series, he is about twelve years old, he has glasses, and messy uncut hair that covers
up his lightning bolt shaped scar left by a powerful curse from the powerful wizard
Voldemort, in which Harry survived. Surviving the curse made Harry famous in the
Wizarding world. Harry is very witty, handsome, and innocent. Which makes him
a very lovable character.
Ron Weasley is from a very poor family unlike his friends. His parents are both wizards
like Harrys. His father is very well respected throughout the wizarding world. He has
Two older brothers and one younger sister. Ron is extremely Loyal to harry and he
absolutely despises their enemies Draco Malfoy and Crab and Doyle. Our main characters are Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Harry Potter
like them. Every time they came up in the story they were doing something bad.
Each character is different in the story, but some can be really similar. The four protagonists are Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Tyson. All of them go to the same camp, which is how they met. Grover and Tyson are both not humans. Grover is a satyr, and Tyson is a Cyclops. Percy and Annabeth have the most in common compared to anyone else. Sometimes, things can change like how Annabeth hates Rachel. An example of change is in the book, when it states, “To my surprise, Rachel and Annabeth started up a conversation as we walked.” (Riordan, 295). Annabeth changed because when they talked, they were able to get to know each other better, so Annabeth doesn’t really have any hatred against Rachel now. Also, in the beginning of the book, they trusted
and dangerous tricks. He swallowed needles, and then got them out of his mouth and they were all threaded perfectly like they were before. Another thing that he did to stay famous is do even more threatening and fatal illusions. He did that because he didn’t like people imitating him and so he stepped up his game. In the book, it says that one day when “it was around 30 degrees below zero, Harry Houdini was strapped in a straitjacket upside down.” He was brave enough to do that in the cold freezing weather.
Who are his enemies? We are often defined who we are not and who we are compared against. Examples: Cops and Criminals, Batman and The Joker, God and the Devil. They, your enemies, say more about you than you can say for yourself. Cops fight for order and public safety. Criminals fight for the freedom to do what they want when the want it. By asking who my character’s enemies I can determine what they are not and what they are fighting against.
He wants revenge on his uncle for the murder of his father but he is a procrastinator. He refuses to tell anyone why his behavior is out of
Claire has 5 more family members. And of course her dog, named Briggs. Her and her family love to travel and go see really cool places like the Bahamas, for example. They all went to Florida together and had a lot of fun. She has 3 other siblings Sylas (13), Julia (9), Samantha (6) and her mom and dad. She and her family live in Fairport NY.
He’s made many things with his brother like a rollercoaster, a rocket to the moon, a skyscraper that reached the moon, and the biggest bounce house ever. He does this in one day with his friends and brother with esse. He has a triangle shaped head with orange hair. He wears blue
The most important conflict in this novel is the inner conflict of Harry Potter, which makes him a dynamic character. Harry perceives that he shares some abilities similar to Tom Riddle, who becomes the evil Lord Voldemort, and this makes him worry that he might also turn out to be an evil character.
Moreover, in the novel Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Ron Weasley
As a kid, Ron's economic situation was in the lower class system. As he says, "we were dirt poor but we didn't know it." He lived in a house under 1500ft2 with a dad that was a barber for men's hair, and a mom who cooked, cleaned, and ironed in the house. Although his situation was a little less than fortunate, Ronnie still got 6-10 gifts for his birthday and Christmas each, but he did chores throughout the year to make up for it like walking the dog and taking out the trash. He
His appearance is so weird he wears funny cloths every Monday he wares a chicken suit he likes to were hats. when he excited his eyes
Ron was the son of Hazel Anna Meardy, stepfather John Henry Meardy and father Harold Kessler. Ronnie
Humanity has always oppressed and discriminated against one another since the beginning of time. Never at a point in history has everyone been completely equal in their civil rights and treatment. Whether the discrimination stems from the color of one’s skin to their religious beliefs to anything that separates them from the larger population, a target has been placed upon them for others to attack. In this paper I will investigate how Desmond Tutu’s statement on oppression relates to primary texts that I viewed during the course of this semester.
The totality of the eclipse had just occurred when everyone was gathering around to see its beauty. Everybody was going to see it, except me and my step brother, Jermaine. My car was filled with gas, ready to explore the world of its beauty. “Damn dude this day is wack, like everything is getting scary.” I said, as we are driving, we see a few cars speeding (participle) around. We stop at a red light; I see two trucks hauling (Participle) it, “”These trucks going way to fast, are they even going to stop?” said Jermaine. They flew by me and passed the red light. The streets were empty. All gas stations are empty, stores are full, there is no parking (gerund), and seems like a panic. Finally, we found a parking spot at Wal-Mart, “It’s really
Shortly after Harry was born a villain called Voldermont killed his parents. Somehow Harry did not die from Voldermont, but not only did he live, he almost killed this great dart magician. As the only survivor, a giant called Hagrid took him to his Aunt and Uncle Dursleys house and left them on the doorstep with a note. Ever since that day, he has been living in a blended family. That is a family