How did unfinished business in World War 1 cause World War 2 to exists? At the peace conference in Paris in 1919, Allied leaders state their desire to build a post-war world that would safeguard itself against future conflicts. The Versailles Treaty, signed on June 28, 1919, would not achieve this objective. Saddled with war guilt and heavy reparations and denied entrance into the League of Nations, Germany felt tricked into signing the treaty, having believed any peace would be a “peace without victory” as put forward by Wilson in his famous Fourteen Points speech of January 1918. As the years passed, hatred of the Versailles treaty and its authors settled into a smoldering resentment in Germany that would cause World War 2. Why did Hitler want to destroy most of Europe's Population of Jews? To the anti-Semitic Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, Jews were an inferior race, an alien threat to German racial purity and community. He said that ¨the Jews were taking jobs from people in Germany¨. He also wanted to kill the Jews because they had different beliefs as him and the German People. The Jews which were coming from the Middle East were taking up much of Europe and taking many of jobs. Then mostly had bank jobs and they would deal with money. Hitler didn’t like that the Jews had bank jobs because he thought many of them would steal money from the banks. …show more content…
Before the war started he got allies from Japan which would fight the United States. He also got many other smaller countries in Europe to join him in the war to. His attack on Poland in 1939 started World War II. After the attack on Poland, France and Great Britain then claimed war on Germany. By 1941 Germany occupied much of Europe and North Africa. The tide of the war turned following an invasion of Russian and the U.S. entry into battle. The United States also joined after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, by the Japanese. The United States then lost many navy
The Treaty of Versailles,which ended WWI, led to the start of WWII. The Germans as one of the axis powers in world war II were the cause of world war II. The Treaty of Versailles treated Germany harshly in at least three ways is Territorial Loss, Military Reduction and Economic Reparation and War Guilt.
How Did the Versailles Treaty Help Cause World War II? The Great War, or World War I, was a war that took the lives of 10 million soldiers, seven million civilians, and wounded more than 10 million men, finally came to an end on November 11, 1918. After the war, a conference was held at the Versailles Palace, just outside of Paris, to hammer out a treaty. The Prime Minister, Georges Clemenceau, of France, David Lloyd George of England, and the president, Woodrow Wilson, of the United States, were the victorious allied nations that came together and created the Versailles Treaty, where Germany was given no voice and Russia was not represented because they were pulled out of the war in 1917.
“The Allies continued in the years after 1919 to regard the Versailles Treaty as an international contract… but most germans saw it as an atrocitus injustice, an evil thing which must be destroyed.” (Document D). After World War One ended in 1918, the allies found a way to punish Germany, and that was through the Versailles Treaty. The germans did not like this treaty and saw it as an act of war. These and many more events eventually led to World War Two. So, how did the Versailles Treaty help cause World War Two? The Versailles Treaty helped cause World War 2 because of territorial loss, shrinking of military, and paying of war reparations.
Did you ever wonder what caused world war 2? Or at least what helped cause it ? The treaty of Versailles helped cause world war 2 .The treaty of Versailles helped cause world war 2 by Ordering Germany to pay huge reparations, also by taking back the land Germany acquired when they imperialized, as well as reducing Germany's military power .The treaty of Versailles made sure to put a lot of pressure and payment on Germany.
Imagine a court in the 1900s where all the nations of Europe were gathered around to finally end the current conflict and possibly all future wars. Tension built up in each country as each nation signed a treaty that would promise this goal. However, this treaty only caused even more conflict. Thus, one might ask themselves, In what ways did the Treaty of Versailles lead to World War II? The Treaty of Versailles created tension and anger in different countries that it helped cause World War II.
By blaming the Jews for the economic crisis that Germany was suffering through as well as their defeat in WW1, Hitler targeted the Jews as the country’s main enemy. According to him, the Jewish were directly responsible for Germany’s problems. Hitler hated the Jews leading up to the Holocaust because he believed that the Jewish financiers were responsible for sending the world into its first World War, causing the deaths over 100,000 Germans. According to the Nazis the “Aryan race” was the best and strongest race. Jews were of another inferior race. In fact so inferior that they were not considered to be “people” by the
World War II was partly caused by the Versailles Treaty. The Treaty infuriated Germany by taking their money, land and resources, and blaming them for World War l. All of this made Germany want to rise to power and start another World War. One of the reasons Germany was so mad about the Treaty of Versailles is it blamed Germany for the war. The Treaty stated, “...Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all loss and damage.” (Doc D) Germany did not agree that they were responsible for all the damage of the war; they thought this was extremely unfair.
Even though World War I ended, twenty years later, another war starts and it is far worse than World War I. When the treaty of Versailles is Germany becomes bitter and will lead to future conflict. World War I ended November 11, 1918. Woodrow Wilson wanted to create the League of Nations “To settle future disputes and avoid war” but it did not stop the second war to start. How did the Treaty of Versailles help provoke World War II? The Treaty caused World War II by humiliating Germany by taking its land and making them lose resource, making them pay them back for reparations, letting them keep only 100,000 men in the army and loss of major territory.
One of the reasons that caused World War 2 was the treaty of Versailles because President Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau and Lloyd Georges wanted a peace treaty for all different reasons (history on the net, 18/09/15) Woodrow wanted the peace treaty based on his 14-point plan based, this basically means he wanted long lasting peace and he did a speak called the 14- points explaining 14 reasons why he wanted long lasting peace, which he believed would bring peace to Europe. (History
There were many different interpretations and perspectives of the origins of World War II. Some underlying factors consisted of the failure of the peace without victory speech made by Woodrow Wilson, the Treaty of Versailles where negotiations were made by George Clemenceau, Woodrow Wilson and David Lloyd George, the League of Nations which was founded after the Paris Peace conference and the big four. Due to these factors Germany dealt with major impacts, limitations and economic consequences. The treaty of Versailles and peace-making decisions paved the way to WWII by leaving Germany isolated and betrayed. After World War I, the treaty of Versailles and League of Nations were made as an attempt to create peace which failed.
The main reason why Hitler divided the Jews from Europe was because of race but also because of religion. Hitler believed that Jews and Judaism were dangerous and would take over the world. In Hitler’s Mien Kampf he states, “The Talmud is not a book to prepare a man for the hereafter, but only for a practical and profitable life in this world.” Hitler really believed that Jews are taught by their religion to dominate the world so he decided he would do everything in his power to prevent that from happening. The Jews
On June 28th 1919, in the Versailles Palace of France, the treaty of Versailles officially ended World war one. The signers of this treaty implemented certain restrictions on Germany that were to guarantee Germany would never start another world war. This begs the question, “what did the end of one war have to do with the start of World War Two?”. The evidence shows that it was this treaty’s influence on Adolf Hitler that led to the Versailles Treaty’s ultimate failure and provoked the start of the next world war. Because of this treaty Adolf Hitler’s economic plan, proposed while he was seeking political election, was focused on rebuilding and reclaiming Germany. This went hand in hand with the nationalist ideas of the Nazi party.
The Treaty of Versailles was to blame the outbreak of WW2. The treaty of Versailles was one of the peace treaties at the end of WW1 signed on 28th July 1919. It ended state of war between Germany and Allied powers. World War I was a global war centered in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918. The topics that are discussed in this essay are the terms of the treaty of Versailles, the countries and people involved in the treaty of Versailles, the Germans’ reaction to the Treaty of Versailles, the unfairness of the treaty of Versailles, the advantage of the terms of the treaty of Versailles used by the Nazi party and the climate in Europe like in the lead up to WW2. Overall, the treaty of Versailles was to blame for
From the Treaty of Versailles, to the rise of Hitler, and the failure of the League of Nations, there were many causes that lead up to World War II. World War I left Germany with many shortfalls, thus leaving them in the hands of the Treaty of Versailles. Rather unfair of a Treaty, this left Germany once again looking for another way out. A country resented by many had no other choice but to feel optimistic toward Adolph Hitlers empty promises… making it substantially simple for him to gain power so quick. Throw in the Great Depression, and you have a vastly unstable world, which the Germans believed Hitler would lead them out of.
The First World War can only be described as having been devastating. Thanks to World War I, Europe was left in debt and largely devastated. Both sides, i.e. the winners and the losers, suffered casualties never experienced prior to the First Word War. Millions were killed and scores wounded. It is thus understandable that at the end of it all, the victors were seething with anger and seeking revenge. They sought to make those they blamed for the war as weak as possible and with this, the Treaty of Versailles was born. To date, this very treaty is regarded the major cause of the Second World War. Instead of creating peace, as it was intended, this treaty ended up triggering yet another conflict.