
Who Is Responsible For Gatsby's Downfall

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Not every love story can end in the happy, fairytale ending that many people dream of having. In some instances, the love story ends in painful solitude. This was the exact case for Gatsby in the novel, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Gatsby represents in a sense, a knight in shining armor, fighting off a dragon to win over the princess. However this knight doesn’t always manage to get his way. As much as Gatsby craved the love of Daisy, she was also the main reason for his downfall. All the time he spent fighting for Daisy, the countless years he spent dreaming about her, all of it came to waste as he was eventually bested by the dragon (Tom) amongst others. Daisy – Princess Daisy, the beautiful, illustrious girl that both Tom and …show more content…

Tom symbolizes a dragon because of his power with wealth and social class. Tom also is incredibly wise, he knows exactly what he needs to do and say to achieve what he wants. Nick – Bridge Nick is the only character to change in the story. He was able to take in every aspect of what was going on around him and process it. Nick is also like the bridge between Gatsby and Daisy, right and wrong, and knowledge and deception. In a way Nick is like the most practical character around. He understands the corruption and problems associated with Daisy and Tom amongst others, and realizes how they aren’t exactly as they seem. Nick connects two symbols (people, qualities, ideas etc…), much like a bridge would. Jordan – Driver of the carriage Jordan Baker is a young, wealthy person that also has very shallow personality traits. While she might be smart and wealthy, she is known to be untruthful and deceiving. Jordan is also known as being a terrible driver, claiming that much like in life, as long as others follow rules, she can be as careless as she wants to be. Myrtle – Dead …show more content…

Through her affair with Tom, she gains an in depth fell of the lifestyle of the upper class. As big as her dreams were, eventually they were literally shattered by reality when she was hit by a car. George Wilson – trash Much like a trash can, George Wilson represents the failure of the American Dream. He is left with living in the Valley of the Ashes, owning a failing car garage, with a failing marriage, and a failing lifestyle. Wolfshiem – Sword Meyer Wolfshiem is a professional gambler who helps build Gatsby’s fortune. While he helps Gatsby keep in power much like a sword in battle, he can also be the cause to future problems and issues. Locations Valley of Ashes – Sewer pipe The Valley of Ashes is the location where dreams go to die. Those that are viewed as failures live in this desolate city. Like a sewer pipe, the Valley of Ashes flows out with trash and

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