The play Macbeth was written by William Shakespeare. This essay will be in a response to the questions above: Who is the saddest person? Who suffers the most? Whose tragedy it is? Despite the fact that the question seem the same they have a different meaning completely. The saddest person within the play is Fleance experiencing the death of his father and having to flee for his life. The one whom suffers the most is Macbeth himself due to all the events that he must journey through where he is not even enough time to comprehend his emotions and the tragedy is the people of Scotland.
The saddest person within the play Macbeth is believed to be Fleance. Although he doesn’t have a major role in the play directly, indirectly he has a massive impact
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This of course the Macbeth himself. Although throughout the play Macbeth becomes Thane of Cawdor and the King in the end, it is quite easy to imagine that anyone would be happy such accomplishments. However what Macbeth must do to receive these titles are choices that have consequences and those are what cause his suffering. For example to become king he must kill king Duncan, were whatever way this is looked at is murder, and that is his first mistake. From this act Macbeth will forever suffer the horrible guilt of slaying an innocent man within his sleep, let alone his king. Furthermore after the murder of King Duncan the next day to cover his act he needed to slay another two guard in cold blood, and the excuse he uses for this is stated "Who could refrain / That had a heart tol ove, and in that heart / Courage to make 's love known?" (Act two scene three-four) this in turn translates as if he was saying that he loved the king to much it gave him “courage” to murder the guards covered in blood thinking it was Duncan’s. Although we know that Macbeth has killed men before as in act one Duncan is speaking with men about Macbeth in battle but the reason the guilt hits Macbeth so hard is due to the fact that these three innocent men died for his own personal gain. We even know that later in the play when Macbeth is killed by Macduff he is never given the chance to ask for forgiveness, meaning he lives and dies with that guilt on his shoulder to carry on into the next
An equally significant concept linking to the difficult circumstance of Macbeth is guilt. Macbeth kills the king effortlessly nevertheless he is traumatised by the guilt of killing his relative. This is shown in Act 2 scene 2 when Macbeth says ‘I’ll go no more I’m afraid to think of what I’ve done’ these words show that Macbeth was filled with guilt from the very moment after he sunk the blade into the king. Another example of guilt displayed by Macbeth is when he says ‘Macbeth does murder sleep’ The personification of this quote shows that Macbeth is in so much psychological anxiety he will no longer sleep this quote is symbolic as by killing Duncan Macbeth has increased his status but has caused harm to his state of mind what he really means is because he has killed Duncan he can no longer rest peacefully he can no longer go to bed and forgot about the hard days trouble he has murdered his peace of mind along with Duncan.
Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare. The play is a tragedy about a general in Scotland's army who kills to become king and how he deals with the following suspicion and uprisals. Over the course of the play Macbeth, Lady Macbeth changes more than Macbeth, because she becomes weaker while Macbeth remains relatively the same.
In the play “The Tragedy of Macbeth” written by William Shakespeare, we see a very complex character which is Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth's character throughout the play changes as she experiences the misfortunes that are brought to Macbeth and herself. This essay will explore how we as an audience feel sympathy for Lady Macbeth throughout the play, and how this feeling changes as we watch Lady Macbeth.
Lady Macbeth in William Shakespeare’s play ‘Macbeth’ is a character who suffers greatly in because of her human weakness, which is her vaulting ambition. This ambition is not for her, but for her husband. This woman, who seemed so in control at the beginning of the okay, only cared for her husband and his success, later becomes so consumed with guilt and remorse that it results in her tragic death. Through the discussion of characterisation and lkey scenes, I shall reveal that Lady Macbeth’s human flaw is not only a major contributor to the ruthlessness of her husband but creates a huge influence in how the play unfolds.
He is Duncan’s ‘kinsman and his subject’, he reminds himself that what he is doing is wrong and that he has the duty to protect the king, not murder him. In an interaction with Lady Macbeth prior to the murder of Duncan, he says they ‘shall proceed no longer in this business’, this shows that he has a moral compass, and he knows that what he is about to do is wrong. Also, previous to the murder he hallucinates a ‘dagger’, it is a figment of his imagination because he is very anxious, and is already feeling culpability. This part in the play is key in showing that Macbeth is consumed by guilt and anxiety, so is not in the best mindset to commit a murder. Despite this, he still kills Duncan. His guilt returns after the murder when an ‘Amen [is] stuck’ in his throat, he knows that he has sinned against God, and he is too anxious to say Amen. Immediately after killing Duncan he is ‘afraid to think of what [he has] done’, he has immense regret and feels a lot of guilt.
In tragedies, characters often serve to act as instruments of the suffering of others. This is particularly true in the play Macbeth, in which the main character’s actions lead to the subsequent distress and woe of other characters. In the play, the main character, Macbeth, directly contributes to the anguish of other characters, succumbing to his own bloodthirstiness as he ruthlessly removes threats to his desired power. Macbeth brings great suffering upon others, and the subsequent violence and carnage adds to the distress and tragedy of the play as a whole; the tragic vision of the play is consequently exemplified.
Throughout many works of literature, it can be difficult to determine the victim and the aggressor, with many different pieces of text interpreted in a variety of ways. This is common in tragedies, especially, where the downfall of a character occurs. In the play, Macbeth, the main character, Macbeth, effectively reaches a downfall after important interactions with some of the other characters. He had changed as a person from the influence of what other characters had led him to believe. Macbeth arguably lost control of his mind, and he couldn’t bring himself to think rationally after the murder of Duncan, therefore the play works in favor of pitying Macbeth rather than blaming him.
With attention to the murder of King Duncan, Macbeth struggles with the morality of his actions. Before the murder takes place, Macbeth begins to believe that the murder will “be the be-all and the end-all” to his clear conscious and would risk him to eternal damnation (Act I, line 5). Yet, the murder would bring him power over Scotland and he “shalt be kind” as told by the Weird Sisters(Act 1, line 50). Macbeth goes off of his ambition to murder King Duncan. The internal struggle of choosing mortality over motives brought forth an intense shift of loyalty to betrayal. The murder caused for Macbeth to turn on Scotland and only care for his own selfish motives. The betrayal causes for the play to become horrific and have a double meaning. Macbeth must put on a face to hide his murder to become the king. The double meaning is how Macbeth looks like a hero to all of Scotland, but only the people on the inside know of his horrific actions. He had to murder to to get the position of King, but the
3. 157-159) Macbeth’s arrogance is made apparent with the immediacy of his thoughts of becoming king and it is clear that the supernatural has given him arrogant ambition as Macbeth is already beginning to think of how he will be crowned king. Macbeth eventually decides he will show his “Black and deep desires” (1. 4. 58) and murder Duncan, the current king of Scotland. This is a shift from Macbeth showing loyalty to Scotland and the king as he now has arrogantly, for the benefit of himself becoming king, murdered Duncan, the king of Scotland. Duncan was greatly admired and respected by the population of Scotland. Macbeth himself describes Duncan as “meek” (1. 7. 17) and being “so clear in his great office” (1. 7. 18). When Macduff first realizes the death of Duncan, he describes the scene as: “O horror, horror, horror!” (2. 3. 73) Macbeth acknowledges that the reaction to Duncan’s death would be mournful before murdering him: “Pity… / Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye, / That tears shall drown the wind” (1.7. 21-25). However, Macbeth’s only goal is to become king, not to please the population of Scotland who admires their king greatly and sees him as a righteous person. After tempting Macbeth with the idea of becoming king, the supernatural gives Macbeth arrogant ambition, forcing him to contrast his loyal and courageous personality, which motivates him to kill Duncan.
In the play “Macbeth” we strongly agree about the statement “The most effective villain is one who attracts and repels.” Our essay includes or talks about the most effective villain which is Macbeth due to his crimes that he has committed and how he has changed throughout in the play. A theme that most supports this statement is “Appearance vs Reality,” of Macbeth. We will also include examples of the different appearances of Macbeth in different situations. To back up our statement there will be quotes which express the appearance of emotions on Macbeth’s face at time or situation and connect it with reality. “Did he really mean what he said or did?” The essay will also discuss about the different language features which are used in the quotes like, repetition.
After killing King Duncan , Macbeth is starting to realize what it is that he has done, and becomes suspicious and paranoid of everyone around him by puting spy's in every castle and killing those who are any treat to him what so ever. Banquo is the only other person who knows of the meeting with the witches and he would assume that it was Macbeth who killed the King. The witches also said that Banquo would beget kings but he himself would never be king after Macbeth, and so Macbeth decides that Banquo is a threat to him. To get rid of the treat with banquo he decides to kill him and his son Fleance.
The purpose of this essay is to describe Lady Macbeth’s role in the play and discuss why this makes her the most fascinating character. Her evil doings are the main reasons why she dominates the plot so greatly. These include the following: considers Macbeth to be a wimp not wanting to murder; letting Macbeth fulfill her plan; taking control over Macbeth’s thoughts and actions; turning Macbeth from a loyal man to a greedy, coldhearted human being. Also Lady Macbeth’s transformation in character and her relationship
Duncan is the most unlikely character to be killed because of his personality, but his title as King of Scotland, causes for Macbeth to loathe Duncan. In the play there is very little interaction between Macbeth and Duncan, showing the little time in which Macbeth gets more power. Prior to the witches’ prophecies Macbeth is loyal to Duncan, and would never imagine killing him. After the one of the witches’ prophecies comes to be true, the thought of killing Duncan, Macbeth "yield[s] to that suggestion / whose horrid image doth unfix my hair / and make my seated heart knock at my ribs" (1.3.146-148). Partly because of Lady Macbeth’s suggestion his "vaulting ambition" is starting to take over, and he begins to take into consideration killing
An important character in ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare was Macbeth. Macbeth is shown as the protagonist of the play and is the person who drives the plot of the drama. Macbeth changes dramatically throughout the play as in the start he is portrayed as the tragic hero who would do anything for his King and country. As the plays continue he becomes ambitious and, encouraged by a prophecy. After that, he ends up killing a lot of people/becoming a tyrant.
Throughout the play of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth has many different emotions. She is very demanding and in control of what she wants people to do. She is very confident in her plans that they will get done. But also, there are times when she may feel weak or scared to do something. She forces Macbeth to go along with the plan to kill Duncan so he can be King and she will be Queen. Lady Macbeth is sure that they will not get caught witheir plans and they will be safe. She is nervous though when it is time to kill Duncan because he looks like her father. Lady Macbeth shows lots of emotions during the play.