
Is An Act To Act Morally Right Or Wrong

Decent Essays

Everyday we make decisions in order to get through our day. From deciding to get up on time to obeying traffic laws, we have to differentiate between whether what we are about to do or what we are currently doing is right or wrong. This internal judgment of distinguishing whether an act is right or wrong is called morality, but does an act have to be done for the sake of morality, in order to be morally right or have moral worth? According to German philosopher and founder of Kantianism, Immanuel Kant, “ It is impossible to imagine anything at all in the world, or even beyond it, that can be called good without qualification- except good will” (Kant, 316). The good will is our moral obligation to do things for the sake of duty, which is what is considered to be morally correct and just, and the qualification is the motive behind the action, that should not contain self-interest, which is what makes the action moral in itself. On the other hand, we have Jeremy Bentham, a British philosopher and founder of Utilitarianism, asserting, “ Pain and pleasure… for them alone point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do… the standard of right and wrong are fastened to their throne, [being] the principle of utility. The principle of utility is meant that property in any object, whereby it tends to produce benefit, advantage, pleasure, good, or happiness, or to prevent the happening of mischief, pain, evil, or unhappiness. [The object] is said to promote

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