Being able to adapt learned concepts, as part of a CSL program, into a real world setting and give back to a community that has given so much to its students is always an incredible experience. This is part of the reason why choosing my CSL placement was such an intuitive process. I chose to work alongside a classmate and develop and interpretive program that would target the grade six students of Ecole Charlie Killam. I was given the opportunity to harness my passions by putting concepts learned in class into action to solidify them and put a face to a name. Furthermore, so much can be learned through pretend play about the world around them and their role in it. It is important to present a presentation that harnesses a variety of teaching techniques so that different learning styles are represented.
I feel that the interpretive endeavor was incredibly successful. My partner, Derrick, and I engaged with the grade six children of Charlie Killam, specifically 2 classes, in a way that peaked their interests and got them to start thinking about forestry in different ways. The theme we chose was centered around the ideas of tree identification and the roles of the trees in ecosystems. Therefore, our theme was ‘the importance of knowledge of Alberta tree species and how they fulfill different needs providing a variety of goods and services to the ecosystems they inhabit’. Our goals for the project were to engage children in a variety of educational forms to ensure different
Once the students have completed the lesson, they can use all of the skills out of the classroom and into their everyday life.
There are 890 million English language speakers in the world. That means if you are the average monolingual, English speaking American, you are unable to communicate with about 88% of the planet. That’s approximately 6,505,469,000 people, any of whom could potentially be your spouse or lifelong friend. The most gratifying part of learning a language is being able to communicate with new people and learn about different lifestyles, traditions, religions, and ideologies. Through NSLI-Y, I wish to continue to expand my global view and develop lasting connections with individuals.
The two boys showed they were confidant and knowledgeable about gardening, for example they knew how to use a rake to mulch the garden and how to care for the plants (Elliott, 2014). As a future educator this example can be facilitated into a lesson by developing children’s knowledge on the environment, weather, and season pattern changes that cause the leaves to die and fall off trees (ACARA, 2015). Additionally, children also learn about composting and how these leaves provide essential nutrients to the soil for plants to grow and provide shelter and cover for animals and living things (ACARA, 2015). Children can also develop their science inquiry skills by questioning and predicting various trees and leaves and identify and analyse similarities and differences in the leaves by also using their senses to explore. Most importantly, by engaging children in the process of gardening, they begin to show respect for the environment and understand the importance of maintaining
Chelmsford Public Schools mission is to, “cultivate inspired, creative, and well-rounded lifelong learners who process the integrity and self-direction necessary to be contributing community members.” I believe that as a teacher, it is my job to provide opportunities for students to become inspired, by not only themselves but others in order to reach their goals both academically and socially. I also believe that it is my job to prepare students to become
A posteriori, the facilitator and the learner will be motivated and optimistically result in a constructive experience for both. The economic needs of industry and social satisfaction of students in CTE continues be predominant in our current and future classroom.
Teaching must be approached from a multitude of angles by addressing all areas we provide the most dynamic understanding of the
My artifact demonstrates my understanding of the competency by the in depth analysis over how I am going to meet the needs of each of my students learning styles, through my lesson. My artifact demonstrates my understanding of this competency by giving specific examples of how I plan to meet the needs of each students’ learning style. By addressing how I plan to work with students who have exceptionalities, I am showing that I understand not all students
As an educator, it is my job to find new ways for my students to learn that coincides with their particular learning style and takes advantage of their strengths. In all practical terms, this will mean finding new ways for each of my students to learn in their own particular way. As a whole, my students will need more reason to learn with authentic experiences, hands-on
Think about a lesson that you might teach. Briefly describe it and at least four types of sheltered instructional supports you might provide for your ELL students.
Everyone has to make choices in their life. Some are everyday choices, like what to eat or drink. Others are more critical, like choosing a job. Important decisions take time to comprehend. Like with me, the decision to go to college was the most critical choice in my life and for my future, and I will never regret it. Going to college is important because it helps me find a job, it expands my knowledge, and it is a wonderful experience.
Teaching is not merely about methods used and material presented in the classroom, but about shaping students’ lives to help them construct a firm foundation for a successful future. I desire to teach my students basic life skills as well as challenge them to set and reach their highest goals.
I see students as the next generations’ heroes in so many fields. In my vision, I have to inspire students and prepare them with confidence, knowledge, experience and skills. Which means I encourage, communicate, guide, teach, and assess students in order to enrich their infrastructures.
In summary, this course has really educated my view of being a teacher as well as being able to interact with today’s diverse and fluctuating educational setting. Therefore, the discussions were very good ways in understanding how
All students have a different learning style and can benefit from hands on or real life activities in the classroom.
My philosophy of teaching is deeply rooted in nurturing the potential each and every student in my classes. Providing a creative environment that allows self assessment, growth, group interaction and mentorship are at its very core. Having taught in Higher Education for many years, and as an instructor of Media Arts and Animation, and Game Design, I have had the amazing opportunity to work with some of the brightest and creative young professionals. Teaching has not only broadened my love of art and exploration, but my determination to help students that do not have the confidence to persevere through their education, yet have the passion to follow their dreams.