The play Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, is plagued with death and misfortune. A very controversial topic is who is to blame for the unfortunate deaths of Romeo and Juliet, however any educated mind can easily see past the ‘smoke and mirrors’ and see that Friar Laurence is obviously the killer in disguise. Everything he has done has paved the way for Romeo and Juliet’s life to come to an untimely death. Even that he didn’t know that his actions could lead to fatal consequences, he was being too careless, such as when he married Romeo and Juliet only thinking that it would end the feud between the two families and also when he devised a plan without thinking what would happened if he failed. Friar Laurence could be seen as being heroic when attempting to end the fighting between the families by allowing Romeo and Juliet to marry each other. This is possibly the most foolish action that the friar could have taken because he married them, neglecting the consequences while he had paid all his attention to the ambitious goal of ending the feud. For example, …show more content…
Friar Laurence confessed everything at the end of the play to the Prince after Romeo and Juliet’s death so doesn’t that mean the friar is guilty? Friar Laurence said to the Prince “And if aught in this miscarried by my fault, let my old life be sacrificed some hour before his time unto the rigor of severest law” which means he was willing to be killed as the punishment of what happened. He is clearly guilty because no one else would offer their life as punishment if they have not done anything wrong and they would fight to prove that they are innocent, however the friar did not do that, but rather asked the Prince to kill him if it was found to be his fault. The friar’s confession proves that he is guilty because only a guilty person would be able to confess since they have secrets they want to
In the classic play Romeo and Juliet, Friar Laurence plays a major part. Romeo and Juliet trusted him entirely as he was the priest of their town. They turned to the Friar for help and advice at a few crucial points in the play. Little did these two lovers know that their decision to turn to Friar Laurence for help would eventually lead to their deaths. Friar Laurence was responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet because he married Romeo and Juliet, he was afraid of committing a sin, and because of his faulty plan for saving Juliet from a marriage to Paris.
Ahmad Sheharyar Ms. Esposito English 9 3/13/24 Romeo and Juliet essay Friar Laurence, in an attempt to help Romeo and Juliet, ends up killing Romeo, Juliet, and Paris. In William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, Friar Laurence is to blame for the death of the two star crossed lovers, because Friar secretly married the two and because of a plan that was made to fake Juliets death and that resulted in Romeo killing Paris and then Romeo killing himself, and after Juliet wakes up, she finds Romeo on the ground dead and ends up killing herself with a knife.
Friar Lawrence is to blame because he is the one that started these chain of events by getting Romeo and Juliet married by thinking that it will solve the feud between the households, and that nobody will get hurt from it. As said on page 111, “For, by your leaves, you shall not stay alone/Till holy church incorporate two in one” ( This proves the argument is true because it shows how Friar Lawrence got Romeo and Juliet married. Also, the argument is true because, leading up to this point, Friar Lawrence was thinking if he should get them married or not, and without thinking of the consequences, he got them married. As it said on page 89, “For this alliance may so happy prove/To turn your households rancor to pure love” (II.iii.98-99).
Characters in stories plays a role in reshaping or even shifting the outcome of the story. Characters in Romeo and Juliet made by William Shakespeare have a significant impact by resulting in the death of the main characters. There are many characters to blame for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, even the lovers themselves. There are many characters to blame for the tragedy, even the lovers themselves. However, the cause of the catastrophe in the end of Romeo and Juliet maybe due to them with their foolish love, but there were many instances in which Friar Laurence was at fault. Friar Laurence is most at fault for the outcome of the play because he did not successfully deliver the plan to Romeo, he set
In the book ”Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare, it ends in a tragedy of the two main lovers dying. I believe Friar Lawrence is most at fault for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Lawrence had agreed to marry them in the first place. Which with them both being very young, was not very smart. Friar Lawrence also did not have a good plan as to what would happen if Juliet were to wake up and Romeo was not there.
In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, although many might point to Tybalt as the person responsible for the death of his own and Juliet it is actually Friar Lawrence, who should be responsible, Friar Lawrence, who is untrustworthy is most responsible because Friar Lawrence makes many bad choices throughout the play; choices that are unforgivable. The disloyal character of Friar Lawrence results in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet because he marries the couple, helps with Juliet’s fake death and runs away from the Capulet’s tomb. Friar Lawrence agrees to marry the couple, in the hopes that the marriage will end the feud between the Capulets and Montagues. Romeo asks Friar Lawrence to marry them as soon as possible.
Friar Laurence is responsible for every action Romeo and Juliet have taken since they’ve met each other. This is valid because Friar Laurence has encouraged and helped them every step of the way. Friar Laurence is not responsible as an adult. He should’ve discouraged this from the start. Even from Juliet asking to fake her death to them going to Mantua.
In the drama “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare, I think that there are many people responsible for the deaths of the main characters. However, there is one character that I think has more of an impact than others. That character is Friar Lawrence. There are many reasons why just he alone is the main reason for the death of Romeo and Juliet. He is to blame because he didn’t follow through well enough with his plan. He also kept too many secrets.
Not only is Friar Laurence acknowledging that his new idea is risky, he is offering it to Juliet knowing she might not live. Juliet, a young girl in complete agony, is of course going to trust the Friar. She sees no other option than to agree with a man she was taught to trust. Later in the play, once both the lovers have perished, the Friar is interrogated and admits, “I am the greatest, able to do the least, yet most suspected, as the time and place doth make against me, of this fireful murder. And here I stand, both to impeach and purge, myself condemned and myself excused.”
In the loving yet tragic tale of Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence is to blame. Friar Lawrence should be punished for his choices he made regarding Romeo and Juliet. In fact, Friar Lawrence agrees, “And here I stand, you can question me and punish me. I have already condemned and excused myself.”(Act 5, Scene 3) Friar Lawrence is at fault for not delivering the letter of his and Juliet’s scheme to Romeo himself and for running away when Juliet needed him the most. However I do not believe he should be sentenced to death, but rather should no longer be able to marry people.
In Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, Friar Laurence’s horrible decision making led to Romeo and Juliet’s deaths. One example of the Friar’s mislead decision making is when he decided to go against his own better judgment and officiate Romeo and Juliet's wedding, Friar Laurence knew the shallowness of Romeo’s love hinting that “thy love did read by rote and could not spell.” (2.3.17). The Friar agreed to marry Romeo and Juliet even though he knew that Romeo was not truly in love. Although the Friar knew what the right decision was he decided to officiate the wedding, this mistake was the beginning of Romeo and Juliet’s downfall.
Even though numerous characters in the play contributed to the death of Romeo and Juliet, Friar Laurence’s irresponsibility and lack of recognition makes him most to blame. To begin, Romeo proposes the idea about marring Juliet, a member of the Capulet Family by telling Friar Laurence “Then plainly know my heart's dear love is set on the fair daughter of rich Capulet (2.3.57-58). Romeo has completely forgotten about Rosaline, and now has focused his love onto Juliet. The Friar agrees with Romeo. Friar Laurence's decision is irresponsible because he agrees with the idea of members of opposite noble families being married. By marrying Romeo and Juliet, Friar is acting like Lord
Romantic love stories are often ended with a tragedy, because of loss of passion or a loved one. These tragedies are often the result of one person’s actions that ended someone’s life or love. In the Romeo and Juliet play written by William Shakespeare, two citizens of Verona come together and fall deeply in love. Unfortunately their love comes to an end, along with their lives, because of a misunderstanding and a persistent feud between their families. Although there are many characters in this play that have contributed to Romeo and Juliet’s death, Friar Laurence is the person most to blame.
In Conclusion, this proves that Friar Laurence is one of the main characters to blame for Romeo and Juliet death at the end of the play. Friar Laurence Marries Romeo and Juliet, Make Juliet fake her death, and Left Juliet in tomb alone. These are all strong main idea’s to put blame on Friar
Romeo and Juliet is a story of two star-crossed lovers who take their lives. Romeo and Juliet come from families who hate each other with a passion, but they fall in deeply in love. Their lives could have been saved by one person, Friar Laurence. Friar Laurence married Romeo and Juliet without telling their parents, gave Juliet a potion to make her seem dead, didn’t deliver the letter to Romeo himself about Juliet’s “death”, and arrived too late at the Capulet’s tomb.