
Who Is Vincent Van Gogh The Starry Night

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Vincent Van Gogh’s pull to paint locations and places that had a personal relationship with is well known to most. In the year 1889, Vincent Van Gogh provided us with the painting we all know too well, Starry Night, this painting represents the view Van Gogh had during his time hospitalized in the asylum located in Arles. This painting since the year of 1941, remains in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Throughout this artwork you can see the personal emotion that went into his work, from the boldness in color, his breaststrokes, and composition through out this piece. The Starry Night, to myself is a vast combination of many opposites; simple and complex, plainness and beauty, light and darkness. Van Gogh’s …show more content…

The use of the swirls in the sky keep the viewers eye moving in a swirling notation, it directs the viewers eye all around the painting. While breaking in the precise spacing between the stars and the dot to dot development that creates a curving silhouette. These different elements work together to achieve fluidity. The composition of this piece is somewhat stylized and surreal to me, instead of using silhouettes in this piece he chose to use line. Through his composition there are multiple forms of expression, which are used to depict van Gogh’s current emotion during the tie of the piece. His dimness of the night sky represent the turbulent quest to overcome his current illness, along with the village being painted with dark colors that really give it depth in comparison with the vibrant stars and crescent moon. These two work together to portray a darkness with depth and the provide the viewer with a sense of comfort with the brightly lit windows in the village homes as well. The village located to the bottom middle and right is a peaceful sight compared to the dark and harsh night sky, the silence and somberness can almost be felt through this piece. The composition of the steeple located in a mass of depth, which provides a sense of isolation and size then dominating the village providing a sense of seclusion of the town. To the left foreground of this piece a curvy cypress tree represents mourning with the fluid brush strokes that enhance the fluidity of the painting, this provides an ease to the viewers eyes. The composition of this painting was well articulated by keeping the audience’s attention, to keep the audience eye moving from the vibrance of the stars to the darkness of the town, to the lighter mint cypress tree and the dark mass. It is a piece that the audience want to continue looking at to pay more attention to the small and

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