
Why Choosing My Csl Placement Essay

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Being able to adapt learned concepts, as part of a CSL program, into a real world setting and give back to a community that has given so much to its students is always an incredible experience. This is part of the reason why choosing my CSL placement was such an intuitive process. I chose to work alongside a classmate and develop and interpretive program that would target the grade six students of Ecole Charlie Killam. I was given the opportunity to harness my passions by putting concepts learned in class into action to solidify them and put a face to a name. Furthermore, so much can be learned through pretend play about the world around them and their role in it. It is important to present a presentation that harnesses a variety of teaching techniques so that different learning styles are represented.
I feel that the interpretive endeavor was incredibly successful. My partner, Derrick, and I engaged with the grade six children of Charlie Killam, specifically 2 classes, in a way that peaked their interests and got them to start thinking about forestry in different ways. The theme we chose was centered around the ideas of tree identification and the roles of the trees in ecosystems. Therefore, our theme was ‘the importance of knowledge of Alberta tree species and how they fulfill different needs providing a variety of goods and services to the ecosystems they inhabit’. Our goals for the project were to engage children in a variety of educational forms to ensure different

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