
Why Did America Enter The Second World War

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The Second World War had a major impact throughout the entire world in the 1900s. America struggled to be a major competitor within the Second World War and received many mixed reactions towards the entering of the war. Many people felt as though America could not sufficiently fend for itself, as this time, during such a significant battle. There were many factors which played a role in concluding these theories. By reading “Women on the Breadlines”, Radio Address, and “Why Should We March?” the reader of these pieces of literature will gain insight in the following areas; what efforts were used in order to end the great depression, what the reasoning was behind Lindbergh’s defense for isolationism, and why Randolph’s theories helped back …show more content…

He felt as though isolationism was a practical approach to ending the war, although he experienced much backlash for his views on this subject. He felt strongly towards the fact that America was simply not ready to handle to hardships of entering war, financially nor as a whole (Lindbergh, 1941). Lindbergh studied the patterns of the other nations’ defeats that sided with England, and came to the logical conclusion that those same patterns would become evident amongst America if continuing to pursue partnership. All the reasons that Lindbergh suggest towards the ideology of not entering the war are factually based and logical. American was still recuperating from the Great Depression, which caused stock markets to crash and bank failures (Ziede Lecture, 10/31/2016). This fact alone would leave American without the transportation services and machinery needed have any foundation necessary in order to be a competitor. Lindbergh stated that if one were to consider the actions necessary in order to logically be a competitor within the war, such as army size and transportation, the chances of winning fall short of actuality (Lindbergh, …show more content…

Randolph states his opinions towards African American rights in a sense of there still being an inadequate amount of equalization between races. America was in need of military professions being filled, but would deny African Americans who were qualified due to their color, which led to an inadequate amount of manpower, training, supplies, and leadership (Ziede, Lecture 10/31/16). He uses this ideology in order to back Lindbergh’s ideals in the sense that he feels there is no hope for a successful outcome from the war if these tendencies continue. Randolph stresses the importance of an undivided country, primarily focusing on the races. He alludes to the fact that if African Americans are not led to believe that they are a prominent part of the country, that they will have no will to fight for the country that has isolated them (Randolph, 1942). In order to be a true democratic nation, in Randolph’s opinion, the country must be equal in all aspects. Similar to Lindbergh, he was a strong believer in the fact that America was simply not capable of being a strong enough competitor in the war, while still lacking such important foundations within our own

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