days of Our Lives playing on the TV, despite the fact that she’s preoccupied with the reading of a manuscript. Her morning continues and after a shower she has a dreadful encounter with a single grey hair on her head, this obviously disturbs her and freaks her out so we can tell that her looks and age are a big insecurity when it comes to her. Soon after she is eating a healthy breakfast in expensive professional wear while being completely engrossed in the same manuscript from the opening scene. Still, the writer expands and focuses …show more content…

She comes in nodding hello to her staff, and it seems that Richard isn’t the only one intimidated by her. Everyone in the office makes pretend to be busy while she’s passing by as to not interact with her, Chiarelli makes it a point to note that everyone gets off imaginary phone calls the second she disappears off screen. Soon after this, in the same page, we see Margaret pick up a single stray paperclip right outside her office before coming in. Something insignificant and not talked about in the rest of the script, but through this small action we can tell Margaret is a bit of a perfectionist and very

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