
Whole Foods Legacy

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Research a leader that left a legacy within their organization. Identify the term legacy and that leader’s strengths and weaknesses. In addition, examine their leadership style and how it affected the organization’s performance and effectiveness. Identify specific actions that the leader used to demonstrate his/her style.

The term “legacy” refers to “an imprint” made, the imprint may be a physical one or something less tangible (Wallin, 2014). Whatever form the imprint takes understand that the people, the organization, it’s shareholders, or the very structure of the organization are changed because of the actions of the leader (Wallin, 2014). In this way the leader is transformational and so those leaders that leave a legacy are change …show more content…

These conflicts exist in the demographics served by Whole Foods – the elite and well to do. If Mackey is a conscious capitalist and servant leader and practices what he preaches he would have stores which are accessible to persons of all demographics. This has been the main complaint against Mackey and the one which the potential to damage his credibility as a servant leader and conscious capitalist and thus the good work of his legacy. Recently Mackey acknowledged the weakness of his legacy this and answered the call to provide good food for people of all incomes be creating Whole Food’s Market 365 stores, which only sell the stores brand. The 365 stores will have price points which are easily affordable to persons of middle and lower income (Kowitt, …show more content…

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Kanter, R. M. (2011). How Great Companies Think Differently. Harvard Business Review, 89(11), 66-78.
Kowitt, B. (2015, August 20). John Mackey: The conscious capitalist. Retrieved January 21, 2016, from
Q&A with John Mackey (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2016, from
Wallin, T. (2014, October 13). Transformational Leaders Leave Purposeful Legacies. Retrieved January 21, 2017, from

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