Who Killed JFK?
There's a lot of controversy on who killed John F Kennedy but I personally believe Lee Harvey Oswald is the lone gunman to blame for the death of our beloved deceased president. Oswald had taken up a new job position at the Texas school book depository which opened in 1908 and consists of seven floors. The day of John F Kennedy's assassination will forever be written in our history books as November 22 of 1963 where coincidentally Oswald was working on that very same day and in fact was one of the few people at the book depository . Oswald had all the materials he needed to kill JFK including the perfect spot on the sixth floor of the Texas school book depository. Oswald carried out his actions at around 12:30 in the afternoon where he also caught the attention of many witnesses who said they saw a man in the window with a gun in his hand and when you put the pieces of the puzzle together wouldn't it make sense that oswald had done this why would several people say they saw him there , it must have been because
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why would someone want to kill another person let alone the president of the united states? Well unfortunately we'll never know the real answer to this question because Lee Harvey Oswald was shot by Jack ruby on the very same day, so we can never really know what drove Oswald to do such a thing but over the years some people have come up with some answers on why he might have done this. the first being he actually had mixed feelings for kennedy and supposedly liked him for civil rights but not with what had been going on in cuba. some say he hated capitalism and went after kennedy because it was the symbol of the system he was going for. Some people who knew Oswald say that “He was really cold-blooded", And that "people were like cardboard to him". All of these statements coming from people who knew him and the way they said he behaved and was could mean that he was in fact capable of
Who killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States of America? We, the people, may never know the actual truth, but I am here to tell you what I believe happened on November 22nd, 1963. Many people believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted solely in the assassination of JFK, but I have to believe that there were more people than him involved into the assassination plan and it is much more deeply planned than a solo mission. Although I can’t pinpoint exactly who else was involved, there are quite a few things to support my belief that this assassination was not carried out single handedly such as the umbrella man, the “Grassy Knoll”, the Mob, Castro’s planned revenge,and the CIA. These theories make me believe in general that Oswald did not act alone, and it may be much deeper than any United States citizen had expected.
I think that Oswald was part of a bigger conspiracy because no one believes that it was only Oswald that killed JFK because how can you fire a sniper four times in a row. The gun will move each time the gun is fired. But I don’t think it was Oswald because after you just killed someone how can you just be eating lunch as calmly wouldn’t he feel guilty for killing a man like JFK. I think that Oswald didn’t kill him because if he killed someone wouldn’t he try to get away. Honestly it had to more than him or it had to be another large conspiracy and he was apart of it. When he was arrested and was taken to the court I think that the guy that killed was part of the conspiracy with Oswald but he killed so that Oswald wouldn’t tell anyone about
People believe that there were many shooters in the assassination of JFK. Some say it was the CIA and others say it could have been his own driver. The CIA could have killed him because he knew too much and were telling people that he shouldn't have been telling. Some also believe that the CIA also killed Marilyn Monroe because JFK had relations with her and he had told her stuff that she should
First of all, Oswald was killed by someone who he had been talking to earlier that week. They could have been potentially planning something. Second, Oswald was not found to have any physiological disabilities. This means he wasn’t crazy, and was maybe offered a lot of money to kill JFK.
Now so why did jack ruby kill oswald it could be he was upset or he was in on it. I think he was in on it. Because he met up with oswald 2 weeks before the assassination. So I think they were discussing the assassination. So that made me start thinking was Jack e of the mobsters who shot kennedy. And maybe he was worried that oswald would spill ot the truth, so he shot him.
Oswald why would an armed forces officer who obeyed the law and was an all-around good person decide to kill a president I don't think he did but on that topic I'll let you decide what's true and what's false okay his wife Jackie Kennedy a mother-of-two loyal wife of the president finds out Miss Marilyn Monroe and her husband have been sleeping together and decides to get back at him and in the car wraps her arm around him puts a gun to his neck trigger not such a crazy idea now okay if you think that's why I'm how about the fact that in the film she reaches back to grab a piece of his head that was just blown off like why I don't know if it's just me or what I want to talk about a touchy topic government hiding if the 35th president's murder was conceived by the government would it be the first cover up you have to think about the infant Ultra projects referenced in the show stranger things that actually happened also multiple areas they do research it's not only Area 51 possible in prisons John Lennon's death and yes the mysterious death of
To do something as big as assassinating a President, multiple people of high power would need to be involved. If JFK were the target of a lone, crazed gunman, I believe he would have been shot at a closer range. Whoever shot President John F. Kennedy was trained and had been preparing to commit this act of evil for a long period of time. On top of that, in order for the shooter to escape without being caught, even if he or she was located on the sixth floor of Texas School Book Depository building, they would have to have others there to help them escape without being seen. I don’t believe that conspiracy had anything to do with the death of JFK, I simply believe that a group of people who disagreed with the decisions of JFK became fed-up with him and the government which led to a terrible
Kennedy. Oswald's real only clear motive for killing Kennedy was that his beliefs did not fit the
Oswald defected to the soviet union, Oswald was also shot and killed by club owner Jack Ruby. Ruby was known to have background with the mob, organized crime. This bring about two possible motives behind Oswald doing what he did. During his time with the Soviet Union he could have perfected his marksmanship and also could have been motivated to kill the president. America and the Soviet Union were very much enemies at this time which further supports that they were assisting Oswald. Jack Ruby supports the theory that the mob was behind this. There are a number of reasons why the mob would want to kill Kennedy. Jack Ruby was a nightclub owner he was known to have direct relations with the mob. The mob could have forced him to take out Oswald
If the best people from the Justice Department could not prove that there was in fact a conspiracy then there is no question that there was only one lone gunman. The Justice Department has experts in many fields to review and look over the case of Kennedy’s Assassination. The Government would not have lied about who killed their leader, after the so called “JFK Act” The Government would be required to release all classified documents and information about the case. After releasing the classified information to the public there was found that there was no further evidence proving that there was a conspiracy that
Lincoln, Malcolm X, Franz Ferdinand, all murdered, all with a purpose, all with a confirmed killer. Why did these assassinations happen? What caused these people to feel the need to kill such powerful people? While we know who killed many, and most of people, who were assassinated while in powerful positions, we have no idea who really killed Kennedy. Though many theories surround his death, we have no real evidence to confirm a killer. Could it have been the work of a single person, a group of people, maybe radicals, or even a conspiracy?
Oswald's purchase history showed he had purchased a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, yet again; there is no proof that he had used the rifle to kill the president. Oswald makes a likely suspect for an assassin of Kennedy because he defected to the Soviet Union in 1957, and came back to America in 1959 with a Russian wife and communist sympathies. Some believe Oswald was framed; people would call themselves Oswald and give him a bad name. Someone showed up at a car dealership claiming to be Oswald and started driving at 27 MPH on sharp turns. Oswald did not know how to drive. (Kallen, 61) Unfortunately, Oswald was never given Trial as he was shot beforehand by Jack Ruby.
On November 22, JFK was campaigning at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, when he was shot. Oswald, a former U.S Marine, was proven guilty, but many conspiracy theories arose, causing citizens to believe he was falsely incriminated.
The assassination of John F. Kennedy is said to be, as from the Warren report, a murder. The Warren report states that a man, Lee Harvey Oswald, fired 3 shots from the 6th floor of the Texas Book State Depository building. One missed the President’s motorcade completely; another hit President Kennedy in the neck, and the last hit him in the head, which was later said after an autopsy, to be the cause of death.
On November 22, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald committed a crime that would go down in every history book in the United States. The assassination of our 35th president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, is one of the most notorious, tragic events in U.S. history to date.