The years leading up to the American Civil War are considered to be some of the most conflict heavy periods in American history. Many people believe that the reason why Civil War broke out in 1860 was due to the issue of slavery being a hot topic between the North and South. Although slavery is something that ends up getting solved by the end of the Civil War, the real issue at hand has little to do with slavery, rather the issue of states rights. It’s difficult, almost impossible, to say whether or not civil war could have been avoided. That being said, conflict was something that was inevitable between the two sides due to states rights, more specifically the balance between states rights and the powers of the national government. The problem
I think the Civil War became inevitable when Lincoln was elected in 1860. Lincoln believed that slaves should have the right to be free, but the south disagreed with Lincoln. One of the reasons why the civil war started was because of the difference opinions over the free and slave states. The Kansas-Nebraska Act also played a key role in starting the civil war. The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed the popular sovereignty to decide which territories would have
In my belief, the civil war couldn't have been avoided. The biggest cause of the civil war was the dispute over the future of the slavery. Without the was, there was no possibility for the southern state to abolish slavery because slaves were a;ready being used for a large variety of jobs. Southerners believed that slaves were cheaper and more manageable form of labor who could be trained to work in the factories. Slavery was economic foundation for the south, which meant they wouldn't have ended slavery without the war.
The question has been asked as to whether or not the Civil War could have been avoided. Based on my readings I believe that the Civil War could not have been avoided. The following reasons will help illustrate why this is the case.
The Civil War was caused by the economics of slavery and the political control of that system, specifically being states’ rights on the federal powers of the government, the territorial expansion of the united states that led to the division of the two sides, and the election of President Abraham Lincoln which was the final event that sent the nation to war.
History, along with everything else in this world, comes with two sides to every story. The Civil War was complex and controversial since the very beginning of the war. There have been debates as to what truly caused the American Civil War, but not a clear conclusion. The only conclusion us as Americans can make is what historians have evaluated from research regarding the war. The main problem that was sought to believe was the main issue of political tension in the 1850s was slavery.
Family against family, brother against brother, and everyone has no choice but to choose a side. The Civil War was the bloodiest war in American history. More than 600,000 people lost their lives due to this fighting within one nation. The Civil war started after many slaveholding states seceded from the Union with a goal of being recognized as an independent nation. The Union, however, only wants to keep itself together. The question is could it have been avoided? The Civil War could not have been avoided because of the tension that already existed between the North and South already, and because of the Election of Abraham Lincoln.
The Civil War, the bloodiest war in American History, had many causes that turned brother against brother. The issue of slavery was the largest conflict between the north and the south. The south was upset with many things such as Slavery, government, and legislative issues. All these conflicts eventually led to secession, and the horrific war began.
The Civil War, often called the War for Southern Independence began on April 12, 1861. The main cause of the war was slavery. The southern states depended on slaves to help grow crops which were the main source of income for the south. Slavery was illegal in all of the northern states but most people actually were neutral about it. The main conflict was if slavery should be permitted in the newly developing western territories.
The civil war was mainly sparked by tensions between the north and the south. Both sides rarely agreed on topics and could never make a compromise. Slavery was a big reason for the start of the civil war, but the causes don’t end there. Although some may say that political or economic reasons started the civil war between the north and the south, political reasons were the real cause. This is because of important decisions made by the government, and the south seceding.
In 1860, the world 's greatest nation was locked in Civil War. The war divided the country between the North and South. There were many factors that caused this war, but the main ones were the different interpretations of the Constitution by the North and South, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the arrival of
Slavery was the most important cause of the Civil War, because this single issue divided the North and South to begin with. The ideological differences between the North and South led to economic differences, conflicts over newly acquired territories, disputes over the constitution, and political extremism. The Election of 1860 was the culmination of these disputes and caused the South to secede in 1861 and guided the way towards the Civil War.
The Civil War was caused by many several pressures, principles, and prejudices, fueled by sectional differences, and was finally set into motion by a most unlikely set of political events. From economic differences to political differences all the way up to cultural differences, the North and the South opposed each other. These tensions were further increased after the western expansion of the United States. By the early 1850’s a civil war was known to be likely coming soon.
Many causes led to the Civil War. This all happened around the mid 1800s. It was a conflict between the Northern and Southern states. Both sides had their own view on slavery, and their separate views caused contentions between the two. Both had different views on whether to expand or stop slavery growth to the West, or have slavery at all.
In 1861, a Civil War broke out in the United States when the South declared their independence from the Union. There is a great amount of reasons that people can argue how the Civil War was started. However, what most people don’t understand, is that most of the events leading up to the Civil War were related to slavery. Slavery was the core of the North and South’s conflict, which led to a very vicious feud.
The Civil War happened due to the many differences between the North and the South. For example economic, social, cultural and political differences. These all helped lead America to a Civil War. But to an extent, the most important cause was the fact there were many disagreements with states' rights versus federal rights.