Being a college students nowadays is tough, as well dealing with a great amount of stress then we need to in our lives. Everyday college students are taking a toll from stress that comes in various ways during college. It deals out a great amount of stress on their mental and physical body just to be successful in school. The amount of time we spent on workload has increased over time since the earlier years of college. Not being organized is another way why college students lives become stressful over the years. The problem of having stress occurring in college students is related to many things in life such as financial, time management, poor eating habits, and the amount of workload on them. Because the amount of workload that
Regis College’s number one health concern is stress. The problem has come to be, due to the fact that students come from home, where their parents provided them with guidance, to a situation where they are independent. They have personal responsibility and it may not be completely straightforward for some people. Everyone’s experience is different, but each student experiences stress in some way. The competition for grades, the high expectations, relationships, future career choices, and several other aspects found in the college environment, can lead to stress. Going to college requires changes in daily routine. This includes sleeping adjustments, eating habits, time-management skills, balancing of relationships and several other changes.
These are just a few things that college kids deal with on a daily basis. College campuses have become more aware of the stress levels that students go through, and have made accommodations that are available for all students.
In a study at a Midwestern university whose participants varied in age, sex, their year in school, major etc., it was reported that the top four sources that cause stress in college students are from a change in sleeping habits, change in eating habits, the academic challenge of school work, and new responsibilities. Freshman specifically is more prone to this stress because of the new transition into the college lifestyle. Starting out as a freshman and already having a mindset of having too many responsibilities can set up a student to be unsuccessful right off the bat. They are not used to being away from home and being independent. They have never been held to the high
College students has a lot of stress that can lead to them to a condition like depression and decide to committed suicide. Those stresses can come from the individual loss a social network because this is make the individual feeling insecure, lonely or the feeling of no confidence about their self. College student also experience being pressure academically and socially, for instance having certain standard of pass and fail and the individual is expecting to meet, which this can put a lot of stress and worry to the individual. College also has a difficulty time adjusting to new demands of college life like living independent that they must take care of their self, in charge of their bills and making good decision about their life, which is can be very hard to college students and leaving them feel so stress. When their academic performance decrease, it can be very stressful because it would mean that they will not meet the require of certain GPA point or they must retake the class which is require money and time. College students also stress about losing financial aid and debt after graduate or worry about when they are going to graduated. There are just so many
Getting into university and becoming a college student used to be fun because of the friends and memories they would make. However, college life can be stressful now, especially for first-year students. What is stress? Richard Lazarus and Susan Folkman defined stress as “ the result of an individuals’ perceptions that they do not have the resources to cope with a perceived situation from the past, present or future.” (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984). In fact, stress is inevitable. Sometimes stress forces students to reach their goals and get their tasks done like studies and homework. But when stress is too much, it may stop students from working properly, and accomplishing things. College
Deciding to go to college is the hardest decision a student can make and the most stressful. Caused by many reasons, the stress is present whether one is in their first year of college or their last. Deciding to attend college is frightening for students; this is because it means going into the world and growing up. Along with the decision come a number of stressful responsibilities and changes that a student has to put up with. The reasons for so much stress fall into one of three categories: academic stress, which has anything to do with studying for classes, financial stress, which has to do with paying for school, and personal stress. Many students experience stress, and they have to combine their busy lives and the demands of college and still make time for themselves. We all experience stress in college getting ready for exams, completing papers, or adjusting to college life. We all know that being stressed for a long time may cause health issues. Although stress can be harmful at times, it can also be good and stimulating. Stress can also be good, because of facing new challenges helps students grow up and learn new things. Dealing with academic and personal stressors is the hardest part about college, and it will interfere with personal life and help experiment life’s options.
Stress is unavoidable, no matter the situation, location, or time; stress is always present. Stress is found in higher levels during the duration in which students attend college. It is predictably higher among college students, freshmans in particular, because of the extreme expectations set upon them by their parents and, of course, society. The need to please their parents, longing for success in life, and being able to sustain a reasonable income in the future, all of which falls into the hands of college students who are making critical decisions which may decide the outcome for a large portion of their lives. If these students end up hating their future jobs, the stress of having to go back into college to study for a new career
There are numerous stress factors college students encounter while striving to complete their educational goals. Their grades may be affected by daily life situation stressors that accumulate throughout the semester. Students’ financial needs, lack of social support, family drama, and other various circumstances can all mount up to a tremendous amount of stress and may result in poor grades and lack of collected credits. In fact, stress continues to be a constant issue in people’s lives, (Holmes & Rahe, 1967; Viner, 1999) and these “life demands stressors” are unavoidable and can be overwhelming which directly or indirectly relate to individuals underperforming because of psychological and physiological symptoms
Stress is a word that many college students hear on a daily basis; it is a concept that resonates with all students, regardless of age or major. People of all ages experience stress at various times in their lives, but college is a particular time when an individual can be plagued by heightened levels of it. At any given time, a college student might feel academic, financial, and social strains, yet they might not possess the resources to satisfy the demands of these stressors. Accumulation of these stressors (and stress in general) can have a negative impact on the lives of college students, but authors of a recent scientific study made an attempt to find the best techniques for reducing stress in college students.
College is pretty fun, easy, and does not compare to the amount of homework given in high school, so it’s not that stressful. However, that is only for the first couple weeks, before the first midterms. Once the midterms begins, the rest of the term is going to be really stressful, as there is not much of a break in between every midterm, unless you are one of the few who just naturally do really well on every exam by barely studying. Those are people who I “look” up to, I want to be like that one day, pass every exam by barely studying. Anyhow, due to the high amount of stress each of the exams create because of the fact that they are worth the majority of a student's grade, does not make it a fair comparison for many.
Stress is no new phenomenon. It’s been around as long as man and has captivated scholars and physicians alike. With the growing demand for degrees in the professional world comes the growth of the number of college students. The relationship between stress and college students has become the subject of on-going research. Several studies show that stress in college students is increasing with time and the authors of those studies are attributing this to an increased number of students. Other research seems to indicate that it isn’t necessarily the stress that is increasing but the awareness of it. Increased awareness of stress, and its unique toll on individuals, allows colleges and students to recognize
College should be the best four years of our lives. Instead studies are showing that students are showing record levels of stress in regards to college. Academics, finances, family issues, and concerns with finding a job after graduation top the list of stressors. The Michigan State University student newspaper, The Independent Voice (Feb. 2013) noted that “more than half of college students reported above average or
If stress is defined as “the physiological and psychological response to a condition [stressor] that threatens or challenges a person and requires some form of adaptation or adjustment” (Woods et al., 2014, p.336), then it can be argued that college is a perfect example of a stressor.
Some major factors that were related to increased stress in undergraduate students were, working and studying full time, group projects, the amount of work in each course and stress associated with work (Persaud, & Persaud, 2016). Many studies have suggested that university undergraduate students go through various levels of stress for various reasons, so it is important to see how they cope with their stress (Kiessling, Schubert, Scheffner, & Burger, 2004). Researchers (Emi, Reiko, Mikoto, Ami, & Hisae, 2015) suggests that many undergraduate students go through high levels of stress and some can even lead to depression and show suicidal tendencies. Studies also show that stress among students had a direct correlation with interpersonal conflict and depression and these students also had decreased levels of academic motivation (Yunhui, Wei, & Jiang, 2016). In a similar study conducted by (Sherina, Rampal, & Kaneson, 2004) many undergraduate students suffer from a great deal of stress which is associated with
College students have many worries. They have to worry about if they pass the class or not. If the students are in sports then they have to worry more. I really worry about trying in long papers. Students that are in sports really are in a hurry to find time to do their homework. Three biggest worries that I know of are financial stress, multitasking stress and academic performance pressure. Many college students deal with financial stress. This can involve the struggle of finding money to pay for tuition as well as securing the funds to cover the cost for living while attending class. Even those students who are able to qualify for sufficient financial aid to cover immediate college cost have to cope with the financial stress of knowing that they will have to face paying back the money from following graduation. The debt that students have can be a lot of stress. College students often join activites out of school. They might be taking classes at one time students maybe trying to keep a job on the side of keeping up with school work and maybe sports. By dealing with all the activies that students are in it helps them deal with growing up and handling multiple situations. The pressure of academically keeping up with a persons grades is the primary cause of stress of all college kids. Coursework can be very demanding and the competition for earning top marks can be very fierce. Students who want to do their best and who are planning to apply for admission to graduate school