
Why Did Achilles Join The War

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Achilles is a prideful person, his feud with Agamemnon has thrown the Achains into a tough position. Seen as Achilles’ closest friends have failed to convince him to join the war, the most efficient way to convince Achilles is by telling him how silly this fight has become, how he will become insignificant to Achains, and how his ignorance will continue to affect his closest friends and family. The menace Achilles felt at first was justifiable, now it he has turned it into a silly fight. It is a saying that every action has an equal to opposite reaction. As for Achilles every action taken against him, “...anger of Peleus' son Achilleus / and its devastation, which put pains thousandfold upon the Achaeans,” there is a even tragic response (1.1-2). …show more content…

Aias who delivered the shortest speech received the biggest reaction from Achilles while talking to Odysseus, saying “He is hard, and does not remember that friends’ affection / wherein we honored him by the ship's, far beyond others...” like Achilles is not present (9.630-1). He got a glimpse of the backlash he will face if he continues to not join the war, but he does not understand the gravity of the situation he is in. Achilles has the knowledge of how the “strong-greaved Achaeans,” mentality is (7.172). As the great warrior Diomedes already influencing soldiers to “pay him no more attention,” to a point that they do not care “whether he comes in with [them] or stays away” because at this point they want to go home (9.701-2). Achilles should be swayed to not let the prophecy that his mother said, “ if [he] stay[s] here and fight[s] beside the city of Trojans, [his] return home is gone” and be the brave warrior he is (9.412-3). If he stays inclined to this cowardness the “fear [of Patroclus] turn[ing] hateful to [him]” will come true along with the other Argives (9.614). When he is reminded of this bravery the want to come back to the war will come to Achilles by it

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