It was a hot summer day, and Jackson was at his house getting ready for his baseball game. He was very anxious because if his team won the game they would be able to qualify for a tournament, that a lot of teams from other states would be participating in. But, before all of that came they needed to win this game. Jackson got his hat and went to the car, where his dad was waiting for him. On the way to the field his dad encouraged him to try his best and help his team. An hour later after they warmed up, the game started. Then, two hours later, the game ended and Jackson's team won four to two. Jackson’s team went out to dinner after the game to celebrate their win. The next day the team got flyers on the tournaments and learned
As a result of making Jake the starter, he leads the team to the state championship again. The game went back and forth between both teams which eventually led to Jakes team winning. There was only a couple seconds left and Jake called a play where he let Casey be the quarterback for the final play of the game. Casey scored the game winning touchdown and the was credited for the win. Sarah rushed onto the field and game Jake a hug and then kissed him. Then she asked him whose idea it was for that play and Jake said it was his idea. So after they won Jakes dad went to every single game of Jakes and congratulated him after every win they got.
In the grade A baseball league, the playoffs are very tense and competitive. Justin Time became very angry towards the other team but was enraged by the of one parent's; Bob Betri. Justin time decided to take his anger off toward Bob Betri, by throwing punches and insults. Before this event Alon Time, Justin Time’s son, was very stressed for the baseball playoffs. Justin Time was also stressed and furious. When Justin Time was at the event he was still angry and punched Bob Betri because he was fed up with Bob’s provocative words.
When jackson was president he ran office more like a king then like a president. The first reason he ran office more like a king was because his presidency invented the spoils system. The second reason he ran office more like a king then like a president was the trail of tears. The final reason Jackson acted more like a king then like a president in office was because he ignored slavery. All these reason making him further more like a king.
Over the summer Ben's team played in a baseball tournament, his team was not very good and were losing most of their games in this tournament, and this particular one too. With runners on first and second ben went into into the game as a relief pitcher. On the first pitch the batter hit the ball into right field and the right fielder, Cameron Manning. Cameron fired the ball to second base where the shortstop tagged the runner that came from first out. Everyone was cheering when Trevor, the shortstop, and JJ, the catcher,
The time had finally come for the boy and his father to head downtown to the stadium. As they got closer to downtown, traffic began to back them up for miles. The boy began to worry that they would ever make it to the game on time, creating an illusion of an endless line of cars blocking them from the stadium. Alas, they made it through the disruptions and had arrived at the ball park, the boy looked on in awe, as it was bigger than he ever imagined. Their tickets were scanned, and walked to their seats, first row behind the dugout; the most plum seats in the whole place. The game began with the toss of the first pitch, as the opposing batter stood at the plate; the crowd let out roaring boos. The boy asked his father why they were yelling at the player, his father began to explain he had been caught cheating with steroids and will forever have an asterisk next to his name because of it, all the fans despised him. As the game carried on, each team went back and forth scoring runs until it was tied in the bottom of the 9th inning. The boy’s favorite player was up to bat, and with one swing of the bat, sent the ball over the fence for the game winning homerun. A nuclear cheer erupted throughout the entire stadium as everyone celebrated winning
The game was at a tie, both teams were at 21 points. Luke, the quarterback, was being watched by scouts who were looking for the best players to play for them. It was the final quarter, Lukes team had the ball, and there was 30 seconds left on the game clock. The play started, Luke passes it to Joe, their best player for getting touchdowns. When Joe got the ball, he was off, no matter what the defence tried, their was no way they were going to catch him. Joe had scored the game winning touchdown, the crowd goes wild with excitement. After the game, all of Luke’s friends Joe, Bob, and Bruce, decided to go out to celebrate the game victory. Outside of the stadium, a scout came up to them, and talks to them about
I Willie Jackson release the following information. Authorize temple college Disability office to act as my advocate accommodations concerning my disabilities and or issues arising from medical, not including diagnosis, technical information, to my instructor only. No other Temple college employee, third party or out side agencies is prohibited.
Mike brought three of his freinds to a baseball game. Last Sunday was his birthday and his parents said he could bring three friends anywhere. He chose the baseball game. Mike loved baseball. He loved everything about it. He liked playing it, watching it on television, and watching it live. His friends were excited too. They brought a blanket and sat in the grass. Mike prefered sitting in the grass to sitting in seats. He could stretch his legs. He could lay down if he wanted to. He could watch the funny people in the stands. Mike and his friends left their blanket to get some food. They all got hotdogs and french fries. Mike planned on getting ice cream later. The local minor league team was pretty good, but the opposing team was supposebly
The manager said. Jack knew he only had one more pitched left in him and the only way to get two outs with only one pitch was to get a double play. So Jack started his wined-up and reared back and let the baseball go. He heard his arm crackle and pop as he let the ball go. The batter hit a rocket right back over Jack’s face but then Jack out of nowhere Jack brought his glove up and leaped in the air and made a miraculous catch. Then Jack heard Jackson yelling,
I would investigate how often Mr. Jackson consumes alcohol. It seems as though many of the family’s hardships stream from their misuse of alcohol. I would interview Mr. Jackson to retrieve this information.
“Take your base,” yelled the umpire as Kevin was hit with a pitch on his back. Kevin trotted at a snail's pace down to first base, his face was filled with agony as he grabbed his rib cage. As the game proceeded the pain from the pitch increased but Kevin thought it would eventually go away so he played through it. The game went on and it was close all the way till the end but the Stars pulled out the victory. They are now the 2016 South Carolina 2A High School baseball Champions. The team went crazy, the fans rushed onto the field to celebrate the victory with them. The team and the fans were bumping and brushing up against one another while they were screaming and hollering. Kevin was in the middle of the crowd with all his friends and
Strike one!! The bottom of the 9th down by 3, bases are loaded. And Matt Smith is up to bat. Strike two! The Red Rosters need this win to get to the playoffs. CRACK!! A drive up the middle. You could hear it all around the park. It's a homerun! After the game in Tennessee. The whole team partied like no tomorrow. All of a sudden there was a loud ringing noise. It was like a bell. It was the phone. It was the general manager of the Miami Marlins. Matt's heart was racing the Indy 500 in his chest. You could hear good news in that man's voice. He said, “How would you like to be a catcher for the Miami Marlins?” Matt's heart was beating even faster as if it was going to explode into a million pieces. Matt's said anxiously “Yes!” “Great. You will fly to Miami at dusk.” Said the Manager. But wait will I be playing a lot as a Marlin? Said Matt. The manager said it's hard to say.
In the ninth John came in a pitched. He struck out Alex but not me! I hit a grand slam to win the game and the crowd went wild. I went up to John and said good game but he just tried to hurt me. As I was walking home I grew more scarred and excited as each second went by, closer to home where my mom would say if I made the team or not. I see my door, as I slowly walk up to it with the fear of joy or sorrow. I open the door to hear excitement. I had made the team! John had cheated and used a substance to make his pitching faster. So I took his place. I started running up and down jumping and then I ran upstairs and called Alex. He had also made the team and that practice started in two days. We both had done what we wanted to do, make the team and then try to win the World Series. Well one of those things happened. We had to now work hard and as a team to get the other thing. For the rest of the baseball season we would come here on off days and practice, like tomorrow. Now was the big goal, to make it to the World
As Mike caught a 20 yard pass for a touchdown, the team won the tournament 30-27. It was mid-fall in 2014 when Mike finished football. He decided to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity. So Mike got on his dirt bike and started riding to Habitat for Humanity. While Mike was riding his bike, he tumbled off his bike injuring his arm. He didn’t let that stop him, so he got on his bike and made it to Habitat for Humanity.
David and Brad were teenage rivals. They went to different high schools and competed against each other in almost every sport growing up. David, tall and handsome was talking to Brad who was excited to share the news of his victory the night before. “I got to second base last night! I was in a slump and striking out but I finally made some good plays!” Brad, a little awkward was much shorter than David and not quite as popular. David didn’t believe Brad at all and said, “Sure you did, since when did you get so lucky?” Brad was a bit hurt and wanting to flaunt his prowess to David he blurted, “Oh course I did. I am on a winning streak. Tonight I am going for a Home run!” David, a little jealous and feeling a bit insecure was not sure what