It’s not surprising for me to read that nurses are considered one of the most trustworthy professions. The first thing that comes to my mind when reading this is that nurses provide direct patient care and are the ones who constantly advocate for their patients. Nurses also follow a code of ethics and are kind, caring, compassionate and non-judgmental.
After researching a few various articles regarding this topic, I learned that one reason that patients view nurses as trustworthy is because nurses provide continuous care. In contrast, studies show that 8% of people trust car salespeople and only 7% of people trust our congress (Xie, 2014). Another article mentions that many patients now have access to health care that they can
Being a nurse is not just a profession, it is a privilege and an honor. With it being a profession where there is an opportunity to touch many patients’ lives, there must be regulations, laws, and codes that nurses must abide by. There are certain professional traits that a nurse must possess to make them not only a good nurse but a great nurse. There are various nursing theories that a nurse can base their practice upon and many historical figures of the past that guide the nurses of today and of the future.
All prescribed medications should be monitored regularly for various reasons. These reasons include effectiveness, side effects as well as monitoring vital signs. Some medications are more effective or less effective depending on the age and weight of the patient.
The three attributes were chosen on the basis that it takes a special type of person to
Nurses are respected. I was grown up week and I could get sick very easily. I knew most of the nurses in my community clinic. I saw them treating their jobs meticulously even though they were exhausted; I saw them taking good
Caring is central to the nursing profession, as it a way to earn a patient/clients trust and respect. What makes a good nurse stand out from a great nurse, is adding on to the attributes associated with caring and taking that extra step to ensure a patient is comfortable and does not feel judged while they are receiving care. It is the little things. Strengthening the relationship between patient/clients and the nurse/caregiver is shown through actions displaying concern and devotion. This ensures that the nurse/caregiver gains trust by the patient/client and family. Patients/clients who may be especially vulnerable, can be wary of the competency and caring demeanor of a caregiver.
When people think about nurses, many ideas come to mind. They think of the hideous old starched, white uniforms, a doctor’s handmaiden, the sexy or naughty nurse, or a torturer. The media and society have manipulated the identity and role of nurses. None of these ideas truly portray nurses and what they do. Nurses are with the patients more than the doctors. People do not realize how little they will encounter the doctor in the hospital until they are actually in the hospital. People quickly realize how important nurses are. Because nurses interact with their patients constantly, nurses are the ones who know the patients best.
Education on the Southern Yorke Peninsula has its advantages and disadvantages. There are multiple schools that have great services for the students that attend each one. Throughout this assignment I will be investigating what education is like on the Southern Yorke Peninsula and how small schools succeed on such small student numbers. I will also be observing what affects small schools have on students who attend and also the effects on the local community.
A profession can be defined as a “prestigious occupation with a high degree of identification among its member that requires a length and rigorous education in an intellectually demanding and theoretically based course of study; that engages in rigorous self-regulation and control; that holds authority over clients; and that puts service to society above simple self interest” (Schwirian, 1998, p. 6). Nursing is just that, and with its specific body of knowledge, standards, and codes of ethics, it is only fitting that it be self-regulated (College of Nurses of Ontario, 2012). The College of Nurses works with registered nurses, registered practical nurses, and nurse practioners to determine whether or not standards and best practices are met and that the public’s safety is protected.
Nurses are trustworthy people. They promote health concerns and are reliable people to be taught from. Their creditability is making changes to the environment in a positive way. Nurses have many offers, though others may not realize. Every day nurses earn their position of honor, trust, and
Integrity is a vital quality as a nurse related to the fact that patients literally entrust their lives to their healthcare team. According to Proverbs 10:9 "whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out." God is pleased with a person of integrity. I Chronicles 29:17a states "I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity." Nurses have the ethical obligation to maintain competence and proficiency, and as Christians, they also are morally bound to develop the virtues of honesty and integrity.
A nurse is given an opportunity to help patients, either if its by helping them through a very serious sickness or just helping a patient get to the bathroom on time, or a time when happiness is overfilling the room and a child is being born. Registered nurses provide a wide variety of patient care services (Mitchell, p.12). A Nurse must always know where to begin and where to stop, as any other career in the health field there is always something that cannot be done by everyone but only the certified person, a nurse must always remain inside her scope of practice to prevent any misunderstandings. A nurse must also follow a code of ethics , the code of ethics of the American Association of Medical Assistants states that a nurse should at all times render service with full respect and dignity of humanity, respect confidential information obtained by a patients file, uphold the honor and high principles the profession and accept its discipline, and last but not least always want to improve her services to better serve the health and well being of the community. (Mitchell, p.65).
Integrity is being honest and exhibiting a professional code of ethics (Shaw &Degazon, 2008). Additionally, integrity is simply doing what is right. It is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principle (American Nurses Association, 2015). Florence Nightingale stated, “Be everyday more and more real, honest, and thorough in your nursing work” (Dossey, 56). Nightingale is a model of integrity in the nursing profession. She stood up and did what needed to be done for her patients, despite opposition from others (Dossey, 2005). Nurses have topped the Gallup’s annual polls on honesty and ethics for the past fifteen years (Norman, 2016). Trust is a key component of relationships and certainly involves honesty. This Gallup pole indicates the importance of the nursing profession to healthcare. Nurses are patient advocates and at the bedside on a consistent basis. Likewise, they are the ones caring for patients in their most vulnerable states. Therefore, nurses must display integrity at all times. In a profession that relies on honesty and trust, it is important for nurses to regularly evaluate their integrity and look for ways to improve it.
Elizabeth I of England Queen Elizabeth I was the last monarch of the Tudor dynasty. She never had kids so some called her the virgin queen because of this. Elizabeth had many followers and almost a cult like following. So many people adored her because when she ruled Church and Parliament had worked in an even balance. Queen Elizabeth had the odds stacked against her, but she was able to use her wit and knowledge to overcome these obstacles.
ou make your point very clear and give great information from the textbook to support it. I agree with you that it should be conceptualized as a behavior. You are right that traits are considered to be antecedent conditions, as Northouse (2016) explains "As in any leadership situation, the qualities and disposition of the leader influence the servant leadership process. Individuals bring their own traits and ideas about leading to leadership situations." (pg. 232), this means that while traits are part of a leader, the characteristics that make a servant leader come from behaviors that are learned and change throughout life. For example, servant leaders have a strong moral behavior, it is not a trait, but something that is learned and change
Nursing has evolved over the years and it took many years for a nurse to be recognized as a profession. Since 1991, nursing is considered to be the most trusted profession in the United States. According to the American Nurses of Association (2005), "For the past 1 years, the public has voted nurses as the most honest and ethical profession in America." Not only has nursing become a trusted career, but the values and the way nurses care for their patients has helped people see them as family.