
Who Is The Saddest Person In Macbeth

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The play Macbeth was written by William Shakespeare. This essay will be in a response to the questions above: Who is the saddest person? Who suffers the most? Whose tragedy it is? Despite the fact that the question seem the same they have a different meaning completely. The saddest person within the play is Fleance experiencing the death of his father and having to flee for his life. The one whom suffers the most is Macbeth himself due to all the events that he must journey through where he is not even enough time to comprehend his emotions and the tragedy is the people of Scotland.
The saddest person within the play Macbeth is believed to be Fleance. Although he doesn’t have a major role in the play directly, indirectly he has a massive impact …show more content…

This of course the Macbeth himself. Although throughout the play Macbeth becomes Thane of Cawdor and the King in the end, it is quite easy to imagine that anyone would be happy such accomplishments. However what Macbeth must do to receive these titles are choices that have consequences and those are what cause his suffering. For example to become king he must kill king Duncan, were whatever way this is looked at is murder, and that is his first mistake. From this act Macbeth will forever suffer the horrible guilt of slaying an innocent man within his sleep, let alone his king. Furthermore after the murder of King Duncan the next day to cover his act he needed to slay another two guard in cold blood, and the excuse he uses for this is stated "Who could refrain / That had a heart tol ove, and in that heart / Courage to make 's love known?" (Act two scene three-four) this in turn translates as if he was saying that he loved the king to much it gave him “courage” to murder the guards covered in blood thinking it was Duncan’s. Although we know that Macbeth has killed men before as in act one Duncan is speaking with men about Macbeth in battle but the reason the guilt hits Macbeth so hard is due to the fact that these three innocent men died for his own personal gain. We even know that later in the play when Macbeth is killed by Macduff he is never given the chance to ask for forgiveness, meaning he lives and dies with that guilt on his shoulder to carry on into the next

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