
Who Is To Blame Women In A Thousand Splendid Suns

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In the book A Thousand Splendid Suns Nana tells Mariam that a man always finds a way to blame a woman. Women in Mariam’s culture are treated with no respect because in their culture men are more superior. Due to the men being more superior, woman are expected to care for the men in their family. Sometimes they can't do the tasks that are given to them. The woman get blamed because they are unable to do the task. Some examples of this is when Rasheed blames Mariam for the hard rice and makes her eat it. Another example of this is when when Rasheed blames Mariam for not being able to have a child. The last example of this is when Naghma gets blamed for seducing a man and this ends her up in prison. Men are always finding ways to blame things on woman in the book through marriage, household responsibilities, and the social statuses of women.
In the story the reader finds out that men blame women for not doing there so called marriage responsibilities. In the book Rasheed blames mariam for not being able to have a child. They have multiple conversations about her being unable to have a child in the book. Shortly after the baby died Mariam said, “ A change had come over Rasheed ever since the day at the bathhouse. Most nights when he came home, he …show more content…

She tells the police what happened, they do not believe her. It was just then Naghma said, “ Her being here In prison. Her father had sworn that the day she was released he would take a knife to her throat.” (Hosseini, 363) This shows that men can find ways to blame woman because in this part she goes to prison on false charges of seducing a man just because she Is a female. The way that her father tells her what he will do when she comes out of prison shows how men can find ways of blaming woman even if it's not there fault. He Is putting the blame on her because he does not want to take responsibilities for his

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