After graduating high school one may ask oneself the question of whether or not to pursue the path of furthering your education. This will lead to other questions as to why it would be an advantage or choosing between an associate’s degree and bachelor’s degree. I for one am seeking a Psychology Bachelor’s Degree so it will open up opportunities for a successful career and a higher paying salary. Continuing to further my education is not only going to be a personal achievement but also a stepping stone in my path to get my master’s and doctorate degree. During the time that I attend my college courses it will help with my cognitive development and get a better understanding of my learning styles. Attending college is giving me the …show more content…
The first inventory also showed that I am a visual learner and that pictures, diagrams, flow charts, time lines, films, and demonstrations help me grasp information better(Felder & Soloman, n.d.). Learning Style Inventory by Penn State University corresponded with the first inventory and stated that I was a visual learner, and that I visualize concepts in my head (Penn State, 2010).
The results from both the Felder & Soloman and Penn State inventories were correct. I agree that I am a moderate active learner due to the fact that I like to discuss and apply the information I am learning; however I disagree because I rather work alone, being a reflective learner, versus working in a large group. As an active learner, during several of my college courses I have found it very difficult to pay attention during lectures and have found myself day dreaming through many of them. I also agree with the results stating that I am a visual learner versus a verbal learner. Ever since I can recall I have always find myself paying more attention and finding learning much easier and appealing when presented with a visual pictures. When pictures, diagrams, and timelines aren’t available I find myself making some type of visual representation with the information provided so I can provide my brain a visual aid in processing
Secondly, the teacher gave us a test for my learning style. The results show, my learning style is visual. I was not surprising in the result because I know myself very well. I love to watch the video and we read books to help me on study. There are unique characteristics of Visual personality As Spanella T (for
When we did the Learning Styles: Modality Preference Inventory worksheet, I scored a 23 in Visual, a 16 in Auditory, and a 23 in Kinesthetic/Tactile. For me, I always had to write things down in order to even come close to remembering it. I also had to actually do what was being done to understand. I always seemed to be both a visual and hands on type of person.
Education is always a famous topic for students to talk about, they should understand deeply that how education is playing a big role in their life. Allan Bloom claims that " Education is the movement from darkness to light." In other words he is saying that education is the key to opening a better future. He tries to indicate that education is very important in human society, and attending college is even more necessary for everyone, especially for young people. This college education is critical to gain knowledge, to have a better job and achieve a higher standard of living.
Attending college for the first time is an important, rewarding decision that I made for a good reason. I learned a lot about myself that will help me in my future. Setting goals, having expectations, and reflecting why I am in college is incredible to think about.
Stacy, I agree with you on being a visual learner, I also like taking lots of notes, or having handouts which I can refer back to. I do the same thing when it comes to reading, which sometimes hinders me from soaking the information in, that is why I also agree it is important to know your stengths and weaknesses, so you can continue to sharpen your strengths and also learn ways to sharpin your
Ever since I was little I have always been able to make pictures and movies in my head. After taking the Edutopia Survey on learner styles, I discovered I was a visual learner. I feel that is accurate because I am one who likes to see with my eyes and touch with my hands. This helps me think better and understand things more clearly. I know that me being a visual learner is going to help me in school.
There are multiple styles of learning, visual happens to be the best way I learn. Studies shows that sixty-five percent of the population consists of visual learners. I am a part of that sixty-five percent of visual learners.
Why is college so important? A few years ago, most people only obtained their high school diploma and would receive any job in the market, but colleges have become the twenty-first century key to success. Jobs are now being given to those who are more educated and college provides this extra education. It is not the same as high school. High school education consists of a more general knowledge, which is a small amount of information about all the topics, but college is focused on the major. College graduates have more comprehension in their area than those with a high school diploma. As President Theodore Roosevelt once said, “A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.” (Chicago Tribute). His point is that the more educated a person is; the higher goals they can obtain. College is the best way to succeed because it provides more education about deeper knowledge and moral value. It also opens up more job opportunities, and practical knowledge about the discipline and enlightened understanding.
I don't think that I identify as someone who is a visual learner but as look at this list it makes me wonder if I am! I always carry a pen and paper with me just in case I need to make a list and I love studying in a quiet environment. Most people that really know me would say I am very detail oriented, but what I don't like of this list is reading. I have a hard time sitting down and just reading for enjoyment. Reading is something that I really have to work hard at even just for fun. In the online classroom it has been really easy to intergrate these things because of how organized the whole classroom is. I have everything laid out for me even a list of what I need to
I know that I am a Visual Learner, and everything I learn is through what I see. I learned that I am able to learn through different teaching styles and still learn the necessary information that is being given. Most people can relate to being a visual learner as it helps to see the information and retain it as well. Another type of common learning style is bodily kinesthetic which I feel I also learn well from as well.
The first activity in this evaluation was the Learning Style Inventory. After completing this activity I was informed that I am a visual learner which I do consider to be true. Throughout my life I have always been the type of person that likes to be able to see what I am learning rather than just hearing the information. I love to take notes in my own handwriting because I feel that writing something down and seeing that information, helps me absorb what I am learning. When I take notes I also like to bullet, circle and star things that may be important. Since I am considered to be a visual learner, I also learn best by seeing what I need to do. For example, if there is something I need to
The results that I received after taking What’s Your Learning Style stated that I’m a visual learning. After seeing the result, I now know how I learn best. As stated on results that I have to picture things in my head and look, and write things done to get the understanding of what I am working on. There are many things that I can do to learn better is make sure that I have more time in doing my homework, because being a visual learning I have to picture, write important things to make sure that I can remember them. I already try to color code things especially when I’m at work because I need to be very organize. What I can add to the suggestions is that the more that I write then the more that I will remember, because I know that I have to
After completing the first self-assessment quiz, the Learning Styles Inventory, I sighted that I am an active learner, which is extremely accurate. This indicates that I comprehend better when new material is discussed, explained, and actually tried out by hand. Moreover, this inventory showed that I am an even stronger sensing learner which technically signifies that I do not enjoy consuming random information or using new methods to reach a certain point, and that instead I prefer to stick to the practical and basic techniques. That, however, I would have to disagree on that note because it mostly depends on the situation that I am placed in. On the other hand, this inventory presented my style evenly between visual and verbal learners, I couldn’t agree with this more. The reason that is, is because for me to completely fathom a topic it must be not only displayed in at least one visual form, but also verbally rationalized. Also, it turns out that I am both a sequential and global learner, this explains why in some cases I immediately grasp the big picture while in other cases I have to go through a problem step-by-step. Fortunately, my CFNC results, for both the Interest Profiler and the Career Key, were identical. The outcome of those two tests stated that I am an investigative and social type of person, which is a hundred percent true because I am huge thinker and helper. Lastly, ENFJ were the four letters that I received after finishing the Human Metrics Jung
What I’ve already learnt about my own learning through the self-assessment provides me with the ability to consider my own performance and to identify my strengths and weaknesses and areas that requires improvement. I have strong preference as a visual learner. I had difficulties learning through verbal methods especially in classes that I didn’t have any media presentations. Through the self-assessment I changed my verbal learning to a visual one. With this visual learning experience I’ll create new settings when learning where I can move forward as a well-balanced visual and verbal learner in this Master program.
Through the semester I realized that it was all right for me to not have one specific learning type. Before, discussing different types of learners in College Transfer Success I always categorized myself as a visual learner. While I primarily learn through seeing things, I found that multi-modal is a more accurate description of my learning type. When I began taking my first college courses this semester, it became more apparent that I was multi-modal. Each professor I have had this semester teaches differently, for example, some lecture, show graphs, or have hands-on labs to complete. As discussed in class I experimented with what learning style was best for me based on my learning type. About three weeks ago I visited the Interactive Learning Center (ILC) to attend the Learning Styles Lab. Through the Learning Styles Lab, I matched the learning styles that worked best for my personality. At the end of the workshop, I found that using a combination of visual, kinesthetic, and auditory learning, was the best way for me to process information internally. Putting the theory that I was a multi-modal learner to test, I made recordings, drew diagrams, and color-coded my notes. In history, I concluded it was more effective to review my notes for the class when I recorded and listened to my notes. In English, I found that I like the interactive grammar lab she had us complete.