
Why Are School Uniforms Or Bust

Decent Essays

School Uniforms or Bust!
How would it feel to be made fun of every day at school just because of what you wear? Is that fair to the person being made fun of when they have no control over the matter? I think not. If schools required their students to wear uniforms, It would make student feel more equal, there wouldn’t be discrimination just because of what a person is wearing: everyone would be wearing the same thing. Schools should require uniforms for the following reasons: an increase in test scores, a decrease in school violence, and it will also help relieve the financial issues of buying school clothes. “‘I certainly think it will help. Having uniforms will reduce the financial burden on parents, it will eliminate dress competition and it will reduce the number of instances of stealing or having clothing stolen,’ said Lawson” (“Will”).
People who support school uniforms argue that they will prevent students whose families can’t afford a lot of clothes from being bullied. There is some …show more content…

People that oppose school uniforms say that “they are a financial burden for poor families” (Wilde). On average, American parents spend around $130 on clothes for their kids each school year. While the average annual cost of school uniforms are $249 (see figure 2). I know that based on this information it would seem that buying regular school clothes would be a cheaper option than school uniforms, and on paper it is. But, trending clothes have a huge impact on the cost of regular school clothes, explained by the following excerpt of an article titled Pros and Cons of School Uniforms. “In some cases, the use of school uniforms is more affordable to families because there is not as much pressure to buy expensive, trendy clothing. Uniforms are made to last, and can be washed easily, and frequently. After the initial cost of buying uniforms, there is no need to spend as much money on clothing”

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