
Why Animal Testing Should Be Prohibited

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Animal Testing Should Be Prohibited

If you have ever taken a medicine, it was most likely tested on an animal first. If the medicine made you feel better after you were sick, then you are in luck, because many times the same cannot be said for animal test subjects. Test animals are very often subject to horrendous living conditions or inhumane experiments Many animals feel extreme discomfort or even die because of this. Another reason why animal testing is unnecessary is because there are many equally or even more effective alternatives to animal testing that are more humane. Finally, animal testing should be prohibited because it could potentially be ineffective because animals generally aren’t the same as humans. People are abusing and killing …show more content…

Many times tester animals are forced to wear cosmetics, or take certain drugs, just so that the scientists can see the effects it on the animal. Scientists have done experiments on monkeys where they drilled screws into their heads. Every year, over a hundred thousand monkeys are shipped into laboratories from their homes in Africa or Asia. These journeys are extremely long and difficult, and the animals often get no food, water, or care. Many die along the way. The “lucky” ones who survive are then “loaded onto trucks . . . must endure days-long transport to labs, where they will live a ‘life’ of systematic torture.” (5 Horrific Animal Experiments...) Over 100 million animals die each year due to animal testing. (See above source). Proponents of animal testing may bring up the point that laboratories don’t have to keep the animals in such terrible living conditions, but in many cases, the experiments done on the animals themselves are just as horrible. Also, better living conditions generally cost too much for the companies doing the testing, who want to spend as little money as possible to get maximum

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