Question 1.
Who wrote the Holy Scripture: The entire Bible was written by actual men, writers whom made them selves available, furthermore, writers whom God decided to use to revealed His plan of salvation to mankind. On another note, how did God inspired these men to write? Scholars suggest that they are at least five theories. First of all, “the intuition theory”, which makes a high degree of insight. Experts suggest that this kind of inspiration functions like a gift in a particular person, perhaps like a natural ability. Second, “the illumination theory,” which in tells that the Holy Spirit did influence the authors, however, they were operating under their normal abilities. Perhaps, the chosen person would easily get connected to the spirit
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To this people I would say that it is by faith that we entrust that the Holy Book is the actual Word of God; further, in order for our finite minds understand an infinite Supreme Being and the love He has for us it is written in a simple form. Skeptics may also rise the question of why is there so many translations. To these questions I would answer yes, there are several translations of the Book that reveals a big God and His plans for humankind, and that perhaps these translations are needed to at least scratch the surface of the love He has for us. These groups of books we call the Bible has for the most part three types of translations: one of which is formal equivalence, the second is the functional equivalence and last but not least the paraphrase type. Perhaps, this is a strategy to reach the many people of the world. Furthermore, the Bible we know today, we believe, contains the actual Word of God, whom desired to reveal Himself to us in a language we could understand. Therefore, by using actual men to write it, seem like a bright idea for these men were inspired by God
As Bart Ehrman states in Misquoting Jesus, “Not only do we not have the originals, we don’t have the first copies of the originals.” In fact, Ehrman’s book and his standpoint on the validity of the Bible translations we do possess caused tens of thousands of Christians to abandon their faith altogether. Wallace uses Bart Ehrman’s book to segue into a discussion concerning the two main attitudes concerning Bible translations that should be avoided: radical skepticism in the case of atheists or agnostics, and absolute certainty in the case of Christians. The reason absolute certainty must be avoided is because there is no translation today that claims to have it all solved. There are thousands of textual variants among manuscripts because there are so many manuscripts. To close, Wallace asks the audience if they are ready to abandon their faith simply because they aren’t sure, and finishes with this statement: “No
As Scott Duvall and Daniel Hays state in Grasping God’s Word, every copy of the Bible today is a translation, “unless everyone wants to learn Hebrew and Greek (the Bible’s original languages)… (Duvall and Hays 23). This being the case, people may debate which translation is more accurate; however, the best way to understand the Bible is by reading several different translations and comparing them to one another. The main reason several translations helps people grasp the full meaning of Scripture is because some translations are word for word, which is the formal approach in translation and gives a reader the closest possible words from when the text was written. On the other hand, the more functional approach in translation is thought for
3.) We have all known people though out our lives or maybe family or friends who did not agree with our biblical belief and have raised questions to challenge our faith. Why does the Bible have so many translations is always one that comes up
The Bible continues to be on the bestseller lists and there is also a tremendous number of Bibles to choose from when acquiring a Bible. However, "there is no such thing as a perfect translation" according to (Duvall & Hays, 2012, p.38). Therefore, depending on your use and purpose an individual may want to research several Bibles before purchasing.
The translations of the bible have been derived from actual manuscripts. Different translations depend on how the scholar takes in a sentence of word. Translations come from original languages of the bible such as Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek.
The supernatural guidance of the writers of scripture by the spirit of God wherby they wrote the divine word of God, transcribed accurately and reliably.
The term scribe gave them authority over the information because it was they who passed it down in the first place. The authority is not ownership because passing down certain information is not claimed it as one's own. it wasn't until "The age of Hellenism brought with it the concept of authorship." The authority of a text came to be associated with its author. Jewish tradition wanted to find authors for its books, however there was little evidence about who wrote the Bible. " The earliest Jewish text that identifies its author is the Wisdom of Ben-Sira, dating from the early second century B.C.E. In some places, the bible indirectly would contradict later ascription of authorship." (From How the Bible Became a Book) it also states that Moses could have been an author and many other possible theories of who is the
As we move further into the research of this paper, defining some terms under the viewpoints of the selected authors is necessary. Millard Erickson defines inspiration as “that supernatural influence of the Holy Spirit upon the Scripture writers which rendered their writings an accurate record of the revelation or which resulted in what they wrote actually being the Word of God.” While inspiration primarily concerns the quality of the finished product rather than the process of that period of time in which the entirety of the Scriptures came into being, the divine-human authorship raises the tension as to how those Scriptures came into being. The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy states: “We affirm that inspiration, strictly speaking applies only to the autographic text of Scripture.” The leads to the question “What constitutes an autograph or the autographs?” In general, scholars use the term autographs to refer to the first or original copies of the biblical documents which is the material the author actually wrote himself. One customary definition of the term “autographa” in a theological discussion refers to the unchanging form of text whereby the original document is identical to the final canonical form of a given OT biblical book. Since canon involves the list of all books that belong in a bible or those reckoned as Holy Scriptures which
Charles: Even though, much of what you said is true because many men were inspired by God and wrote down some of their thoughts that makes up Scripture. A good example is in John’s Gospel, who is one of the Twelve Apostles stated, “But there are also many other things that Jesus did; if every one of them were written down, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.”(John 22:25). This shows that not all Jesus taught is contained in Sacred Scripture, as well as acknowledging that all they wrote came from His inspiration and not His command for the apostles to write it down. Therefore, showing that would have been impossible to write everything in the Bible.
After reading “Everyday Bible Study, chapters 6-9” I found that God wrote the Bible. The Bible is made up of 66 books and was written over a large time span and has many different Authors like Peter, Matthew, and Timothy to name a few, and all were from various parts of the world. Given that technology was nowhere near what it is today, communicating with each other or to conspire was not possible during their time; they all corroborate the same thing, that God wrote the Bible through Man. Man was inspired to create the Scriptures from God through the influence of the Holy Spirit; Scripture was not created by any human being, rather it was translated by God through the Holy Spirit to Man (2 Pet. 1:20-21 New International Version). “If Men Are Involved, How Are There No Errors?”
The Bible is the oldest books that is still not only being currently used, but is a bestseller. Christians believe this Bible are the very words of God given to guide people on how to live. The Bible is made of sixty-six books; thirty-nine in the Old Testament and twenty seven in the New Testament. The New Testament was completed in fifty years. The Bible was written over many years and yet everything that was written fits together perfectly. God chose people who honored Him to write the Bible. He inspired them to write His words. Many of the authors were from Asia and Europe.
The authority of the Bible originates with God Himself. God’s directions over the events in heaven and on earth’s history reveals His authority. However, the authority of the Word of God must be handle carefully. I gleaned to first start with the Torah or Pentateuch, which can be quite complicated. And yet, it is the first section of the Hebrew Scripture sanctified also accepted as authoritative in the religious community. Another key point, is the writings of the Torah, per Jewish tradition was dictated to Moses by God.
Hargreaves, Cecil. A Translator’s Freedom: Modern English Bibles and Their Languages. Jsot Press, 1993.Glassman, Gugene H. The Translation Debate. Illinois: Inter Varsity Press, 1981Park, No-chan. 현대 영어성경 번역본의 신학적 입장 및 번역위원에 관한 연구 -KJV, RV, ASV, RSV, NIV를 중심으로-. 석사학위논문. 침례신학대학 신학대학원. 1996. Translating has two meanings; translating from one language to another, and translating others’ work into one’s words. Like the famous quote “Translation is the art of failure” by Umberto Eco, there were countless controversies over the translation of written works over centuries, from personal writings to literature. Understandably, there are no exceptions for the case of bible translation. The history of bible translation began in the 5th century BCE in Palestine, from Hebrew to Aramaic. There are many factors that affect the content and structure of the bible when it is translated. One factor is emotional attachment to already familiar version. Since the group of people revising the bible are Christians themselves, they must have studied an already existing version for their whole life. This is impossible to ignore and it appears intactly on their work, like King James Version (KJV) and Revised Korean Version (RKV). Another factor is the difference in languages. This is important because the structure of language is different from culture to culture and the meaning it connotes is
The process by which the English Bible, as it is known to the English culture today, was compiled is an extraordinary thing to see. The Bible consists of two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The process by which both Testaments were written and then canonized into one book transpired over a period of many years. Once the canonization of the Bible officially came to an end, it was translated into English. Since then, many versions of the modern Bible have been made. Since the individual books of the Bible became scattered as they were written, people set forth to preserve God’s Word by compiling them into one
The bible was written as an account of what many viewed that God had accomplished so his actions and words could be passed on for generations. Some believe it is a literary account and some believe it is a historical account. The word of God in the bible comes in many forms and is left up to interpretation by the reader. Some believe that the word of God should be the only word and should be strictly followed. Some believe that the words are meant as a guideline to help us through life. Whatever your belief is you can always seem to find the meaning behind your belief through the word of God in the Bible.