Romeo and Juliet : Who's to Blame ? Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is a story of tragedy. Romeo and Juliet fell in love knowing their families were enemies . Regardless they continued their plans which lead them to a tragedy . Friar Lawrence is a holy man who knows a lot of remedies . He is also guilty of Romeo‘s and Juliet’s death because he set them off to suicide. Friar Lawrence is to blame because he married Romeo and Juliet . Romeo and Juliet got married secretly behind their parents back . One night both Romeo and Juliet decide to meet up at Friar’s cell to get married with the help of Friar Laurence . In Act 2 , Scene 6 , and line 35 he said “ Come , come with me , and we will make short work . For , by your leaves , you shall not stay alone till holy church incorporate two in one .” If they wouldn’t have gotten married , Juliet would have said yes to marry Paris . Since Romeo and her were married already marrying Paris would have been a mortal sin . Committing adultery isn’t anything good and Fair Lawrence shouldn’t have married Juliet . So many things could …show more content…
The potion would put her to sleep and only her family wouldn’t know she was alive . Friar Lawrence provides her with the potion and also plan everything out . The plan was that everyone was going to think she was dead and she was going to be taken to the tomb . After she would wake up and meet Romeo . In scene 4 , act 1 , and line 75 Friar Lawrence said “ Then is it likely thou wilt undertake A thing like death to chide away this shame That copest with death himself to escape from it an if thou darest , I’ll give thee remedy .” Friar Lawrence shouldn’t have proceed with plan of faking her death because it made the family depressed . Which caused her mother to die because of her fake death . Therefor Friar Lawrence is to be guilty of Romeo and Juliet's death for contriding to their plans
The Friar had good intentions when he married Romeo and Juliet, as shown in this quote, “For this alliance may so happy prove/ To turn your households’ rancour to pure love” (2.4.91-92). In this quote, Friar Lawrence explains his reasoning behind marrying Romeo and Juliet, he thought that by marrying the two, he could stop the feud. This did not work as no one told the rest of the families and the Capulets tried to marry Juliet to Paris. The Friar also failed to get the letter to Romeo that would have told him that Juliet wasn’t dead. If Romeo had received this letter, he would not have committed suicide in Juliet's grave when he returned to Verona. Also, if the Friar had gotten to Juliet’s grave any earlier, he could have saved both Romeo and Juliet. The following quote is from the final scene of the play, “Miscarried by my fault, let my old life / Be sacrificed, some hour before this time, / unto the rigour of the severest law” (5.3.271-274). In this scene, the Friar admits the part that he played in Romeo and Juliet’s deaths. He volunteers himself to be punished for this, but the rest of the families and the Prince don't want to punish him. Although he meant well, Friar Lawrence’s actions resulted in the deaths of Romeo and
These three reasons, along with others, prove that Friar Lawrence is to blame for the events that occur in Romeo and Juliet. He married young Romeo and Juliet together, which emotionally tied them to each other. He gave Juliet the escape idea and the sleeping potion. He also failed to inform Romeo of the rescue plan. He could’ve been a very desperate man in search of peace in Verona, but it led to the deaths of many; including those of the star-crossed
Friar Lawrence is the true cause of the woes that come with Romeo and Juliet. He is the one who caused the fake death of Juliet, which ultimately spiraled out of control. Juliet's deep sleep caused Rome to commit suicide and, Romeo's death triggered the death of Juliet. The death of juliet then triggered the death of Lady Montague. Romeo and Juliet put their trust in Friar lawrence, and thru a series of accidents and unfortunate events, the trust they put in him results in their death. Friar Lawrence gives Juliet her potion, marries the doomed couple, and does not fully think things through.
To begin with, Friar Lawrence is the cause of Romeo and Juliet’s death because he married them secretly. Friar Lawrence wanted the marriage to end the feud between the families but why didn’t he marry them publicly instead of making the marriage a secret? Friar Lawrence married them and in a hurry. He knew that he would be in deep trouble and
He set up the wedding for Romeo and Juliet. Friar Lawrence agreed to help with the wedding. He was talking to Romeo about the wedding late at night. He said, “But come, young waverer, come , go with me. In one respect I’ll thy assistant be” (2.3, 96). Friar Lawrence knew about this wedding and he did not say anything about it. If someone knew about this previous marriage than Juliet would not have all the pressure on her to marry Count Paris. Then, without that pressure Juliet would not have seen the need to kill herself. This is very emotional to the reader because it is a wedding. Usually weddings do not end with the bride and groom both killing themselves. Another emotional reasoning of why Friar Lawrence is the guilty character would be because he left Juliet in the tomb by herself. Friar Lawrence was in the Capulet tomb with Juliet and deas Romeo at the end of the book. He said to Juliet, “ Come, go. Good Juliet. I dare no longer stay” (5.3, 164). If Friar Lawrence did stay with Juliet or take her with him Juliet would not have killed herself. He could have persuaded her to move on and remember she is only 13. Those were two emotional reasons why Friar Lawrence is completely at
Lawrence married Romeo and Juliet in secret, and without either of their parents’ consent. This was unfortunate because Juliet’s parents now have no idea that she’s married, so they are planning to have her
The forbidden marriage would have not happened if the Friar didn't help them. Their death could have been prevented, if they weren't together. At that time he wasn't only thinking about Romeo's love, but also how it would help their family to make a good relationship between them. Romeo and Juliet trusted Friar Lawrence completely. ¨Young men's love then lies / Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes¨ (II.iii.71-72).
The first reason Friar Lawrence is responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s tragedy is that he is only marrying them for his own selfish greed. [William Act iv, line 91-92] For example in this quote Friar Lawrence says “For this alliance may so happy prove, To turn your households’ rancor to pure love.” This quote connects to my first reasoning because Friar Lawrence is talking about the hatred between the two houses. He only agreed to marry Romeo and Juliet because he knew that if it worked he could be the town hero. He’d be praised for bringing the two families together. Moreover, He caused many problems because of this marriage.
In Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet are two doomed lovers who derive from two rival families in the charming city of Verona. When the affectionate couple eventually get married, it only results in additional bloodshed from both of their families, inducing death on multiple people. However, their intense passion for each other is short lived when they both perpetrate suicide. In the end, Friar Lawrence was the main contributor to Romeo and Juliet’s tragic death. Friar Lawrence is responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s death.
Furthermore, Friar Lawrence is guilty of the deaths of Romeo and Juliet because he joined Romeo and Juliet in marriage behind their parents' backs. Friar Lawrence is also the one
In William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet Friar Lawrence is the priest. In Romeo and Juliet two teenagers fall in love and cause tragic events to unfold and people die because of the love that these two teenagers have. Friar Lawrence is to blame for the tragedy of 6 deaths for two reasons. He married Romeo and Juliet and then tried to help them avoid consequences of getting married. Friar Lawrence is undoubtedly to blame for the tragic events that unfold in Romeo and Juliet.
The last reason why I think Friar lawrence is the cause of their death is because he agreed that Juliet needed to marry Paris. If he wouldn’t of agreed I feel like the wedding wouldn’t of even be arranged anymore. If he never would’ve agreed to marry them then Juliet wouldn’t have took the potion and drank it and Romeo wouldn’t of thought she was dead and killed himself, which also caused her death. None of these terrible things would've happened if they didn’t try to make her marry Paris.
Without even thinking about it Friar Lawrence's plan was a terrible plan just out of common sense as there were too many things out of the Friar’s control that could have happened. First, he has to worry if the potion even will work when Juliet takes it or even if she takes it at all. Then he has to worry about getting the word to Romeo about the plan which of course never happened. “But look thou stay not till the watch be set, For then thou canst not pass to Mantua; Where thou shalt live, till we can find a time To blaze your marriage, reconcile your friends, Beg pardon of the prince, and call thee back With twenty hundred thousand times more joy Than thou went'st forth in lamentation.” (4.2.100-105). Here Friar Lawrence explains his badly thought-out plan. His impulsive acts and plans end up getting him in trouble and costing Verona to Young people's lives. His plans failed because he did not take his time and did not think of being more reasonable because his Solutions were completely unrealistic. In a way, Friar Lawrence could be seen as a little bit selfish. Friar Laurence's religion does not permit already married people to get married. This would mean that the Friar would be going against his oaths. Marrying Romeo and Juliet when Juliet already has an arranged marriage with Paris would have
Friar Lawrence is a valuable person in the book Romeo and Juliet. He offers advice and helps tries to help Juliet find a way out of marriage. He is a wise and sympathetic man. He is always looking out for people in need. When Romeo comes to Friar Lawrence because Romeo thinks he is in love with Juliet. Friar Lawrence takes his opinion into consideration, and tries to help him out, at the best of his abilities. Some critics argue whether or not it it was his fault for their death. It was truly his fault. Friar Lawrence is guilty for the death of Romeo and Juliet is because he gave Juliet the potion, he knew how Romeo would react the way he did, and he had left Juliet by herself when she found out Romeo was dead.
To begin with, Friar Lawrence is a person to blame because he didn’t communicate wit nobody. He kept everything to himself like a little secret. He was actually was supposed to tell Romeo about juliet taking the sleeping potion instead he made romeo believe that she was dead. “ I will hence tonight” (V.i.9). Friar Lawrence had a major part of the couple deaths. Not because he didn't tell anyone it is because if he would’ve communicated the couple would still be living there happy lives.