The short story “the sniper” by Liam O’Flaherty tells the story of a man who is in the Irish war, he gets shot at by another sniper, and eventually gets shot in the arm. After some planning, the sniper steps up a plan that successfully kills the other sniper. The Sniper is about consequences and shows that we must live with the consequences of our actions. The sniper is shot at by another sniper, which turns out to be his own brother. After a gunfight, the sniper kills his brother without knowing, and must live with the consequence for the rest of his life.
There is a war in Ireland, and it is citizen against citizen. Initially, The sniper is shot at by another sniper. Next The sniper tries to find out where the other sniper is at, and gets shot in the arm while trying. The sniper finally finds the location of the other sniper, and is able to kill the other sniper. Last The sniper goes to see who they killed, and it is revealed that he killed his own brother. The sniper learns that he must live with his consequences that he makes.
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The narrator writes “He paused for a moment, considering whether he should risk a smoke. It was dangerous. The flash might be seen in the darkness, and there were enemies watching. He decided to take the risk...Almost immediately, a bullet flattened itself against the parapet of the roof.” The sniper has a decision to make, whether or not he was going to take a smoke break, he decides to take one, and his consequence is that the smoke from the cigarette attracts a enemy sniper. As a reader, we recognize that his mistake, and it best illustrates how the sniper made his decision, and his consequence was a near death
The story sniper is a story about a man that's in the army which his perfection is with a sniper rifle the story's theme is based on dublin and the sniper which will be called sniper is on the tower looking down on an empty road with hail of gunshots in the distance but he decides to eat a sandwich and light a cigaret but he doesn't want to take the risk of the spark to light the cigarette to give out his position and because the sniper was tired and needed the break he took the risk and lit his cigarette and soon as he blew out the light a gunshot and a crack flew by him
One night he encounters an enemy sniper he struggles in besting, and applauding his marksmanship, he risks his life to go examine the body of the fallen soldier. Upon finding the body, shot and lifeless, he discovers the slain enemy was his brother. But, although the bullet which killed his brother was dispensed by his hands, responsibility for his brother’s death does not fall on him. Not only was he unaware of the enemy’s identity in the darkness of night, it was also his duty to take out opposing forces; he followed through with his
In the short story, “The Sniper,” author Adam O’ Flaherty includes the element of surprise to reveal that war causes not only physical risk, but also psychological sufferings. This is true because of many reasons according to the story. Flaherty uses surprise and the element of suspense to show how war affects those involved. In the story, there is a Civil War taking place in Ireland. The war is between the Republicans and the Free Starters.
In this suspenseful short story, “The Sniper”, by Liam O’Flaherty, two snipers from opposing sides are fighting against each other. Set during the Irish Civil War, this story includes a Republican Sniper and a Free State Sniper, from opposite sides of the war. The suspense in this story is built through multiple ways using pacing and timing. The author, Liam O’Flaherty uses timing and order of events together to create a lot of suspense throughout “The Sniper”.
O’Flaherty uses dramatic irony of a sniper unknowingly killing his brother to show that war makes one a heartless killer, which emphasizes the effect that war can have on a person. After an intense sniper duel, the sniper sprinted with adrenaline flowing through his veins, right before checking the body: “wondered did he know him” and “Perhaps he had been in his own company before the split in the army” (O’Flaherty
thinks is right or a person who fights because he has to? “The Sniper” tells a story of a sniper who is in a fight between another sniper. The story takes place in Dublin Ireland and is considered Civil War. In ¨The Sniper,” Liam O’Flaherty uses diction, point of view, and plot to create a story of loss, pain , and an intense mood.
“Wars never hurt anybody except for the people who died” -Salvador Dali, leader of the Surrealist Movement. In both stories men who are at war are described, both of these men have killed a man who are known as their foes. Both of the men realize that the man they killed could've been a friend, and were someone who really wasn't the enemy. The relationship between these two stories is that war can tear families apart. In Liam O'Flaherty's “The Sniper” and “The Man He Killed” by Thomas Hardy both show similarities and differences in plot, irony, and theme.
The story the sniper is a suspenseful short story written by Liam O'Flaherty. The story is about a republican sniper that has the face of a scholar that is involved in the Irish civil war. The story the sniper uses suspenseful phrases such as hurriedly, immediately, suddenly, and slowly to describe the pace of the story. The thesis of The Sniper is that the story uses timing to create suspense.
In the story "The Sniper" a republican sniper is fighting in war and is being shot at by a enemy. He learns that war changes people. Just like in "Cranes" Songsam let his friend go. At the end he killed his enemy and realized it was his brother.
There are truly no winners in war. In the short story, “The Sniper” by Liam O’Flaherty, war is raging between the Republicans and Free Starters in Dublin, Ireland between the years of 1922-1923. A republican sniper laying on a roof spots an enemy sniper on the roof across the street from him. After failing to kill the enemy sniper at first he finally succeeds. After getting over the initial shock of taking a life, he decides to investigate who he has killed. The sniper turn over the dead body to look into his brother’s face. After successfully killing the enemy sniper, the author states,” He felt a sudden curiosity as to the identity of the enemy sniper whom he had killed. He decided that he was a good shot, whoever he was. He wondered did he know
This realistic fiction short story, “The Sniper”, written by Liam O’Flaherty is about a Republican sniper who is engaged in combat with a group of Free Stater soldiers in Four Courts Dublin, Ireland. Throughout the passage the sniper is faced with many problems, some of which are caused by his own actions. O’Flaherty uses descriptive words and other author's craft in this passage to create a theme of violence not only hurts the enemy, it also hurts everyone involved.
"The Sniper" places a strong emphasis on the evils of war, and yet paints a vivid image of mankind's qualities and their society. Employing the technique of describing one particular sniper to symbolise a general subject, readers are able to gain a deep insight into the evils of war. In this story, the assembly of setting, contrasting characters and themes of fanaticism and division of loyalties are vital to conveying the horror of war. On the other hand, "The Sniper" also discusses the power of war, depicting it as the decider of life and death for men. Its force is further emphasised when neighbours are turned into enemies under war's influence.
In 1923, the story “The Sniper” was written by Liam O'Flaherty. The story is about a Civil war in Ireland where there were 2 snipers, shooting at each other and they were both on a rooftop with long-range weapons and they don’t know each other but at the end one of the sniper found out that he killed his own brother. The author uses irony and the conflict between the sniper and the other sniper just to tell us the main message which is that we shouldn’t fight each other, we should fight together because we live in the same country and we should fight for our country.
The war influenced the sniper by forcing him to be brave. In this situation, brave is lying on a roof for many hours scouting the area for
Through literature, Liam O’Flaherty, the author of the short story The Sniper, clearly illustrates how horrific and destructive war really is. He illustrates the appalling agony of the Irish civil war through a dramatic story of two brothers against each other in the war. Through the the author's writing, readers can conclude that the theme of The Sniper is that war destroys families. O’Flaherty sets emphasis on this theme by using many strong literary devices. The literary devices used that apply the most emphasis on the theme are situational irony, setting, and the author's use of direct characterization .