Today people are suffering from other people’s choices. This will affect friends and family by giving them lung cancer and disease . This addiction is harming the lives of others. It is the problem in our society today. Smoking should be illegal.
Back in 2005, about 20% of the population smoked every day. The numbers have grown since then. Today people have spent a lot of money on surgery just to stop what they did to themselves and others. ( says that 23 kids have died of illness in 1998 related to second hand smoking. Still kids are being affected before they were even born. Women who smoke when pregnant can affect the baby by making them smaller and less healthy when born. Smoking has infected our society like it has to the smokers.
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In a cigarette there is a chemical called nicotine that is super addicting. The reason it is addictive is that the nicotine sends a message to the brain making the body half to have it or they will get sick and feel bad. The rest of the chemicals (which there are over 4,000 chemicals in a cigarette.) like tar and arsenic just do horrible things to your body. The tar sticks to your lungs making it very hard to breath. Arsenic is literally a poison, there are only little bits of it but it is super
In the U.S. almost all of the things harmful to humans are banned except for alcohol and smoking. In Sally Chen’s Smoking Is Bad For Everyone So It Should Be Illegal, Chen makes her case against smoking and other types of tobacco consumption. Chen states that Smoking and tobacco should be banned because “It’s an addictive drug that not only harms the user but everyone else through secondary smoke.”
Smoking is a severe health issue which can results in pain, sickness and depression. Not only does the misuses of tobacco and nicotine have a devastating
Why do people get addicted to nicotine so easily? There’s an abundant amount of reasons as to why people can get addicted to nicotine-based products. Nicotine is a stimulant that is very addictive and consumed through tobacco products (Brands, 1998). It is under as a schedule II drug, which contains other drugs for example: cocaine, various opioids, and other addictive products. It contains drugs with a very high potential for abuse and dependence (Ginzel, 2008). This stimulant, nicotine, is said to be more addictive than heroine itself; a drug that is illegal and administered by needles (Brands, 1998).
Unfortunately, it seems that people not only risk their life with every cigarette they smoke, but also affect everybody else who is around. Everybody can be affected by second-hand smoke.
The smoking habit is the principal cause of illness, disability and death around the world. More than five million of people in the world die due to smoking habit every year. If we don’t take care of this in 2030 the amount will be ten million. Seven million of these deaths would be in poor countries.
Public smoking has been an issue for people who do not take part in the smoking epidemic for as long as smoking has been around. What people need to understand is that individuals who do not engage in the activity of ruining their lungs are being forced into the act of involuntary smoking rather they like it or not, and that is unacceptable.
It can stain your teeth and gums, resulting in yellow teeth and bad breath which can affect your social life. It can cause sexual problems for men by reducing the amount of sperm they can produce. It has also been proven that 'smoking causes aging of skin' (Buzzle 36), because the skin is deprived of blood. Pregnant women should not even try to smoke cigarettes during their 9 months because of the harm it could do to the baby and themselves. The affects of smoking on women and the child during pregnancy are as follows: high possibility of miscarriage, pregnancy complications and possible death of the baby. These are just a small variety of facts on smoking and how dangerous it can be, yet millions of people across the U.S choose to smoke anyways, without realizing the harm it can doing to their bodies. For secondhand smokers, the same principle applies. Don’t smoke and you will live a healthy lifestyle. I have personally seen many of my friends who hang around with their other friends that happen to smoke. When I confront them about the harm it is doing to them, they tend to ignore the advice I offer, so I let them be, hoping that one day they will realize that smoking harms more people than just the smoker themselves. It causes harm to the people around them and to the environment, increasing the pollution in our world. Former U.S vice-president Al Gore, believes that smoking is
Leonardo da Vinci was a main craftsman and scholarly of the Italian Renaissance who's known for his persisting works "The Last Dinner" and the "Mona Lisa. "Leonardo da Vinci was born in April 15, 1452 to May 2, 1519 he work as a painter, stone worker, planner, designer, military specialist and artist — the embodiment of a "Renaissance man." With an inquisitive personality and sharp insightfulness, da Vinci considered the laws of science and nature, which incredibly educated his work. His thoughts and group of work have affected incalculable specialists and made da Vinci a main light of the Italian Renaissance.
The reason people become addicted to tobacco is nicotine, a chemical that affects both your mood and your physical brain. It gives your brain temporary pleasure, and makes you want to use more tobacco, which leads to dependence on the substance. It is the nicotine that gets a person addicted to tobacco, but the other substances in tobacco that have physical effects on the user. The continued use of tobacco can cause many deadly health conditions, and it is responsible for about 1 out of 6 deaths in the United States. There are currently more than 16 million Americans living with a smoking caused disease. “On average smokers die 10 years earlier than non-smokers.” ( Tobacco addiction is also responsible for at least 480,00 deaths per year in the United
It is the most common addiction throughout the world with 1.1 trillion people smoking currently, consisting about a third of the population over 15 years old. While nicotine is the addictive substance in the tobacco that causes addiction, tobacco will increase health risks of heart attack and vascular diseases. Nicotine dependency is a complex brain disease, and we need to start thinking of it as such. New ways of ingesting this substance have been created, that try to lure and appeal to demographic, particularly younger, to consume nicotine. Regardless of how many years someone has smoked, stopping at any point will valuable and improve your quality of life. Changing the public’s view on addiction is a subject of importance, so many of others can view this as a brain disease more than a personal decision. To fight this addiction, you have to rewire your behaviors in your brain and have a drive to overcome this horrific addiction. The brain can luckily keep changing and be trained to stop cravings with a multitude of different strategies. Anyone can be affected by addiction, we need start treating addicts with evidence-based practices rather than jailing them. Through more education and laws enforced, we can only hope that the number of tobacco users can decrease more and everyone can learn to live a healthier, full life without addiction and the painful diseases that derive from
Many studies show that about 50 billion dollars’ worth of alcohol crashes occur a year (“Drunk Driving”). Alcohol messes up communication pathways that affect coordination and response time to the body.
In 2000, United Nations announced the Millennium Declaration for global development and committed to achieve eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 (United Nations, 2000). Over the past 15 years, by reviewing and reflecting the failures and success of these ambitious goals (Childs, 2015), the debate about international giving continues. To support the stance about “the U.S. government and NGOs should stop aiding more to foreign countries,” this memo will briefly indicate this stand. In order to be well prepared for our debate, this note could provide a brief outline for this point of view.
People that smoke are the people that get all the unhealthy stuff in a body like cancer and many diseases that can be caused.“If smoking persists at the current rate among young adults in this country, 5.6 million of today’s Americans younger than 18 years of age are projected to die prematurely from a smoking-related illness. Another 100,000 were babies who died of sudden infant death syndrome (often referred to as SIDS) or complications from prematurity, low birth weight, or other conditions caused by parental smoking, particularly smoking by the mother. “Smoking has been around for a long time. The problem with smoking became worse when “production climbed markedly when another cigarette-making machine was developed in the 1880s by James Albert Bonsack, which vastly increased the productivity of cigarette companies, which went from making about 40,000 hand-rolled cigarettes daily to around 4 million.” Smoking is a problem around the world because it causes lung cancer, many other cancers, and some horrible diseases. This problem should be solved because “More than 10 times as many U.S. citizens have died prematurely from cigarette smoking than have died in all the wars fought by the United States during its history.”
The simple smoke from a cigarette is more complex then it really looks. "Each time a person breaths in smoke about a million particles of very tiny complex materials are breathed in and only 20% of that is breathed out."(Hyde 1990) From these little millions of particles is the reason it causes problems for the human body. The main material in the some is nicotine. "Nicotine is an alkaloid poison found in
The effects of cigarette smoking can be horrifying. Smoking is dangerous not only to those who smoke, but to non-smokers and unborn children as well. Cigarette smoking is also physically and socially harming.