Trophy hunting should be increased they do more good than harm. Trophy hunting harms some animals and protects many other animals. The economic inducement in allowing hunters to pay a lot of money to get a trophy appears to work preferable to preserve species over than just banning hunting. Some of the money goes to landowners which then are motivated to protect animals on their land. Privately owning animals is another way we can protect them. For example, “...A third of rhinos live on private land, and their population has gone from just a hundred, to more than eighteen hundred… (Adam Conover)” Creating habitats is another solution, these habitats will take care of the animals, but not to the point where animals are dependent on them. We
Hunting is a common controversial issue among people. Determining when killing an animal is necessary and ethical has mixed viewpoints. One type of hunting that generally creates feelings of animosity among people is trophy hunting. There are very few ethical theories and ideas that support trophy hunting. Trophy hunting is a form of hunting in which the hunter kills an animal with the main goal of taking a part or parts of that animal for a trophy. The majority of trophy hunting occurs in Africa, with big game as the most popular trophies, but trophy hunting also applies to non-exotic species as well. In this paper, I will start with introducing a recent incident involving the killing of a popular African lion, then outlining the main ethical issues with trophy hunting. Next I will analyze the trophy hunting from an anthropocentric, biocentric, and ecocentric viewpoint, and finally I will propose a few solutions that would make trophy hunting a more ethical activity. Trophy hunting has been said to provide many benefits to conservation and preservation of species but is ethically lacking; with some stronger laws and regulations trophy hunting has the potential to be both ethically acceptable and beneficial to the environment.
Big game trophy hunting is flat out one of the worst kind of violations you can commit as I personally see it. Knowing that humans kill animals just to show off or either claiming it as a "sport" is truly a sad situation going on. Big game trophy hunting should be banned because it is an inhumane and dangerous practice, they can possibly be killing endangered species, and wildlife populations immensely begin plummeting. Moreover what people must understand is that animals deserve to live just like us humans
Big game hunting is cause A major population damage . One of them is one of the most beloved animals in the world the Elephant. Every year, tens of thousands of elephants are being killed for trophies . Their population in Africa dropped from 62,000 all the way down to 20,000 in the last decade. WWF Global said they are due to be extinct in the next decade if nothing is done to stop the big game hunter. It’s not just Africa, where animals are being killed for trophies. ‘In Canada there is a breed of leopards called Amurs that were driven down to 10 left in the whole world ‘’ What caused this big game hunters from all over came to hunt an
There are hunters all over the world that use the sport as more than just enjoyment and a goal to get a trophy. Over 200 million animals are killed every year from hunting for the purpose of food and land protection. Farmers who grow corn and vegetables need to kill animals that eat the precious
Hunting has become a staple of American traditions since the beginning of the first hunter/gatherers, to the Native Americans who have lived in the U.S for millennia, even all the way until present day. Much of today’s society looks at hunting as a cruel activity when in reality it has more of a positive effect on the environment than it does harm. There are an abundance of benefits that come from hunting. Some of the benefits of hunting are: it is the biggest contribution to conserving wildlife, the meat is healthier than commercially produced meat, many jobs are being supported out of hunting, and every hunter wants “to bag” the trophy animal; however, there are a few cons to this, which include poaching and interference by the activist
This is because, one, simply put, in our modern day Society trophy hunting or hunting in general is not needed, to include endangered animals Within the game hunting will also affect their overall environment, and trophy hunting is overall an inhumane
Big-game hunting is ethical if executed properly. With the recent death of Cecil the lion, renowned and “beloved” tenant of a local animal reserve in Zimbabwe, a massive uproar of “anti-hunting” protests have risen to the surface. While these oppositions are with good intentions they also squash the opinions and experiences of native Zimbabweans who view creatures like Cecil as objects of terror. While it is true that trophy hunting is indeed unethical, as it is harmful to the ecosystem, the native people of areas where hunters can pay to slay large game think otherwise. As the individuals most greatly impacted by changes in the ecosystem, their voices deserve to be heard over those of sympathetic Americans. In the article “In Zimbabwe, We
In conclusion, I don’t agree with big game hunting because statistics show that non lethal nature viewing benefits more than simply killing animals for money. Not only that, but they kill the animal, only taking the parts they want and leaving the rest to rot. To kill an innocent creature for bragging rights is simple
Whether we like it or not animals really make the world go around. Like cows who just by breathing create oxygen, to other animals who with their migrations that leave paths throughout are foothills. And yes even fertilizing the land with their discharge. Although these creatures who have been roaming the lands long before any of us , have been altered with our interference of hunger and need which has now made hunting a billion dollar company. Like most companies you would expect viewpoints to clash causing controversy. A podcast by the name of the Rhino Hunter brings this up showing how the auctioning off of rare animals is beneficial. They in fact action a “older Black Rhino, that with age was Hurting others”. This idea along with other
In many families, hunting is a tradition carried on from generation to generation and is a respected sport. However, there are those who do not respect the sport or the animals and have no issues harvesting the animals by any means necessary. Poachers are people that hunt during a non-hunting season or use tools to lure animals such as deer and bear to areas easier for them to get a shot. Essentially, poaching amounts to the theft of public's wildlife. (Wilkes-Barre, 2008) Poaching occurs all over the world and is not limited to a certain species. In Africa, elephants are the target of poachers for their tusks. In the 1970's and the 1980's the population of the elephants in Africa reduced due to poaching from 1.3 million to 600,00 0 in less than a decade. This illegal hunting selectively removed older animals with larger tusks and the results of this are being seen. Poaching not only affects the elephant population but the behavior of the elephants as well. (Archie & Chiyo, 2012) In all reality hunters have absolutely no reason or right to bend the rules, much less steal.
In a civilized and cultivated country, wild animals only continue to exist at all when preserved by sportsmen”("MARC FOLCO: Some hunting, fishing quotes to live by"). Hunters are the leading source for all conservation programs. Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most passionate hunters. People put down hunting like it’s a bad thing. Many hunters contribute billions of dollars the the economy. Hunting should not be banned because of the positive impacts it has on society.
On the other hand, trophy hunting, which is “the selective hunting of animals for human recreation” , is a problem that can increase the risk of extinction. UK scientists confirm that hunters have the tendency to hunt the animal with the best genes. There is an intense discussion about the rightness of this activity because some argue
Trophy hunting is the selective hunting of wild game for human recreation. Every year, thousands of wild animals are killed to be obtained as a prize and to be showcased. Instead of being treated as living beings in nature, they are treated as materialistic objects by humans. Endangered species are the ones who are greatly being affected by those who are trying to obtain them. Trophy hunting is most well known for its practices in African countries and ties to North America. Since the 1800s, trophy hunting has brought about social, political, and economic issues that extend beyond the American borders.
Would you ever want to kill someone because they are valuable and famous? No right? Well that's what is happening to animals and some people are just having to pay $500, don’t you think there should be more? According to Star Tribune the only punishment for killing deer when it is not deer season is only $500. That's not enough for killing animals and making the become endangered. Therefore, there should be a bigger consequence for poaching for because it leads to endangerment of animals and animals should not be used to make things that we want.
Buzzle: Hunting Pros and Cons. Last but never least, sport hunting should be banned due to the fact that it causes the endanger and extinction of animal species. “One glaring negative of hunting for sport is over hunting. This occurs when hunters kill too many of a species, threatening their survival.” (Life123). Species become endangered when they are over hunted, and if hunters take it too far, the species will no longer exist. “…there are many animals that have been over-hunted and brought to near extinction, one example being the American Buffalo. Another example was the over-killing of the Cougar. Although this animal was hunted to protect cattle from being attacked, it led to this species nearly becoming extinct.” (Buzzle) The substandard thing about species becoming extinct is that they might not reappear until millions of years later. Imagine how long that would