On 30th January 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany. There was some political scheming between the leaders which allowed Hitler to become the chancellor. There were factors that helped the Nazis and Hitler to become popular and rise to power. Some factors were long-term reasons such as Treaty of Versailles which indirectly helped Hitler to become chancellor because the Weimur Republic could not pay the reparations payment. The weakness of the Weimur Republic is another long-term reason, giving the Nazis opportunities to tak actions and persuade people to vote for them. Some were short-term reasons such as the Wall Street Crash which led to the Great Depression.
The Treaty of Versaille is one of the factors that helped Hitler to become the chacellor. The Germans thought the treaty was unfair, however they accepted the war guilt clause. At the end of 1922, no reparations had been paid by Germany which led to a terrible economic crisis caused by the occupation of the Ruhr, important industrial area, by French and Belgian troops. Germany started to print more money and it led to a hyper inflation. The inflation affected middle class people and they lost all their savings. The inflaton shows that the government was weak and could not demand with the situation. This was an important factor which teaches that Germnay needed a strong leader who disagreed with the treaty and would abolish it. Adolf Hitler was a goof leader who commanded respect. He was a great speaker and could control his audience. Most
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The plan failed as Hitler was sent to prison. In the prison, Hitler reflected the past and realised that he should change tactics and try to gain power without any armed force. The putsch gave Hitler some national recognition as he hoped. This was the first step of the rise of
After WWI, Germany fell into poverty. Everyday, lines of people were seen in the streets waiting to purchase bread. People were poor and desperate. Hitler saw this and used it. He gave people hope and the economy improved and he was announced chancellor of Germany in 1933. Government suspected he was unstable, but were convinced they could control him if necessary. Hitler secretly made a new police called the Nazis who were Hitler’s supporters and enforced the law at Hitler’s command. Quickly and unknowingly, the government was no longer in control of Hitler. Hitler had full power of Germany.
The Treaty of Versailles was a truly cruel document and expressed a large dislike for Germany. The document had a myriad of demands and if they weren 't met, then extortion was used to achieve goals. The treaty caused many hardships such as limiting the army down to almost nothing, stopped the building of large ships and took away submarines completely. Also, Great Britain and France collected money for all the damage the war had caused. To pay its war debts the country borrowed money from America, but soon after it stopped when the Great Depression began.2 In result, Germany had it 's very depression that was so severe the money ended up having almost little to no worth.
Due to Germany taking back the colonies lost after World War I and forming an alliance with Austria, Germany’s actions against the Treaty of Versailles contributed to the cause of World War II. After Germany got slapped with a $33 Billion dollar war reparation bill and Kaiser Wilhelm was removed from power, Germany was a mess, which allowed the rise of Hitler. Hitler, being a former Iron Cross winning
When Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933, he immediately began enforcing an authoritative state. An authoritative state is a state favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom. Hitler started a world war to achieve his dream of world domination. The war left behind an estimated 72 million dead, among them 47 million civilians, of whom some six million were Jewish. Jews were the targets of the Holocaust because Hitler hated Jews and blamed them for all of the problems in the world. Throughout the years of the Holocaust, this is seen in many ways, starting from the Nazis having book burnings to get rid of un-German writings proclaiming the death of Jewish intellectualism all the way to the extremity of the mass murder of Jews. This process progressed rapidly, and it had lasting effects for the entire world.
There was a power struggle in Germany after the 1932 election. Many of the political parties thought they could use Hitler's popularity to their advantage. The power struggle ended in the President asking Hitler to become Chancellor in January 1933. As chancellor, Hitler encouraged fear of communism and imprisoned thousands of his political opponents. In February 1933 the Reichstag building was set on fire and Hitler cleverly blamed the Communists, who were feared by many Germans. By August 1934 Germany was a single-party state and Hitler was dictator. Hitler used his power to reverse key decisions and limitations imposed by the treaty of Versailles.
its leader, was able to come to power in Germany in 1933. There are 5
the price of goods would rise between joining the back of a queue in a
The Nazi party was banned and Hitler was not allowed to speak publicly (until 1928 in Prussia) . The Nazi Party fell apart. The Munich Putsch was one of the least important reasons why he was able to rise into power. Before the Great Depression, Hitler gained very few votes (the Nazis had only 12 seats in 1928) and would have continued to do so without the Depression. Hitler's amazing oratorical, personality and leadership skills also helped him rise into power.
The Reasons Hitler Became Chancellor After over ten years of trying, in 1933 Hitler and the Nazis had almost fulfilled their goal to hold all power in Germany. The Nazis were by far the most powerful party in the Reichstag holding the most seats, and Hitler being made Chancellor, but it wasn't that simple, in fact it was very complicated. There were several big contributors to Hitler becoming Chancellor.
was one of the major reasons why World War II broke out, which had far
The Reasons Hitler was Made Chancellor of Germany In Germany in 1933, Hitler's Nazis party was growing extremely popular with the Germans. This posed a problem for the current government, The Weimar republic who were losing popularity. Hitler promised things that the German people needed: Hitler offered a strong leadership, like that of the Kaiser, older Germans who were alive during the reign of the Kaiser, warmed to this type of ruling. Hitler promised the cancellation of the treaty of Versailles, which was still a subject which angered many people; many still held the signing of the treaty against the Weimar.
During the 1930’s Germany was at an all time low as the worldwide economic depression hit Germany hard. The confidence in Germany from the people was lacking due to the fresh memory of their defeat in World War I. This caused great need of a new leader, someone who could give the people change, and Adolf Hitler knew he could do just that. His rapid rise to power began when he started to promise things that intrigued the German people. He promised the hopeless and needy a better life, and promised opportunities that were exactly what the people needed. This caught the attention of so many young unemployed and middle class people. His party, known as the Nazi Party, won 33 percent of the votes in the 1932 elections. And by January 1933, Hitler was appointed chancellor, which was the head of the German government. Germany started to feel like they might've found the leader they'd been so desperate for.
One of the ways that the treaty lead to the the rise of Hitler and WWII was through the amount of reparations that Germany had to pay. The Germans suffered so much damage because of the huge price that they had to pay. This massive debt that Germany forced into to a huge economic depression. A lot more people were unemployed than employed and people were struggling to survive. During times of struggle people
With growing disillusionment with the government, the people showed more of an interest in extreme groups like the Nazis. The Nazis made valuable use of the time they had in parliament and became a strong party. When a putsch failed in September 1923, they learnt that they would have to try to gain power by lawful means. They used propaganda to gain support and also came up with a 25-point program that appealed to everyone.
The depression hit Germany in 1930. Hitler spoke many speeches promising to get rid of the communists and other "enemies." In 1933 Hitler became chancellor of Germany. There were two other Nazi in the cabinet, Goering and Wilhelm Frick.