
Who Is The Serial Killer?

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Imagine a warm day in the park. It is a beautiful sunny day; people are leisurely strolling everywhere. There is a dad buying his children an ice cream from the vendor. To the left there is a man on crutches with a leash asking a young woman’s help to find his dog that has run off. Just ahead, there is an elderly woman feeding the pigeons. In addition, there is a man walking by briskly; it is odd that he is wearing such a heavy coat on a day like today. Now stop this scene based on the individuals described which one is the serial killer? There is one close by. Could it be the ice cream vendor? Alternatively, maybe the father, possibly even the elderly woman next to you. Most people would automatically assume that the serial killer is the man that is antisocial; walking briskly; head down bundled up on such a warm day. While yes, this is odd it does not necessarily mean that he is capable of killing. Actually, the serial killer in your midst is the man on crutches asking for help finding his missing dog. This was a ploy used by the infamous Ted Bundy to lure unsuspecting women away from areas where a commotion would be noticed (Parin, 2015). When people think of a serial killer typically a preconceived notion comes to mind; when in reality there is no definitive categorization for a serial killer they come in all shapes, races, ages and from all lifestyles. Commonly people believe that they will “just know” if someone is that evil. How can they not? A person

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