
Why Atheism Goes Against Witchcraft

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Atheism says witches don’t exist because no one besides God can have powers or worship their leader, Satan. Witchcraft was considered evil from the Christian Church which linked witches with the devil. All cultures were feared as evil and believed it to have paranormal powers (Cheung 539). Today, witches practice an official USA and Canada religion called Wicca. Instead of using witchcraft for evil, they live peaceful lives and heal others. Important thing to remember, they were apart of a religion but still got accused as witches and put to death ( Staff). Another reason that atheism goes against witches is because they say that witchcraft can happen. When St. Augustine said in the 400s that only God can have powers, witches …show more content…

They aren’t seen flying on broomsticks at night, but in malls and working regular jobs. Skeptics would get laughed at if they say witches don’t exist (Harrison 357). However, in the entertainment industry, they show witches as an old hag in a black robe, wearing a pointed black cap, and flying across the full moon (Carroll). Self-proclaimed witches are in demand for lectures and television. Books on witchcraft appear on bestseller lists They are many shows and movies exist about witches (Cohen 2). Some great ones from one that came from an actual witch was, The Spiral Dance: Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess, which talked about craft, circles, chants, spells, and many more (StarHawk). This book came from a girl who had other coven brother and sisters, “In 1979, I was in my twenties, and most of my coven sisters and brothers were also young” (StarHawk). Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and other Pagans in America Today, and What Witches Do: The Modern Coven Revealed are other great reads (Cheung 540). These types of things about witches didn’t just start recently. Books have been written ever since 1486 when the book, The Hammer of Witches, also known as, Malleus Maleficarum got written. This became the most sinister and important book that contained the knowledge about witchcraft. It gave practices and instructions on how an accused witch could …show more content…

They have witch groups that include middle-aged and middle-class people together in groups of 13, the traditional number to have. They held meetings to discuss rulings and celebrations to celebrate themselves or others about certain cases (Cohen 2). The definition of a coven is, “a gathering or community of witches, a group of believers who gather together for ceremonies of worship, such as Drawing Down the Moon or celebrating Sabbats” (Mastin). The word coven originated in late medieval (c. 1500) Scots word meaning a gathering of any kind, deriving from Latin root word ‘convenire,’ meaning to come together or gather (Mastin). Some characteristics of covens to tell them apart would be what they do or what they wear. Certain covens wear robes, street clothing, or just go naked. Different kinds of covens people can also teach others their ways. These allowed newcomers in to get taught their worship. Open covens have inner and outer circles for ones who might take interest but not ready to commit themselves (Mastin). Each coven must have a leader or two known as the High Priestess and/or High Priest. They each make their own decisions based on their own traditions. When their groups, or covens became too large they can split or leave to start a new group (Mastin). They decide their leaders based on the coven ranks they have set. A Neophyte is a student learning the basics. First Degree witch has been

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