
Why Are The Witches Important In Macbeth

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One of the greatest plays written by William Shakespeare would be considered Macbeth. It is a tragedy which took place in Scotland and dramatizes the damaging physical and psychological effects of Macbeth’s existence. Additionally, its use of the element of foreshadowing places the reader in the time period. Here the tragedy begins when the witches introduce a prophecy to Macbeth and Banquo. The introduction immediately triggers a domino effect to Macbeth's trail of evil. After knowing the prophecies, this event started to grow on to Macbeth's and his lady’s thoughts to become Thane of Cawdor. He believed he should murder King Duncan to take his throne and have anything he wished. While the supernatural has never been proven, it played a large role in the development of The Tragedy of Macbeth by utilizing witches and specters to drive the story’s plot and influence the character’s actions.
The witches and their power would be the first element of the supernatural. They were known as the Weird Sisters. The witches’ appearance was described as grotesque, poor and worn out. They couldn’t be classified as men or women because they dressed like women, but grew a beard like men. The witches were able to foresee the future, cast spells, control weather and float in the air. Their first …show more content…

In this scene Macbeth is at the table with his guests. The empty chair at the far end at the table, he immediately sees Banquo. His ghost was used as a punishment to make Macbeth feel guilty. He is provoked to give himself in and admit he is guilty for Banquo’s death. Lady Macbeth starts apologizing to his guest for Macbeth’s behavior and so no one will suspect of them. The supernatural is creating events so Macbeth fails for the murders he has committed. If there would be no supernatural the prophecy would not be given triggering the ambition of wanting power and glory. No supernatural, no unexpected events would have taken

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