
Why Did Socrates Not Believe In Horsemen's Activities?

Satisfactory Essays

Socrates compares himself to a “gadfly” that “stirr(es)” up the city because he believes he must continually goad the citizens to keep them on their toes and aware that they are not as wise as they think they are. A gadfly is compared to a human being that criticizes another to provoke him while a gadfly bites a horse to take from him. Meletus questions Socrates belief in the gods but Socrates goads Meletus into realizing he is wrong. He asks him “Does any many who does not believe in horses believe in horsemen’s activities?”(27b) Of course a man who doesn’t believe in a horse can’t believe in bettering such a thing that is non existent. Socrates uses this analogy to prove he does believe in the gods because he believes in spirits which are “…gods or the children of gods.”(27d) Socrates doesn’t stop at his …show more content…

Socrates is like a gadfly because he bites persistently. He frequently asks one question after another until his questions are answered. In the beginning of The Trial and Death of Socrates, Socrates investigates Euthyphro to discover the definition of pious and impious. Socrates asks Euthyphro indirectly more then half a dozen times what is pious and impious. In asking him he is persistent in his search for the truth. Socrates causes Euthyphro and Meletus to question oneself, proving that he is not as wise as he thinks he is. Socrates believes Meletus is a riddler because he indirectly says that, “‘Socrates is guilty of not believing in gods but believing in gods’”.(27a) Prior to this Socrates tells Euthyphro that “(he) will be surprised if your arguments seem to move about instead of staying put”.(15b) Again in (49d) Socrates

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