
Who Wrote The Holy Scripture

Decent Essays

Question 1.

Who wrote the Holy Scripture: The entire Bible was written by actual men, writers whom made them selves available, furthermore, writers whom God decided to use to revealed His plan of salvation to mankind. On another note, how did God inspired these men to write? Scholars suggest that they are at least five theories. First of all, “the intuition theory”, which makes a high degree of insight. Experts suggest that this kind of inspiration functions like a gift in a particular person, perhaps like a natural ability. Second, “the illumination theory,” which in tells that the Holy Spirit did influence the authors, however, they were operating under their normal abilities. Perhaps, the chosen person would easily get connected to the spirit …show more content…

To this people I would say that it is by faith that we entrust that the Holy Book is the actual Word of God; further, in order for our finite minds understand an infinite Supreme Being and the love He has for us it is written in a simple form. Skeptics may also rise the question of why is there so many translations. To these questions I would answer yes, there are several translations of the Book that reveals a big God and His plans for humankind, and that perhaps these translations are needed to at least scratch the surface of the love He has for us. These groups of books we call the Bible has for the most part three types of translations: one of which is formal equivalence, the second is the functional equivalence and last but not least the paraphrase type. Perhaps, this is a strategy to reach the many people of the world. Furthermore, the Bible we know today, we believe, contains the actual Word of God, whom desired to reveal Himself to us in a language we could understand. Therefore, by using actual men to write it, seem like a bright idea for these men were inspired by God

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