
Who Was Agamemnon Justified?

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Agamemnon, King of Argos who let Greek to victory during the ten years of the Trojan war as they try to recapture Helen; Menelaus's wife from the hands of Troy. The main character of these series of events is Clytemnestra, Agamemnon's wife who governs Argus during the war, and who later seeks revange for the death of her daughter Iphigenia. Althought Agamemnon he considered to have great success over his life as a king and a warrior, his fate is already written in stone through a family curse based on betrayall. After Agamemnon's father killed his nephews and fed to his brother who was king at that time and drove them to exile. This lead to a series of events that marked him as doomed for life. Fate, the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power. For "the Shedder of Blood is in great peril, and not unmarked by God. May I never be a Sacker of Cities!, But the rumour of the People, it is heavy, it is …show more content…

Aye, 'tis so(Clytemnestra).” Is her crime of killing her husband justified ?, and are her motives legit ? as he sacrisfied their daughter. According to Fletcher “For example, a good or bad motive might weigh heavily on the evaluation of a crime like homicide. The motive of bringing about an easy death, euthanasia, is thought to make intentional killing less culpable, while a motive of self-interest, say killing for hire or in order to inherit from the victim, makes the killing worse (Fletcher).” We know what was her motive for her crime, which was to advange her daughter's death which may seem less culpable as she took actions based a saying that goes “an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth”, you killed my daughter as way of greed to destroy the Trojans, the same way ill should kill you. In the other hand as her accomplice took adavantage of her vulnerability to committ this crime and inherit the throne of the king made the killing

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