
Why Banning Cell Phones While Driving Should Be Mandatory

Decent Essays

TITLE: Why Banning the Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should Be Mandatory Nationwide A. General Purpose: Persuade B. Specific Purpose: Persuade my audience that banning the use of cell phones while driving should be mandatory nationwide. C. Central idea: Today, Cell phones are vital for everyone. The use of phones while driving are harming the life of so many families; there are accidents every day because of the ignorance of using the phones while driving. People have to learn and realize the consequences and take the responsibility behind the steering wheel. The law is the most powerful tool that we have to stop the hazardous and ignorance of using phones while driving. 1. Introduction It has been proven that driving and using phones at the same time is the same as being drunk and driving. Accidents occur daily because of this case. The distraction like looking for a number, trying to text while driving also checking our social media and trying to find your phone in your purse can cause accidents. We try to organize our calendar checking emails try to multitask all at one and don’t realize that we are putting our lives or someone’s else’s life in danger while being on your phone A. Law reinforcement. B. Publicity campaigns against texting and driving C. Life is first; there is a time for everything. II. Body of the Presentation A. Distracted driving is becoming a national epidemic. 1. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, distracted driving

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