
Why Did Dinosaurs Become Extinct Research Paper

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How did dinosaurs become extinct? This has been a question of society for 340 years and counting. Back in 1676 Robert plot who was the curator of an English museum described and drew a thigh bone that he believed belonged to a giant man. Despite the fact that the fossil disappeared without a trace the illustration Robert Plot had drew suggests that it could have been part of a Megalosaurus. Large teeth were later discovered in England by Mary Ann Mantell and her husband Gideon. The remains they had found were thought to be from an iguana. Richard Owen a British scientist realized that these fossils earlier found were very distinct and like no other living creature. Owen believed because these ancient animals were so different that they deserved their own name so Owen designated the group “Dinosauria” which means “terrible lizard”. From this point forward more and more dinosaur fossils are being found and the question still remains how did the dinosaurs become extinct? …show more content…

“Maybe a torrid climate dried up the available sources of water, some say. Maybe it was lava that covered the land, poisoned the air, and brought on an ice age. Maybe too many early mammals dined on too many dino eggs, or the meat-eating dinosaurs ate up all the vegetarian ones. Maybe the need to find water led to massive migrations that spread diseases. Maybe the real problem was a reconfiguration of land masses, caused by tectonic shifts” ( DeGrasse Tyson, Neil. "Knock 'Em Dead." Alabama Virtual Library. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2016.). Father-and-son scientists Luis and Walter Alvarez discovered a distinct layer of iridium that corresponds to the precise time the dinosaurs died. With this information it suggests that a comet, asteroid or meteor impact could be the cause of the extinction of

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