
Who Is Responsible For Business Transformation Efforts?

Decent Essays


In today’s resource constrained environment, the Department of Defense is scrutinizing every dollar it is spending.

Due to the budget control act of 2011,

How we spend our dollars and how we investment has never been more important

Consider the business systems that help us make decisions but also how we invest in these systems

The challenges of defense business transformation are two fold, the systems need to perform at an optimal level because the systems are tools with which senior leaders are utilizing to make critical decisions.

Who is responsible for business transformation efforts? The ultimate responsibility of managing the DoD’s business transformation efforts is with the Deputy Secretary of Defense (DepSecDef).
Newly created Defense Chief Management Officer (DCMO) leads business transformation efforts for the DepSecDef. It should be noted that although the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) is charged with the overall operation of the DoD enterprise-level business mission, the components, comprised of the military services, defense agencies, field activities and combatant commands, are, in many ways, a collection of independent business units with different "rules of engagement" and additional lines of accountability.” (McGrath). This large and complex structure creates many challenges for the DoD.

Defense Business Council
The Defense Business Council (DBC) is the subordinate governance board to the Deputy 's Management Action Group

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