
Why Animals Die Is Vital For Understand The Population

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Statistics regarding The time and place of when Animals die is vital to understand the population pronouncement. During migratory periods like winter, breeding, and also during migratory, the when and where animals die is important for us to understand population regulations. In migratory animals, mortality may prevail not only during the stationary periods but can also happen during the migrational seasons. But, the relative significance of population limiting factors during different periods of the year remains poorly understood, and previous studies mainly relied on indirect evidence.
Here, we provide direct evidence about when and where migrants die by identifying cases of confirmed and probable deaths in three species of long-distance migratory raptors tracked by satellite telemetry.
We show that mortality rate was about six times higher during migration seasons than during stationary periods. However, total mortality was surprisingly similar between periods, which can be explained by the fact that risky migration periods are shorter than safer stationary periods. Nevertheless, more than half of the annual mortality occurred during migration. We also found spatiotemporal patterns in mortality: spring mortality occurred mainly in Africa in association with the crossing of the Sahara desert, while most mortality during autumn took place in Europe.
Our results strongly suggest that events during the migration seasons have an important impact on the population

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