Do you feel community service is important to a community? Why or why not? Explain your answer in two or three paragraphs.
Community Service is important for many reasons. Taking part and volunteering teaches compassion and understanding. One of my favorite things about community service is that there are opportunities and choices everywhere! You can volunteer for something you really believe and have an interest in, and can volunteer as much or as little as you 'd like or have time for.
Since I was young I have always volunteered for my Catholic Youth Group. At first I didn 't know many people there and wasn 't very enthusiastic. Later, as I got to know the other kids and starting pushing myself to join in the activities, I learned to
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After working all day, when I am hot, sweaty, tired, and sunburnt, if I can see that I did a good job and people are pleased with my work then I know I succeeded and that is what I want in life. As my dad preaches, you don’t appreciate things in life if they are handed to you. This is a statement I truly believe in and plan to apply it in my life.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
I see myself in five years being graduated from college with my bachelor’s degree. I plan on graduating at the top of my class and working hard to excel my way to the top at my job. I hope to be employed in either Montana or Wyoming as the head nurse in a facility.
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
In ten years I hope to be firmly established in my job and on the way of raising a family. By then, I want to own my own house and have a stable income to provide for myself and family. Also, in ten years I plan on being at the top of my career
Community service is an act of selflessness that grows a caring community. Community only consists on what it’s members are willing to contribute to it. Personally, it is my pristine pride to assist the community in it’s development it into a bountiful place for all.
In five years, I see myself in medical school. I want to become an anesthesiologist.
Community service ultimately provides preparation for work, and allows for one to make connections and networks from within. One can gain knowledge and experience in a variety of fields, and would help them discover what they truly wish to do in college, as many people do not know what to do halfway through their college careers. My own volunteer work specifically, has directed me to a path of interest I had never before considered. Having participated in various volunteer and community service events, I discovered working within the performing arts is of great interest to me, and I would have never considered this field if it were not for community service. It is clear that community service needs volunteers, equally as much as volunteers need the benefits of community service. The millions of organizations frantically recruiting volunteers for events everyday would be grateful for any amount of service given, even so with only an hour’s
In five years I intend to be happily married, and continuing to live a happy life as I am now. I intend to be planning a family and fostering the relationships with my family and my husband’s family. I will be involved in the community, helping to ensure safe environment for my future children. Regarding my career, I hope to possess a supervisory or specialist role at
What does community service means to me? Well, to me community service mean helping your community become a better place. When you do things for your neighborhood, it makes you feel like a better person. There are all sorts of activities you can do in your community. You can work with children at school, work with the elderly, or help people that are less fortunate and make their day very special. Community Service is very important because it gives you a chance to bond with the people in your neighborhood. It will also give you a chance to give back to your community , you’ll learn a lot from your experience, and you’ll make a difference in someone’s life. I recommend a lot of people to go out and make a difference.
I have been a part of different activities for my community service. I have helped the TLC preschool afterschool with cleaning tables and toys once all the children have gone home. I have also been to the shelly baird school where they disabled kids go for schooling and helped out there with the students doing their work and played games .I am currently in “Dude Be Nice Club” and recently we participated in project night night where we would gather donated security blankets a book or stuffed animal and deliver them to children who have very little in homeless shelters. My community service in this case helped me realize that there are people out there who need some encouragement to help them get back on their feet and realize in life that
It is proven that community service has numerous positive effects. Researchers have stated that community service raises self-esteem, creates bonds, teaches leadership skills and shows youth the power of action. Being part of something bigger than yourself brings great rewards.
There is a lot of time and dedication that goes into community service. Some students may say that it is a waste of time. Community service is very time-consuming. There are better things that can be done. Students will find other alternatives that will get them out of doing community service. The students will either join a club or play a sport. They would do anything to get them out of doing community service. Some students are not as social as others. They would rather be in their room alone than be out with others. Some students are not as social as others. Some students find joy in helping others. It warms their heart to help out where and when it is needed. Community service should not be required because it is taking away from their education, and adding more stress than they already
What does community service mean? Community service, to me, means bettering the community with volunteering at local places, business, or helping the people themselves. Community services is very important due to most of the things in a community such as parks, food banks, etc. being ran/used by the community.
Throughout my life I always thought the little things that we do to help people in our community are the things that made the biggest difference. I learned in church one day on a Sunday about how to improve ourselves to get closer to God. The pastor said that we are so busy with our daily activities that sometimes we get distracted on things that matter the most. Sometimes even though we might be busy, we should just take a brief moment to help others in need. That is why I find community service important because you are not just building our career we are also building our character as a leader and as a citizen.
Ten years from now I see myself with children and a job in a local hospital taking care of children. I see myself with my Bachelors of Science in Nursing and a certification in Nurse Midwifery. My children may be around five years old and just starting school. I will encourage my children to take school as serious as I have and to do their homework. I eventually want to have at least four children but that choice may change as time goes on. I have no plans other than working and raising a family ten years from now. I plan on starting a retirement account early in life to reduce stress later on in
“Community Service is important for many reasons. Taking part and volunteering teaches compassion and understanding. You can volunteer for something you really believe and have an interest in, and can volunteer as much or as little as you'd like or have time for.” Community service is really easy to get into. I mean, it is not like you have to put out an application and have an interview in order to do it. It is really easy to get into, and is really fun. It is things you wouldn’t even think are considered, like:
There are many things that I hope to accomplish and do when I get older. I want to improve and accomplish different things for myself in my career that I choose, in my material goals, and spiritually. I'm looking at the year of 2009, I will be out of college and be on my feet, hopefully. I have high expectations for myself and hope to accomplish as many of my dreams and goals as I can throughout my life.
Volunteering in your community helps solve many dilemmas in your community that descend through the eyes of government and social agencies (Everything you ever wanted to know about volunteering).
A young person should strive to support their local community for various reasons. Engaging in community service provides people with the opportunity to become active members of their community and has a lasting, positive impact on society at large. Community service and volunteerism enables one to acquire life skills and knowledge, as well as provide a service to those who need it most.