Animal Testing Should Be Prohibited
If you have ever taken a medicine, it was most likely tested on an animal first. If the medicine made you feel better after you were sick, then you are in luck, because many times the same cannot be said for animal test subjects. Test animals are very often subject to horrendous living conditions or inhumane experiments Many animals feel extreme discomfort or even die because of this. Another reason why animal testing is unnecessary is because there are many equally or even more effective alternatives to animal testing that are more humane. Finally, animal testing should be prohibited because it could potentially be ineffective because animals generally aren’t the same as humans. People are abusing and killing
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Many times tester animals are forced to wear cosmetics, or take certain drugs, just so that the scientists can see the effects it on the animal. Scientists have done experiments on monkeys where they drilled screws into their heads. Every year, over a hundred thousand monkeys are shipped into laboratories from their homes in Africa or Asia. These journeys are extremely long and difficult, and the animals often get no food, water, or care. Many die along the way. The “lucky” ones who survive are then “loaded onto trucks . . . must endure days-long transport to labs, where they will live a ‘life’ of systematic torture.” (5 Horrific Animal Experiments...) Over 100 million animals die each year due to animal testing. (See above source). Proponents of animal testing may bring up the point that laboratories don’t have to keep the animals in such terrible living conditions, but in many cases, the experiments done on the animals themselves are just as horrible. Also, better living conditions generally cost too much for the companies doing the testing, who want to spend as little money as possible to get maximum
Recently, my sixth grade class and I read and watched “The Westing Game”. The movie and book had a lot of similarities and differences. One major difference was the plot, also the characters and point of view was changed in the movie. However, there was more things that was more things that were different than the things that were similar. I personally enjoyed reading the book more than watching the movie, because it had more detail.
For a long time, the world considered animal testing as an essential part for finding medical cures and for creating cosmetics. Without observing it from different aspects, people are not aware that these testing are: cruel and inhumane and they waste a lot of government money and resources. Also, there are other alternative options that can replace all the experiments that are conducted on animals. Thus, animal testing is immoral and it should be banned.
“Each year, more than 100 million animals are killed in the United States from animal testing” (Experiments on, 2017). These animals are harmed or even killed more than half of the time that they are experimented on. These harmless animals are taken and forced into captivity for different kinds of testing from day to day. They are forced to stay in cages all day long and only get to eat what they are given based on testing for that day. Animals are just like people; they need to exercise, have interactions, be able to eat when hungry, etc., but laboratories take away these privileges from the animals by trapping them in the lab all day. Animal testing is wrong and harmful in many ways.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) statistics records the use of roughly 26 million animals per year for animal testing. These test reports in many cases are poor. Although animals were greatly used in the past the effects of treatments on animals and humans can’t be compared. The human body, reactions to toxins, and usefulness of treatments is different because we are different, “While animal’s maybe ‘whole models,’ states Dr. Aysha Akhtar, MD,” they are the wrong whole model because of interspecies differences.” Testing animals for human treatments should not continue to be practiced.
”More than 115 million animals worldwide are used in laboratory experiments each year” (About Animal Testing). Animal testing has been used since the BC years, and it is used to understand and compare how things might affect the human body. In 1937, a pharmaceutical company released a drug that was poisonous to humans unknowingly. It ended up poisoning many people, and resulted in several deaths. After this incident, experiments on animals became more important in the medical world (Hajar, Rachel). Animal testing should be illegal, because it is unfair, inhumane, and morally wrong.
Do you have any pets? Do you hate when your animals goes through pain? This essay is about why animal Testing should be illegal and should be banned but others think that it should not be banned. My reasons that are shown are Animals will get harmed no matter if the medicines work or not, also why Humans and Animals are to different, and last but not least Animals will end up fearing humans. For example Animal Testing 101 agrees with me.
Animal testing is remarkably cruel and inhumane. Animals that are used for testing are put in cages and isolated. They are usually, they are taken almost casually, housed appallingly, and denied anything close to a life (Newkirk). These animals are trapped their whole life and are stripped of their ways of life. Not to mention that within some of these laboratories, universities, and every other place that animal testing is conducted in, researchers treat animals very poorly. In one place, "workers were caught punching dogs in the face, screaming at the animals, and even simulating sex with each other while trying to inject a frightened beagle" (Newkirk). Not only do researchers do those cruel actions, but some "experimenters force-feed chemicals to animals, conduct repeated surgeries on them, implant wires in their brains, crush their spines, and much more" (PETA). Some may say that this does not happen and that animals do not experience pain anymore due to new laws, like the Animal Welfare Act (AWA). But, the truth is, these "laws" do barely anything, if nothing, to help stop the cruel
Protesting has been going around the world for many of years. Throughout many years of people boycotted agents a situation they believe, if a wrong or right. One of the biggest areas on where people gather around and protest is when they’re fighting agents animals testing. As well as the years has pasted on protesting on animals, it became more sires in increased in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Many cosmetics companies been testing on animals throughout the years there is also many that have not. The cosmetics line LUSH has been fighting over animals testing for over thirty years and will continue to fight for their right according to the company. When LUSH had first started the company had divided they didn 't ever wanted to test their product on animal. Not only fighting agents animals testing LUSH is also ego friendly; everything they use its plants, oil, and recycle. Since LUSH having to be agents animal testing, policies had created to work with the companies of cosmetics to end the cruelty of animals. The LUSH company say “ This can be done without animal testing …” and it true. LUSH is a company that all there product dills with ones skin to make them fell and look beautiful. If LUSH can test their products other than animals and still make your still looking good then, other cosmetics companies can do the same.
In some ways I be-live animal testing should be illegal but I also feel like it should be legal. In order to solves the worlds problems you have to start small. Like what if you wanted to see a hybrid of animals you would have to take a sample of DNA from one animal and put it into another animal. so for example what if you have a three legged mouse and you know lizards limbs grow back so you would take a sample of the lizard and insert it into a mouse. So that is starting small. And what if your testing is good then .You would move up to something larger like a three legged cat then dog then horse. And imagine if all your resolute have been a success you would like to try it on a humans.
Animal testing has been a controversial topic discussed by many people over the past decade. There are many organizations that are trying to ban the use of animal testing because of the cruelty us humans are doing to innocent animals and the pain and suffering these animals go through. The first organization I found when researching was PETA (People, Ethical, Treatment, Animals). From my research, this is the largest animal rights group founded so far. Their main office is in Norfolk, VA. They are not only fighting animal testing but animals for the use of food, clothing and entertainment. This organization has donated over a million dollars to find non-animal testing methods. Another organization I found was PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine).
There is a debate in the world today. Some people think they should do testing on animals and some people think they shouldn’t test animal because it’s not right for them to test and kill the animals when they're done. The United States is having a lot of trouble with people testing animals because this group called PETA is trying to end testing all over the world. The PETA is fighting for the animal welfare act. The animal welfare act does not let test on animal.
One more reason to think about outlawing animal testing is that it kills and hurts the animal used. The Humane Society International said that animal used in experiments are commonly forced to eat and inhale and are purposely burned and cut to study the healing process. Just in US labs over a 100 millions animals are burned, poisoned ,and abused. Recently, an owl monkey suffered a terrible death when it was left in a cage that went through a scalding-hot washer in a Texas
A quote from The impossible housing and handling conditions of monkeys in research labs,”The suffering is not just restricted to one experiment but every hour of the animals life”. That is also a lot of proof that the animal is suffering through all of the time it spends at the research lab. The animals in research facilities suffer many injuries just in the cage. Lots of tests are just a big waste because many animals end up suffering a whole lot or even dying for no reason because the test did not get any results needed. A quote from Animal Testing is bad Science says “Studies published have shown that animal testing just wastes lives.”
At this exact moment many animals are suffering for our causes locked up in cages suffering from loneliness. That’s wrong for many reasons. Because there is alternatives instead of testing on animals and it’s not harmful to us. Another reason is that it is cruel to them because they have no choice in the matter. Last reason is that it is very dangerous and many people have payed the price for that.
Imagine living in a prison, where you don't get to choose what to eat and not know if you will survive or not. You see your friends one by one getting experimented and hear their bloodcurdling screams everyday, not knowing if you will be next. This is the life of an animal in a laboratory. Some may think this doesn't really happen, but this is a very real issue that needs to stop. Every year in the U.S., over 25 million animals are used in biomedical and product testing. Too improve our awareness of the animal cruelty around us, we have to stop being careless, be more fair with animals, and put ourselves into perspective of the animals.