People say that love is forever. If it were truly a charming world, Then tell me this; In such a "beautiful" time as this, Why are there still hate wars? But not acceptance and peace? Love is very complex, There is love of families and friends, Girlfriends and boyfriends. There are heterosexuals and homosexuals… But there is hatred towards certain groups of people, Just because it is not the normal, Because those people are not like you. Is it because people are blinded by reality? Or is it because they follow those who think they are right, Even when they are wrong? There are so many insults for these people, And even those who support them. There are wars for our own human rights, But does not it make these rights useless? Why do they call
There are different levels of discrimination and often times, most people do not realize they are prejudiced. “While most people want to be fair, we can’t help but have preconceived notions”. This quote just shows how some people are raised to either dehumanize or respect a person more because of their race or background. Just like any other learned behavior, prejudice is integrated into the lives of many and plays a huge role in society. Stereotypes and personal experiences strongly contribute to the unintentional actions a person gives off towards a certain type of person or group.
How is a human suppose to love? Love is just a statement, a word, a word is just a sound. When you really love something, in loves you back in whatever way it has to love. But what if that love isn't good enough? Doesn’t meet your standards? "‘What I mean is, I love winter, and when you really love something, then it loves you back, in whatever way it has to love.’ I didn't think that this was true, […] but it was like every other thought and belief of Finny's: it should have been true. So I didn't argue” (Knowles 111). That is just life, love is something that is always there and needs to be accepted in anyway it can.
A society that is run by hate can cause total chaos and destruction within its society causing its people to be untrusting of the government and also question its power and authority due to a belief of a conspiracy of the government. This so called hatred that exists in society consumes it people with remorse and anger against this totalitarian, corrupt government that seeks power and control over its people and society, which can cause a major revolt of its society against the government to try to seek the truth and their individual rights. In the classic novel, “1984”, written by George Orwell, he writes about a society in the city of London, called Oceania, in which Big Brother is in control of the society in every aspect of the people’s lives. Some examples of the governments power over society is the ideology of thought crimes, the creation of Newspeak, and telescreens that watch over and invade the privacy of their people. A society that is based on hate cannot survive and support its society because a society must depend upon happiness and its people in order to survive so it can achieve true happiness and tranquility.
Love should be born and live in fields, just like wild flowers. Love needs to be nurtured by water, with no concern about where and when the next rainfall will take place. Love needs to allow nature to take its course and trust in the sustenance that its surrounding provides. However, love refuses to take the easy path. Instead, love decides to live in kitchens alongside irritated cooks, dirty walls and screaming infants with impatient mothers. Clearly, love would be better off without concerns, growing in a field like an iris, patiently waiting for the next rainfall. However, love chooses to exist in chaotic environments filled with discontent and discord.
We live in a world where people still cannot find a way to peacefully love each other. Throughout history we have lived in a world of fighting, conquering, and killing. When will it end? It seems like, if it is our duty or nature to do those horrific things.
The ironic thing is we say that we love flowers, yet we pluck them and we say we love trees, yet we cut them down. Then we sit there and ponder why we as humans are afraid to be loved, to fall in love. We are afraid of the dark, not because it's dark. We are afraid of what the dark conceals from us. We are afraid of having something with the potential to hurt us, standing right before our eyes and not registering it as a threat. We as humans are incredibly afraid of change, we find it hard to adjust to change. The question is why? We are afraid of change because we have become so used to or maybe even so tolerable of a person or a situation regardless of the circumstances that we start believing that we
hooks explains how when an individual chooses to love at that moment is when a step is taking forward to ending domination and oppression. To love is a practice of freedom and to help others who are blind to become aware as a community. Liberty is approached when love is approached this is when individuals seeks ways to liberate themselves.” The moment we choose to love we begin to move against domination, against oppression. The moment we choose to love we begin to move towards freedom, to act in ways that liberate ourselves and others. That action is the testimony of love as the practice of freedom” (hooks). Oppression and exploitation is destroyed when love comes in and can only be destroyed when everyone as a community decided to take action. Like in North Dakota when even veterans decide to support. Thousands of veterans from around the country traveled to the standing rock and kneeled down to support the water protesters who have been peacefully protesting. Love won and the so did the protestors because everyone came a whole and
Proverbs 14:13 “He who oppresses the poor show contempt for their maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors god”.? Are we not living up to god’s honor because of our history of bloodshed and hate? The hate we have for another weather it’s because you’re rich or poor, a different race, a cop or civilian, and one country versus another?
Fear within the disastrous movie Children of Men can be portrayed as our society today but, not as vicious. In the Children of Men everyone has lost hope for the future once a precious, youngest 18-year-old had died. They believe that one can produce children therefore, no hope for the next generation. As for today our problem is not that we can produce it is the fact that we do not show love for one another. There are so many upsetting events and attacks that are tearing our world apart piece by piece, hatred is just being thrown around with no care towards one another but, there is hope at the end of the tunnel just how there was for Kee.
“No matter how you define it or feel it, love is the eternal truth in the history of mankind" (Love Sessions, 2009). “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always preserves”
Throughout the history of mankind there has come to be two factors that are seen as inevitable. The first is progress, humans are naturally competitive creatures who not only want to insure their own safety but also get one up on their neighbours. Progress has led to huge leaps forward, not only technologically but also socially. However, aside from progress there is another factor, war. Time and time again throughout history humans have fought and killed each other for their own selfish reasons and security. And according to political theorists such as Hobbes this is simply the state of nature, a perpetual state of ‘war of all against all’, further surmising that it is due to this that mankind is fundamentally selfish. However, just because so far, mankind’s history has consisted of an endless cycle of wars, does that mean that it must continue to be this way? Political Philosopher Immanuel Kant outlines a number of articles that he hypothesises could lead towards a perpetual peace. There are many criticisms of Kant’s perpetual peace, many argue that it is to idealistic and utopian. However, Kant doesn’t deny these claims. Instead Kant argues that if this ‘perpetual peace’ is even a remote possibility then for the good of mankind, we have a duty to try make it a reality.
“I love you.” These three little words might possibly be the most powerful statement one can make to another person. In life, most yearn for the intimate affection that a certain someone can provide them. Women dream of their Prince Charming to come and sweep them off their feet, while men search for the love of their life that sets their heart on fire. But what happens when love is thrown around without a second thought? Has this four letter word become an overused cliché? Has love been replaced with lust? Is there such a thing as true love? This last question has been asked throughout history, while many have argued and debated over the final answer. We, as a society, have become a loveless, sex crazed group
We are all born the same way: as humans, and therefore deserve the same rights and acceptance as long as we all follow the laws and comply with the norms set to protect all individuals. But throughout history certain groups of people have faced discrimination, segregation, and injustice because they are of a specific race, skin color and/or culture that some of us consider to be part of a lower category of human beings, as well as the fact of holding different beliefs and ideals along with preferences when it comes to things such as gender and choice of lifestyle. My only wonder is how an individual or a society as a whole reaches the point of producing enmity towards others who do not hold the same sexual orientation as they do and how
Love, like anything else, is born irrevocably from chance. The infinite decisions made each day by each person are what govern the world and it’s from this mess, this entanglement of choices that we then make our own. All of human history is wound up in itself, and no one event can accurately be viewed in isolation. To trace a line from the beginning of time to a single occurrence and describe that chain as inevitable would be an impossible task. But with this model of coincidence and a fundamental lack of recurrence everything is, as Kundera would put it, unbearably light. How can we possibly find any meaning, any truth, any beauty in a world filled with insignificances so light that they may as well have
People cannot have everything in life, and achieving both peace, love and harmony is rarely obtainable. In the text, Parker 51, love came alongside war, and the harmony was ruined by peace.